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Warehouse 23 Exclusives Now Available for Your Store

For years, limited-run items were available only to fans on Steve Jackson Games' Warehouse 23 website or at conventions.

Recently, we set up our website so you can get these short-run items – including Munchkin items – to sell in your stores! This unique opportunity allows you to purchase exclusive materials at a major discount.

And when you order these exclusive items, you'll get even more than you bargained for: Every order comes with a generous amount of promo stuff thrown in.

The exclusives include items like:

  • Unique T-shirts for Car Wars, Munchkin, and other games
  • Promotional Munchkin buttons, dice, and more
  • Journals, shot glasses, bumper stickers, and more – themed around Steve Jackson Games
  • Chibithulhu plushies for most major holidays

Five easy steps to become a Warehouse 23 Exclusives retailer:

Step 1. Create a Warehouse 23 account. This requires only a login name, email address, and password.

Step 2. Contact our Retail Liaison at Include your Warehouse 23 login name, and say you would like to be verified as a retailer to sell Warehouse 23 Exclusives.

Step 3 (for Texas retailers only). Send a copy of your Texas Resale Certificate to purchase tax free either by email via or by fax at 512-447-1144 (Attn: Retail Liaison). Download the PDF here.

Step 4. Once we have verified you are a brick-and-mortar store, you will receive an email confirming that your account is ready to go.

Step 5. Head back to Warehouse 23, sign in, and click on "Sale!" at the top of the page to start browsing.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All purchases made from this Warehouse 23 account must be for the sole purpose of resale. Any personal purchases must be made from a separate Warehouse 23 account.

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