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Follow the links to pages with detailed information about each shirt.

Cover your nakedness with coolness!

Add some pins for extra spice!

Ogre Shirts Check out our selection of OGRE T-shirts and Polos!

Illuminated Hipster T-Shirt The meaning of this shirt is so last year.

Eye In Pyramid Polo Sport this handsome polo shirt to your next work function! The logo on it lets people know that you're one of them.

Aweful Green Things It's Green, it's Awful, and it's a Thing . . . on a shirt.

The Awful Green Things T-Shirt was designed as the official off-duty wear for the crew of the starship Znutar. It's the exact color of Zgwortz, so stains won't show. It has a big picture of an Awful Green Thing, so crew members won't accidentally mistake each other for monsters. That last part didn't quite work out as intended, which is why these shirts are now available to you as high-quality Peace Force Surplus.

Car Wars Classic T-Shirt This Car Wars T-shirt features the classic Pocket Box cover art, for that blast-from-the-past retro factor! Sure to turn heads -- and attract "Hey, I played that too!" comments -- at cons and the local store.

Munchkin Shirt Example You like Munchkin, you like clothes, why not combine the two? Check out our selection of Munchkin-themed clothing and find your favorite! These shirts will let you proclaim your love of the game, and also get you an in-game bonus, giving you an edge over your opponents, you munchkin!

Give Me The Brain

"How may we serve you?"

With zombie art by Brian Snōddy imprinted in hot pink on classic black, the Give Me The Brain Shirt is great for game night . . . or for anyone who still has nightmares about what happened over by the deep fryer.

Only at Warehouse 23!

Chez Guevara The Glorious Leader Is Revolting!

You, however, are stylin' in this red and black T-shirt featuring art from Chez Guevara. It's red, so all those annoying bloodstains you gather in the jungle will hide easily!

Only at Warehouse 23!

The following shirts are out of print . . . that is, we are completely out, and have no current plans to reprint them. The best way to find a copy of an out-of-print shirt is to check eBay or contact a dealer in out-of-print games.

Lovely Loot This high-quality, 4-color, completely evil shirt depicts the Super Munchkin and the Munchkin Babe, surrounded by their ill-gotten loot.

It includes special rules allowing the wearer of the shirt to get extra treasure. How abusive! How Munchkin!

Dungeon Dementia Changing dungeon cards from Munchkin 6 – Demented Dungeons driving you crazy? Wear this shirt to the game table, and you'll get a free treasure card every time someone switches the dungeon! Try and mess with your adventure, will they? This'll show them!

Fairy Dust You asked for it, so here it is – the official Munchkin Fairy Dust T-shirt, previously available only to SJ Games convention staff!

Utterly Unsinkable Avast, and be keepin' yer shirt on, laddie! In addition to be stylin' clothing, the Munchkin Booty: Utterly Unsinkable T-Shirt prevents scalawags from stealin' off wit' yer ship!

Ogre The Ogre rolled on . . .

Unstoppable. Indestructible. Just darn neat-o. Show your support for one of the greats with this homage to a gaming classic.

UltraCorps Alpha Test Conquest Is Still Job One!

UltraCorps – the space-age game of galactic conquest, planetary exploitation, and really big guns – is being relaunched. What better way to celebrate the rebirth of all this massively multiplayer mayhem than with a T-shirt?

Ah, but not just any T-shirt, mind you. This shirt is only being printed once, which makes it something of a one-time offer. Some might even go far as to say that it's a "limited edition," but we certainly wouldn't want to tempt you with those kinds of words, now would we?

Some of you may be asking yourselves "what in the name of everything fnordy is UltraCorps?" Well, that'd be because you hadn't visited the UltraCorps website. So go on. Give it a look. Only one click stands between you and your well-armed space empire.

Ogre T-Shirt

Sensors detect a blip on the horizon . . . it's back! The classic, ultra-retro-cool Ogre tank silhouette on a T-Shirt. The huge lettering and menacing profile will intimidate your opponent into instant submission!

Only at Warehouse 23!

Munchkin 10th Anniversary

Celebrate Munchkin's 10th anniversary in style with the Munchkin 10th Anniversary T-Shirt! These limited-edition shirts are sturdy black cotton with "Munchkin 10" on the front, and the "10 Years of Munchkin 2001-2011" on the back, both in gold ink!

Only at Warehouse 23!

Munchkin Zombies Every zombie knows that fashion is crucial – no one wants to be caught wearing last year's hot outfits while you're stalking the living and eating their brains. Luckily, now you have the Munchkin Zombies T-Shirt in your wardrobe!

Only at Warehouse 23!

Cultic Combativeness Start your games of Munchkin Cthulhu as a Cultist with the Munchkin Cthulhu: Cultic Combativeness T-Shirt! Plus, when Cthulhu arises, the shirt lets him quickly identify who has excellent taste . . . which can be a good or bad thing, depending on which side of the devouring you're on.

Only at Warehouse 23!

Unicorn Bait Unicorn Bait REJECTED

As creatures of unparalleled grace and magnificence, unicorns tend to be a little picky about with whom they'll spend time. Specifically, they only enjoy the company of maidens. Maidens of . . . "pure virtue," if you catch our drift.

Obviously, then, if one wanted to catch a unicorn, one would need to employ such a person as bait. Just get yourself a sylvan glen and an appropriately innocent maiden, and the unicorn will then haplessly stumble into whatever dire end you have in store for it.

Unfortunately, not all of us so readily qualify as a viable unicorn lure. Some of us are . . . less than . . . "pure of heart." This black T-shirt will preempt questions from prospective unicorn hunters who think you might be just perfect in that sylvan glen.

Just imagine how awkward that conversation would be.

Also available as a baby doll.

Only at Warehouse 23!


Cute. Cuddly. Sanity-blasting.

And now it can be on your chest.

Chibithulhu is the cutest version of an Elder God you've ever seen. Who wouldn't want to be hugged by him? Printed in white on shocking pink, this Chibithulhu T-Shirt is adorable and eye-searingly visible.

Only at Warehouse 23!

Cthulhu Dice

Not all cultists wear robes.

Today's fashionable cultist prefers T-shirts . . . just like the Cthulhu Dice T-Shirt. With "Game Over, Cthulhu Wins" on the front and the Cthulhu Dice logo on the back, everyone will know which side you're playing for . . . Cthulhu!

Only at Warehouse 23!

Momentous Unmasking Every journey has a first step. Every saga has a beginning. Every hero has an origin. Every Munchkin game needs a T-shirt.

This high-quality, light blue shirt depicts the highly collectible and completely non-existent "Origin Issue" of Super Munchkin. Like those before it, this shirt gives a special in-game benefit . . . the wearer can avoid Traps!

Star Munchkin High-quality blue T-shirts with the space-armored munchkin from the Star Munchkin cover. Includes special rules to give the wearer a munchkinly bonus in tournament play!

Munchkin Fu High-quality white T-shirts with the Yakuza-Samurai Super Munchkin from the Munchkin Fu cover. Includes special rules to give the wearer a munchkinly bonus in tournament play!

Christmas O Munchkin Shirt, O Munchkin Shirt,
How lovely are your powers!
O Munchkin Shirt, O Munchkin Shirt,
How lovely are your powers!

You get more cards in starting hand;
For giving gifts, bonuses grand.
O Munchkin Shirt, O Munchkin Shirt,
How lovely are your powers.

(With apologies to carolers everywhere)

This high-quality four-color shirt combines the classic Munchkin with the icon of gift-giving: the Christmas tree! Wearers of the shirt can give an item away for its bonus, even if they couldn't normally benefit from it.

'Tis the season . . . for Munchkin-ing!

Illuminati Someone you trust is one of us.

Everything you know is a lie. Everyone has a secret agenda. Everywhere the conspiracy spreads.

Paranoid yet?

You're welcome.

Zombie Dice


The undead are walking and they hunger for shiiiiiirts! The Zombie Dice T-Shirt has Alex Fernandez' zombie head on the front and the Zombie Dice logo on the back. You can indulge your fashion sense, terrify the living, and announce yourself to fellow players.

Only at Warehouse 23!

Traveller Mayday . . .

Hang in there, Beowulf. With your classic distress signal lovingly emblazoned across the back of this shirt, we're getting the word out. Someone out there is bound to have a starship, right?

Munchkin Sweatshirt Check out this Official Munchkin Sweatshirt that'll be sure to keep you warm and protected from cold weather monsters!

Goth If You're Really a Goth, Where Were You When We Sacked Rome?

Ah, the good old days, when a horde of marauding invaders could pillage a city at their leisure. Remind everyone of who the real Goths were with this high-quality black shirt.

This version of the Goth Baby Doll has the letters printed in metallic silver instead of white.

Also available as a crop top.

Only at Warehouse 23!

Gaming Goddess Make Your Saving Roll.

We're girls, we're gamers, and we're proud of it. Display that pride, and a little attitude, to the world with the Gaming Goddess shirt, featuring original art by Phil Foglio.

The Gaming Goddess shirt is in light blue with dark blue printing.

Also available as a baby doll or crop top.

Only at Warehouse 23!

Attack of Opportunity If you can read this you are provoking an attack of opportunity.

The "personal bubble." d20 has defined this term for a generation of gamers. Literally. Around each of us is a five-foot zone that we control with absolute sovereignty. This sphere (well, cube, typically) of airspace is constantly under our watchful eyes and we are all vigilant against incursion into this space. Should some hapless fool decide to pop the bubble, you need only wait until they carelessly step away from you.

Or until they cast a spell. Or use a ranged weapon. Or they stand from prone. Or they sneeze. Or they stop to read this shirt.

Or any number of things. Point is, within five feet of you, you are an unstoppable killing machine. The rules regarding all this can be a little vague. This black T-shirt quickly and conveniently explains to passers-by the gist of the mess that is the attack of opportunity rules, and warns them about the consequences of toying with your threatened area.

Only at Warehouse 23!

Munchkin Princesses Rescue yourself! Fight like a Princess with the Munchkin Princesses Shirt of Royal Decree

The following shirts are long out of print . . . so long, in fact, that we don't even have complete information about them. It's faintly possible that you might find one on eBay or through a dealer in out-of-print games, but it's very unlikely.

Illuminati and SJ Games: Other designs:

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