Pyramid Review

Black Sails Over Freeport (for the d20 System)

Published by Green Ronin Publishing

Written by Brian E. Kirby, Robert Lawson, William Simoni, & Robert J. Toth

Illustrated by Toren "Macbin" Atkinson, Mario Fiorito, David Griffith, Ramsey Hong, Ralph Horsley, Chris Keefe, Steve Lawton, Britt Martin, & Joseph Wigfield

Cartography by Todd Gamble, Hal Mangold, & Rob Lee

256-page b&w softcover; $18.95

Big adventures for d20 System are not all that unusual, but formatting them as anything other than trilogies definitely is. The latest exception is Black Sails Over Freeport, a mammoth campaign crowbarred into the confines of its 256-pages. This makes it by far the biggest release for Green Ronin's pirate-themed d20 System setting, Freeport: City of Adventure. Indeed, a prospective GM for this campaign will get the most out of it by having both the Freeport: City of Adventure sourcebook, and its supplement, Denizens of Freeport at hand.

Black Sails Over Freeport is designed for a party of four characters, of roughly 6th level. From the book's artwork, it is obvious that the four default characters for the campaign should be those first given in Death in Freeport. Of course, they should have gained some experience by playing though both the original . . . in Freeport trilogy and various adventures from Tales of Freeport in order to get to 6th level. That said, the book does not include anything in the way of default characters.


At the heart of Black Sails Over Freepor . . .

This article originally appeared in the second volume of Pyramid. See the current Pyramid website for more information.

Article publication date: April 2, 2004

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