GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System

ERRATA – GURPS Banestorm – Updated April 2, 2009

Copyright © by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.

P. 2. Stephan Pennington should be credited as the Lead Playtester.

P. 28. In the Magical Diseases box, change:

If the former, it doesn't prevent them from breeding, and is passed from mother to child. If the latter, it breeds true.


If it's a magical disease, it doesn't prevent them from breeding, and is passed from mother to child. If it's a genetic disorder, it breeds true.

P. 95. Lord Claudius Maskill is a 525-point character. Change the ST cost to 20 points.

New! P. 97. In the City of the Dead box, Change the phrase "have never been confirmed" to "are discouraged by the Church"; the word "those" to "some"; and the phrase "lost or destroyed" to "suppressed."

P. 116. In the Baronness Bronwyn box, change "Caithness" to "Durham" at the end of the first paragraph. In the Deneral box, the word "enough" is used back-to-back.

P. 176. In the Mana Levels Across Ytarria map, the Sahuda description should refer to "yellow dots" instead of "red dots". The area directly south of Caithness should be labeled "Great Forest."

P. 207. In the Freelance Wizard's Body spells set, replace "Itch" with "Vigor."

P. 227. In the third full paragraph, change Earth to Yrth.

Change the Hatchling's attack to: "Burning Attack 1d (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Jet, +0%; Reduced Range, 1/5, -20%) [4]."

Change the Young Dragon's attack to "Burning Attack 1d (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Jet, +0%; Reduced Range, 1/2, -10%) [4]."