This article originally appeared in Pyramid #12

Pyramid Pick

MasterBook Games

Published by West End Games
MasterBook written by Ed Stark
Bloodshadows written by Greg Farshtee
The World of Indiana Jones written by
Brian Sean Perry
Bloodshadows and Indiana Jones —
$30.00 boxed set, $20.00 worldbook
MasterBook — $25.00, available April 1995

MasterBook is West End's entry into the generic RPG sweepstakes. Mechanically, it's more traditional West End than state of the art (or, if you prefer, trendy). West End games are traditionally a bit rules heavy, and MasterBook carries on that tradition, rather than trying to buy into the rules-lite paradigm of hot systems like Storyteller and its ilk. Complexity wise, the game falls squarely in the familiar generic territory staked out by Hero, GURPS and Role Master.

The most obvious difference between this system and its predecessors, is the "MasterDeck," a double deck of cards that comes with each set of the basic rules. The cards allow the players to fudge important die rolls and compel minor favors from the GM (like noticing an extra clue or getting an assist from a gamemaster character). Some of the cards allow the character to take on an extra plot complication (like a romantic entanglement or appearance by an enemy) in exchange for "life points," which also allow the character to fudge inconvenient die rolls.

Roleplayers either love or hate this kind of gimmick, and I'm not going to try to call it one way on another. If you like a game where the GM lets the players share . . .

This article originally appeared in the second volume of Pyramid. See the current Pyramid website for more information.

Article publication date: March 1, 1995

Copyright © 1995 by Steve Jackson Games. All rights reserved. Pyramid subscribers are permitted to read this article online, or download it and print out a single hardcopy for personal use. Copying this text to any other online system or BBS, or making more than one hardcopy, is strictly prohibited. So please don't. And if you encounter copies of this article elsewhere on the web, please report it to