This article originally appeared in Pyramid #20

Pyramid Pick


Published by Heartbreaker Hobbies
Written by Bill King
Price $24.95

Warzone is a table top miniature war game which takes place in the "smashingly violent" game world of Mutant Chronicles — also the same world from which the Doomtrooper TCG emerged. Mankind has abandoned the ruins of Earth and settled throughout the solar system. Under the banners of five mega-corporations, they terraform new homes among our sun's planets. Competition and conflict among these economic giants awaken an ancient power known as the Dark Symmetry. The five Dark apostles and their legions of horrific troops wage war against the corporate armies in the jungles of Venus, caverns of Mercury, the deserts of Mars and the cities of Luna — it's a war of extinction. Rallying mankind in this age of strife is the fanatically religious order known as the Brotherhood. Yet even as the corporations desperately fight off the Dark Legions, they are corrupted from within and continue to fight amongst themselves. Perhaps mankind's best hope lies with the Cartel, an organization attempting to unite the megacorps against the Darkness.

As promised on the cover, Warzone plays fast and furious. Game turns flow very quickly and tend to be very violent.

Each turn, players roll 1d20 for initiative. The player who wins can nominate either one of their own units or an opponent's unit as the first to activate. This unit must then carry out their actions for that turn. Most troop types have three actions with . . .

This article originally appeared in the second volume of Pyramid. See the current Pyramid website for more information.

Article publication date: July 1, 1996

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