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Steve Jackson's Appearances

Want to meet Steve? Here's a list of conventions he's attending, as well as other events where you can find him and say hello.

Our other staff members make appearances, too – click here for a complete list.

July 21-23, 2024
Louisville, KY

My second trip of the year to Louisville. My first visit ever to Imaginarium. This con is largely aimed at pros and beginning pros – I am hoping to make it into some panel audiences for my OWN professional development.

August 29-September 2, 2024
Atlanta, GA

Doing panels. Running games. Taking in the exhausting wonder that is Dragon Con.

September 21-22, 2024
Manchester, NH

I have not been to this show before, but it comes very well recommended. They're enlarging their gaming program. You can help by . . . coming and playiing games!

October 17-20, 2024
Madison, WI

A favorite convention. Lots of good gaming, and it's John Kovalic's home convention, so if you are a Kovalic fan, you should come. Say hi to me, too.

October 24-27, 2024
Burlingame, CA

This is my first visit to BBC. Big Bad Con is a tabletop and live action gaming event. It focuses on a welcome to marginalized genders, queer folks, people of color, and people with disabilities. They actively work "to make the con as physically, socially, and financially accessible as possible, and to cultivate a culture of respect, support, and kindness."

Trip Reports
July 4-7, 2024
Austin, TX

A LEGO convention. A hometown LEGO convention. Of course I will be there.

June 21-23, 2024
Chattanooga, TN

And it's back to Chattanooga! Warning: Attendance at LC is limited to a thousand and they typically sell out within the first hour. So if you don't already have a membership . . . better luck next year.

May 31-June 2, 2024
Birmingham, England

I've never been to a UKGE. It's supposed to be a very good show. We shall, as they say, find out! Looking forward to a chance to hang out with UK fans.

March 15-17, 2024
Atlanta, GA

I missed the first Nerdi Gras due to COVID. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! This is a small con that focuses on fandom, gaming, and celebration of life. As in, Friday and Saturday burlesque shows! Alll this con needs to become a giant hit is more attendees . . . so if you are in the area, check out next year's show.

March 3-7, 2024
GAMA Trade Show
Louisville, KY

After years away from the GAMA show, I got back, and saw a lot of old friends. Our team did a great job of presenting us, and the GAMA team did an amazing job with the show. Best GAMA ever!

Steve Jackson Games
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