Steve Jackson Games GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System

ERRATA – Roleplayer Magazine – Updated June 21, 2002

Copyright © by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.

Issue #17

P. 13. Table of Organization Diagrams: GURPS Special Ops

The text reads:

Air Defense Unit Anti-armor Unit: [a square with a half-circle "rising" from the bottom]

Engineer Unit Aviation Unit: [a square with a tall triangle centered in it (using the same bottom-edge, corner to corner)]

Supply Unit: [a square with an "E" in it, facing downwards ("m")]

It should be:

Air Defense Unit: [a square with a half-circle "rising" from the bottom]

Anti-armor Unit: [a square with a tall triangle centered in it (using the same bottom-edge, corner to corner)]

Engineer Unit: [a square with an "E" in it, facing downwards ("m")]

Aviation Unit: [a square with an infinity-symbol – i.e., a horizontal 8]

Supply Unit: [A square divided into 2 equal, horizontal rectangles; the upper one is white, the lower black]

The online article and the Roleplayer #17 PDF on e23 both have the correct table.

Issue #18

P. 13. The "Temporary Wealth" advantage, when used as described, proves to be too easy to abuse. In particular, being "temporarily" Filthy Rich for 25 points is too cheap. GURPS Cyberpunk includes a special character-creation rule intended for the same sort of situation. A character can exchange up to 30 character points for $5,000 each, but this money must be spent on netrunning equipment or cyberwear; none of it can be saved. In a fantasy campaign, the equivalent would be horse, armor and magic items . . . and so on. Note that the cash equivalent should be adjusted for each campaign; in the cyberpunk campaign, $5,000 represents half of the standard starting wealth. Therefore, if this is used elsewhere, one point should be worth equipment equal to half the starting wealth. Comments welcome.

Issue #20

P. 9. In the High-Tech errata, an H&K CAWS does not really cost $45. This should be $450.

Issue #22

P. 14. Under the Water Family, add the Water college.