Copyright © by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.
P. 13. Table of Organization Diagrams: GURPS Special Ops
The text reads:
Air Defense Unit Anti-armor Unit: [a square with a half-circle "rising" from the bottom]
Engineer Unit Aviation Unit: [a square with a tall triangle centered in it (using the same bottom-edge, corner to corner)]
Supply Unit: [a square with an "E" in it, facing downwards ("m")]
It should be:
Air Defense Unit: [a square with a half-circle "rising" from the bottom]
Anti-armor Unit: [a square with a tall triangle centered in it (using the same bottom-edge, corner to corner)]
Engineer Unit: [a square with an "E" in it, facing downwards ("m")]
Aviation Unit: [a square with an infinity-symbol – i.e., a horizontal 8]
Supply Unit: [A square divided into 2 equal, horizontal rectangles; the upper one is white, the lower black]
The online article and the Roleplayer #17 PDF on e23 both have the correct table.
P. 13. The "Temporary Wealth" advantage, when used as described, proves to be too easy to abuse. In particular, being "temporarily" Filthy Rich for 25 points is too cheap. GURPS Cyberpunk includes a special character-creation rule intended for the same sort of situation. A character can exchange up to 30 character points for $5,000 each, but this money must be spent on netrunning equipment or cyberwear; none of it can be saved. In a fantasy campaign, the equivalent would be horse, armor and magic items . . . and so on. Note that the cash equivalent should be adjusted for each campaign; in the cyberpunk campaign, $5,000 represents half of the standard starting wealth. Therefore, if this is used elsewhere, one point should be worth equipment equal to half the starting wealth. Comments welcome.
P. 9. In the High-Tech errata, an H&K CAWS does not really cost $45. This should be $450.
P. 14. Under the Water Family, add the Water college.