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July 15, 2024: Decktective Is Effective!

Like many of you all, I play a lot of games (and not just those by a certain fine purveyor of spiffy products). One series hit my radar recently – after sitting in the closet of shame for the past few years – that we really enjoy. It's the Decktective series, by dV Games.

This is a series of mysteries that – like similar games – can only be played once. (I mean, you can play it again, but you'll know the mystery so there isn't much point unless your memory is terrible.) They're playable solo or co-op, but I strongly suspect it's more fun in a small group. As the name implies, you're trying to solve a mystery, with each card representing a clue or piece of evidence . . . which may or may not be useful.

Decktective has two innovations that make it noteworthy for us. First, you use the cards to "build" the crime scene, tucking them into the box lid to form a little 3D diorama. . . . [more]

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July 14, 2024: Questions Three: Nikki Vrtis

With combined editor and production-artist credits that exceed 400 projects just for Steve Jackson Games, Nikki Vrtis has been a force for gaming goodness since her days at West End Games in the early 2000s. If you've picked up a GURPS project in the past 16 years, the odds are incredible that her name's in there somewhere.

Nikki recently took some time away from her latest batch of projects to answer this installment's Questions Three.

You're rare in the SJ Games pantheon for having extensive experience with both editing and graphic design. What's something your myriad skills let you bring to GURPS?

I work with just about every aspect of book production: editing, layout, art selection, indexing, cover design, supplemental writing, preparing files for print. This helps me to get projects done faster and sometimes do more interesting things to the layout than I could otherwise. As the . . . [more]

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July 13, 2024: Gen Con Blood Drive Returns For 2024

Gen Con is partnering with The Heinlein Society and the Versiti Blood Center of Indiana to host a blood drive. All confirmed donors will receive an exclusive free Loot Crate and a chance to win a daily giveaway. This includes a Grand Prize worth over $2,000:
Loot Crate Contents:
Daily Prize Bundle Contents:
Grand Prize Bundle Contents:
  • Annual Composer subscription to TTRPG audio by Michael Ghelfi . . .


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July 12, 2024: Driven Dreams

Our friends over at Diecast Media Network are working on a cool project, and they need your help to make it a success.
Driven Dreams is an annual event that aims to give diecast cars to kids in need. What sets this project apart from others is that participants donate vehicles to their local charities, rather than one particular group. Here's how the process works, according to the Driven Dreams website:
  1. Start by contacting local organizations to see if they accept toys. Examples include children's hospitals, shelters, community centers, or food banks.
  2. Collect unopened diecast cars to donate.
  3. Tally up your diecast vehicles, then contact Driven Dreams to let them know how many cars you're donating, as well as the organization you're giving them to. You can also send a photo of your donation to be included in a compilation video.
  4. Donate your diecast vehicles during . . .


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July 11, 2024: Discord At The Gaming Table

Wait . . . "discord at the gaming table" doesn't sound great? Well, that's why capital letters and brand names are so important!

It's been a few years since I've had an ongoing tabletop RPG campaign, and even longer since I've had one where there were secrets and lies flying about, but I just realized how much easier computers – especially apps like Discord – can make the whole experience.

No more pulling players aside or handing them private notes. If everyone has a laptop or mobile device at the table, the GM can shuffle around backhanded dealings or secret information that way!

I'm sure this is common knowledge among certain groups, but I just had an epiphany about the different gaming possibilities this opens up.

And as long as you're on Discord, why not check out the official Steve Jackson Games server?

-- Steven Marsh

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