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July 2, 2024: We're Up All Night To Get Stuffies

At stately Vrtis-Marsh Manor, we have quite the menagerie of stuffed animals (and gelatinous cubes, and Cthulhus . . .), which we lovingly call "stuffies." I've had my own collection of various plush pals for decades, and the assortment has only gotten bigger over the years.

One technique I remember from some of my tabletop RPG sessions – especially those with heavy social elements – is recruiting from my critter collection to fill in seats. It sounds silly, but a lot of players (and me, as the GM) sometimes benefit from knowing who's where and having an actual "face" they can address. Sure, the stuffed shark may not look exactly like Count von Destructo, but he's a face the players can turn to when they're making their witty counterpoints in front of the GM (acting as Queen Equilibria). And it's not any less ludicrous than actors in CGI-heavy films addressing a painted tennis ball.

. . .


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July 1, 2024: Christmas Is Coming!

Okay, true, Christmas (and other December-y holidays) are not coming terribly soon . . . but it's still good to plan ahead. Why, you might ask (or I, Steven Marsh, might ask, as a cheap rhetorical device)?

Well, for me, the holidays are always kind of a rough time, gift-wise, because it often feels perfunctory. Like, "Oh, hey, remember how on December 23 you mentioned that thing you wanted for Christmas? Well, guess what's under the tree!!!" Where's the excitement in that?

Conversely, if one starts putting out feelers in the summer for what someone might like – or even starts being observent around them – then it's quite possible to come across a great gift idea that the recipient won't even remember mentioning in five or more months.

This most often comes up for our household at Gen Con, where there are so many shiny and interesting things, not all of which our household can afford . . . [more]

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June 30, 2024: Radiooooo

One thing that's always fascinated me about music is how it can't be confined to national or cultural borders. Whether by radio waves, mixtapes, or even contraband recordings, music finds a way to migrate. And as it does, it takes on new qualities that draw upon traditional sounds or new technologies (such as synthesizers). Ethnomusicologists dedicate their lives to studying this phenomenon, but if you're a dabbler like me, you probably lack the time and money to pursue every sonic rabbit hole that piques your interest. 
Fortunately, Radiooooo is here to help. This unique Internet radio station features a curated selection of songs from around the world and broadly categorizes them based on country, decade, and three styles – Fast, Slow, and Weird. Paid access to the service opens up more features, including Islands, which focus on specific artists and genres, and Taxi Mode, . . .


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June 29, 2024: Munchkin Big Box Backerkit – Super-Duper Last Chance!

Hey, folks! Did you miss the record-setting Munchkin Big Box campaign in May? Did you miss the late-pledge option that was supposed to end last Thursday?

If you're reading this, there's still time!! Maybe. Hopefully. The link for last-minute pledges is somehow still working! And I've confirmed that, indeed, if you give us your contact and payment info, we'll still send you cool stuff!

I'm taking a big chance coming from the past to give you this information. (And by "coming from the past," I mean "furiously typing the afternoon before this posted . . .") But the risks to myself and the timestream are worth it if I can give even one more fan the chance to hop aboard the Big Box bandwagon!

Backstabbing your friends at the last moment is easy for a Munchkin fan. But backstabbing our own pre-order system with a last-second sneak attack? That's a mighty munchkin-ly move – one . . . [more]

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June 28, 2024: Make Today Cooler Than Ever With Pyramid #4/5: Modern/Action II!

It may be hot in the summer, but Pyramid remains as cool as it's ever been. For those who missed the super-successful Kickstarter a while back and have been weeping at opportunities missed in bygone days, we have good news: Pyramid #4/5: Modern/Action II is now available outside that crowdfunding campaign!

Jam-packed with a dozen articles, this issue includes fascinating fodder for GURPS Action, ready-to-use adventure ideas for GURPS Monster Hunters, insight into realistic careers suitable for adventuring, a steampunk setting – even a mad-scientist's airship with map!

With Pyramid #4/5: Modern/Action II, your recent-era adventures just got cooler, spookier, and more dangerous than ever. Download it today, only from Warehouse 23!

-- Steven Marsh

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