Strange Bedfellows Expanded

An Adventure in Two Parts
Part Two: The Adventure Concludes

by Elizabeth McCoy

A Different Approach

In a police campaign, such as GURPS Cops, humans could be involved when a report of a murder/kidnapping comes in. Anna Kelley's body was found on the scene; lots of blood from at least two other people was there as well, and there are reports of unmarked cars being driven off. The Kelley car is reported at a hotel on the outskirts of town, with a girl and a woman in it. In this version, celestial complications are one to three angels on Ziba's trail (probably Sophie, Minni, and Parnach), and two to four demons (mostly lower-powered ones) likewise.

When we left off last week, the PCs were in transit in their van, heading for where Ziba holed up. If they thought of using the Song of Affinity and triangulation, they'll be on an Ofanite-straight course. If not, it will be more winding.

Ollie, Ollie, Oxenfree

Eventually, the group will get to the warehouse where Ziba has holed up. Here, the primary threat is Ziba himself, until the group can prove their identities! Unfortunately, Ziba has fortified the place . . .

Goal: Get to Ziba without getting caught by a deathtrap, nailed by friendly fire from Ziba (under the assumption that the group are demons), or causing too much Symphonic disturbance.

Possible Solutions: Send someone celestial and ignore the disturbance. Sneak through the deathtraps in a dungeon-crawl. Get a message to Ziba somehow.


Ziba's had over a week to fortify his position as only an attuned Cherub Vassal of War can. He started with a three-part warehouse in an L-shape, with the "I" of it 300×90 feet, and the "stem" of it 270×50 feet. (The division is at the corner, 90×50; and the stem has been rented out already.) The large doors to the dock for semi-trucks is in the inner part of the L, and are about five to six feet above the ground.

The first level of security includes locks on all the doors, with a burglar alarm that alerts the police. This is all that's in section A -- the bottom of the L -- which is rented out. (The GM may find amusement by having it full of pallets of gaming material, such as the group's favorite Most Notorious RPG. If so, the kid Ziba's babysitting (Erica) will likely have gotten some copies to read . . .) The security here is lax enough that Ziba's managed to rig the crates into defensive "lines of fire" and even has a deadfall or two that can be triggered with a good, ST 16/Strength 8 shove. So far, no one's noticed, and recently Ziba appropriated some crates to rig deadfalls in Section B.

The corner of the L, section B, is primarily offices on the second floor, with much less storage space than the other two wings of the building. Section C, the upper part of the L, has a loft on the near end with office-space there, and Section A has its offices in a loft, and on the bottom of the side nearest the corner.

Since it has more rooms, Section B is where Ziba initially set up shop. A bit of "surgery" to one of the walls added a "secret door" into the loft-office in Section C. The offices have windows to the outside -- which Ziba has covered with "mirrored glass" film. (This keeps it cooler inside, too.)

The second tier of trap is tripwires -- baling wire at ankle height on some doors, and head height at others. There are also a few tripwires at various heights, anchored in corners and around pillars, in the large, empty areas of the warehouse. Many of these have metal scrap and/or paper cups tied to them at the anchor points (where it won't reveal their location too much), so that the rattling will alert Ziba. In Section B, some of the crates from Section A are stacked so that anyone who trips the wire will get a crate on the head. After that, extension cords have been taken, stripped at the ends, and the bare wires wrapped around doorknobs. There are small spy-holes cut in walls and floors at angles appropriate for rifle usage, too.

Unfortunately, Ziba has to keep a fairly close watch on things, so that he can disengage the deathtraps if someone shows up to rent Section B or C. Fortunately, his charge is relatively sensible and doesn't go wandering about in the death-trapped area.

The head-height wires will do no damage unless someone runs into one, at which point it does 1d6/2 Body hits of damage. The deadfalls will do (1d6 minus the check digit of a successful Dodge) × 10 Body hits! The electrocution doorknobs require a Strength roll from the person grasping the knob; a success does 7 - check digit Body hits, while a failure is 7 + check digit hits.

Ziba will likely detect the group if they approach from the front driveway, since he's watching the windows. (The inner part of the L has no windows or easily accessed walls for drilling, so he must trust in his tripwires.) Ziba has left waysigns (Superiors 1, p. 121) around the warehouse, indicating, "Attuned Cherub; fortified position." If the War-angels are alert for waysigns, they'll notice them and, hopefully, not walk into the deathtraps.

Crashing the Party

Once Ziba has been contacted, and the situation with the kid has been explained -- or at least dragged out of him -- things get more interesting from a combat point of view.

Whoever is standing guard (there are Michaelites in the group; someone should stand guard) should notice a car coming up the drive. (If it's night, the car will have its lights off, and require a Perception roll to notice, with penalties if there are lights on in the same room as the lookout.) It's moving fast, heading for the access road around the warehouse, to the truck dock. The sequence of events is as follows (until the PCs interfere, that is):

Hi, Boss!

If Lilith shows up, the PCs may invoke one of their Superiors: Michael, David, Laurence, or with the Celestial Song of Tongues, Dominic. Michael will have a short discussion with Ziba, Parnach, or one of the War-PCs, getting up to date on the situation as quickly as possible. (This may include temporary granting of the powers of the Vassal of War Distinction!) Then he'll go off to discuss the matter with Lilith and Leshem, over a drink. David will, well, stonewall. Eventually, barring great efforts by the PCs, he'll let Lilith take Leshem and Erica; they are, after all, Lilim. (He's mildly approving of the pair; they have faced hardship and have a strong relationship with each other.) Laurence will immediately snarl a demand for Lilith to surrender herself, duel honorably, or flee; she'll pick the latter, using Celestial Motion to grab Leshem first. If Erica's not right next to her "Daddy," she'll be left behind, and be vastly upset by this, accusing the angels of scaring off Grandma and Daddy and being meanies. (Laurence will be taken aback by a Lilim who thinks she's human and has human levels of selfishness.) Dominic will tell Lilith that she is summoned for trial, which will get roughly the same result as Laurence's ultimatums. He, too, will be nonplussed by Erica.

Princess on Deck!

This element, though useful for "It Just Keeps Getting worse" effects, is purely optional. If the players show signs of wanting to wrap things up with a brawling bang, don't use this last scene. (Instead, try to let the Lilim escape, as a "The End(?)" or "I Thought You Were Watching Them!" finale.)

Either when the PCs are losing the battle, when they're in the middle of winning, or after they've mostly wrapped things up -- someone strolls through the middle of the battlefield. The someone is about five feet tall, dark-haired, medium-dark skinned, female . . . and a Superior, after one gets a clear look at her. Fortunately, Lilith is in a non-hostile mood; accidental and deliberate attacks will be deflected by a Corporeal Song of Shields, and otherwise coolly and elegantly ignored.

If there are any captive demons, Lilith asks them what their freedom is worth to them, then asks the angels if they'd like to make a counter-offer. (She'll go back and forth till someone stands pat -- sensible angels won't get involved in the bidding war in the first place.) If there are captive angels, Lilith simply frees them, smiling enigmatically while the demons mutter ineffectively. Now the PCs can worry about what they owe her.

What Lilith is really there for, though, is her Daughter, Leshem. The discussion will be entirely in Helltongue, permitting the GM to avoid "talking to himself," winding up with Leshem getting some Essence to heal herself (if still wounded). Depending on how obnoxious the angels have been to her, Leshem will explain a few details of the mission her Mother has just given her. (See her character sheet for details.)

By now, Lilith has slipped away -- only to be discovered curled up on some pillows on the floor, reading storybooks (in Helltongue) with Erica. Upon discovery, she looks up and asks, "What, haven't you ever seen someone reading to her granddaughter?"

And that's probably a good place for the GM to snap books closed and announce, "The end."

Non-Player Characters

(All GURPS characters have the Basic Celestial Template, p. IN9. In Nomine characters have target numbers in square-brackets, for ease of reference.)

Cherub of War

GURPS Character Sheet

ST 18; DX 17; IQ 12; HT 18
Advantages: Alertness +4, Combat Reflexes, Distinction: Vassal of War, Essence Control 12, Extra Hit Points 10, Role 4 (Zachary Barns, Martial Arts instructor), Power Investiture (Corporeal 5, Ethereal 3, Celestial 4), Servitor Attunement (Howl), Strong Will +3, Vessel.
Disadvantages: Dissonance 1, Edgy, Geased Extremely Hazardous Duty (protect Erica), Overconfidence, Reduced Manual Dexterity -1, Servitor of War, Stubborness.
Skills: Acrobatics-14, Acting-10, Axe-15, Broadsword-18, Detect Lies-11, Driving (Car)-15, Fast Draw (Knife, Pistol, Rifle, Sword)-15, Fight Choreography-10, First Aid/TL7-12, Guns (Pistol, Rifle)/TL7-18, Judo-16, Karate-16, Knife-17, Lockpicking/TL7-11*, Mechanic (Small Gadgets)/TL7-11*, Piloting (Hang Glider)/TL7-15, Piloting (Manned Kite)/TL4-17, Riding (Horse)-15, Savoir Faire (Dojo)-14, Spear-15, Staff-13, Stealth-16, Tactics-14, Teaching-12, Throwing-14, Traps/TL7-13.
Songs: Form (Corporeal-12), Healing (Corporeal-11), Light (Corporeal-11), Motion (Ethereal-8), Shields (Celestial-11), Numinous Corpus: Wings-14.
* Reduced Manual Dexterity has been subtracted from these skills

In Nomine Character Sheet

12 Forces, Vassal of War

Corporeal Forces - 5

Strength 10

Agility 10

Ethereal Forces - 3

Intelligence 5

Precision 7

Celestial Forces - 4

Will 8

Perception 8

Vessel: Human/4 (Body Hits: 90)

Role: Zachary Barns, Martial Arts instructor/4, Status/3

Skills: Acrobatics/1 [11], Detect Lies/1 [9], Dodge/2 [12], Driving/1 [8], Emote/1 [9], Fighting/6 [21], Knowledge/3 (Teaching) [8], Large Weapon (Sword/4 [14], Axe/1 [11], Spear/1 [11]), Lockpicking/3 [10], Medicine/2 [9], Move Silently/2 [12], Ranged Wesapon (Pistol/1, Rifle/1) [8], Savoir-Faire/4 (Martial Arts) [11], Small Weapon/2 (Knife) [9], Tactics/6 [11], Throwing/1 [11]

Songs: Form (Corporeal/4 [9]), Healing (Corporeal/3 [8]), Light (Corporeal/3 [8]), Motion (Ethereal/2 [5]), Shields (Celestial/5 [9]), Wings/6 [11]

Attunements and Distinctions: Cherub of War, Howl, Vassal of War

When Ziba answered the phone and heard an old Lilim acquaintance, his first plan was to get close enough to separate her head from her body with as little fuss as possible. Then she explained that she needed a child protected, and negotiations went much more peacefully than Ziba had planned.

Now Ziba's working on protecting the "imp," Erica, while trying to convince her that she needs to redeem. As if this approach to demon-management weren't hard enough for an old War-horse like Ziba, Erica doesn't even know she's a demon. It's very perplexing. However, by now he's willing to accept some help -- and if he didn't go looking for it, he's not against the terms of the Geas. (He'll even resist the temptation to smack around Judgmenters and try claiming it was due to being geased -- though he'll think about it.)

He's honestly sorry that he was missed in Heaven, and holding a note of dissonance for not telling anyone where he was (betraying the trust of his Boss and fellow Servitors), but he's also as proud of Erica, the "redeemable imp," as if he'd hatched her himself. When Leshem shows up, he'll defend her -- if only to get her to let him take Erica to a Heaven-Tether for more protection. (Once she's given that permission -- which she quickly will -- he'll focus more on defending Erica, possibly to the extent of attempting to commandeer a car from the demons out front. They'll resist this.)

Since Ziba is a Vassal of War, he is very combat-capable, and is likely to overshadow PCs. The GM can moderate this by keeping him busy defending Erica and possibly Leshem, and by restricting his access to weaponry and/or ammunition. If necessary, a lucky shot to the leg or gut might even cripple him sufficiently to keep him from defending PCs. (Or the Habbalah could afflict him with depression -- his attunement to Erica would keep that defense up, but everything else would be Too Much Trouble.)

Free Lilim

GURPS Character Sheet

ST 17; DX 18; IQ 16; HT 16
Advantages: Band Attunement (Lilim of the War), Combat Reflexes, Essence Control 11, Patron (Lilith), Power Investiture (Corporeal 4, Ethereal 4, Celestial 3), Servitor Attunement (Passage),Vessel (Attractive, Role 4: Artist), Vessel (Beautiful, Zeroed).
Disadvantages: Disfavored (Renegade), Geas (2 years, to Lilith), Geas (various, other Lilim, -5), On the Edge, Reduced Alertness -2, Sense of Duty (Family), Stubborness, Weak Will.
Skills: Acrobatics-15, Acting-17, Artist-16, Axe/Mace (Club)-16, Climbing-13, Computer Operation/TL7-16, Cooking-12, Detect Lies-14, Driving (Car)-16, Electronics (Security Systems)/TL7-13, Escape-15, Fast Draw (Knife)-18, Fast-Talk-15, First Aid/TL7-15, Guns (Pistol)/TL7-19, History-13, Hobby Skill (d20)-14, Holdout-14, Judo-15, Karate-20, Knife-19, Language: Japanese-14, Lockpicking/TL7-14, Merchant-14, Pickpocket-15, Riding (Horse)-16, Running-13, Savoir-Faire-15, Scrounging-15, Sex Appeal-15, Singing-15, Stealth-19, Streetwise-14.
Songs: Affinity (Celestial-13), Attraction (Ethereal-13), Form (Ethereal-13), Healing (Corporeal-12), Light (Celestial-12), Shields (Celestial-13), Tongues (Corporeal-12), Numinous Corpus (Acid-16, Claws-12)

In Nomine Character Sheet

11 Forces

Corporeal Forces - 4

Strength 8

Agility 8

Ethereal Forces - 4

Intelligence 7

Precision 9

Celestial Forces - 3

Will 6

Perception 6

Vessel: Human Male/1 (Sex Appeal +1, Body Hits 40; currently mortally wounded); Human Female/3 (Charisma +1, Sex Appeal +2, Body Hits 56; currently suffering from a broken leg, treat as a Crippled/4 Discord)

Role: Lee Shen, Artist/4, Status/3

Skills: Acrobatics/1 [9], Artistry/4 (Painting) [10], Computer Operation/2 [9], Detect Lies/2 [8], Dodge/3 [11], Driving/1 [10], Electronics/1 [10], Emote/2 [8], Escape/1 [10], Fast-Talk/2 [8], Fighting/6 [18], Language/1 (Japanese) [8], Large Weapon/1 (Club) [9], Lockpicking/1 [10], Lying/2 [9], Medicine/1 [10], Move Silently/4 [12], Ranged Weapon/1 (Pistol), Running/1 [9], Savoir-Faire/1 [10], Seduction/2 [8], Singing/1 [7], Small Weapon/3 (Knife) [12]

Songs: Affinity (Celestial/3 [6]), Attraction (Ethereal/2 [6]), Form (Ethereal/2 [6]), Healing (Corporeal/1 [5]), Light (Celestial/2 [5]), Shields (Celestial/3 [6]), Tongues (Corporeal/1 [5]), Acid/6 [10], Claws/1 [5]

Attunements: Lilim of the War, Passage (from Theft)

Leshem is an older Lilim, and quite powerful, with many Songs and attunements from Valefor and Baal. (She's unlikely to overshadow the PCs, though, because she's currently wounded and out of Essence.) Leshem "recently" settled down in his Role of Lee Shen Kelley (he took Anna's last name), Japanese-American artist. With mighty Geases to Lilith, he and Anna had a child: Erica.

Unfortunately, Leshem was suspected of treason -- selling Baalite secrets -- and evidence (circumstantial or otherwise) was sufficient that the Game and the War attempted to take him into custody. He dodged them, but they showed up at his house before he did. Anna was killed, and Leshem's male vessel seriously wounded, but he got Erica away and changed into his more powerful female vessel. Then she got in touch with Ziba, and ran off to talk to contacts and find out why the Game and War were after her, and if she could get any allies.

She's found out why they're after her, but wasn't able to find any affordable allies before they caught up with her again, crippling this vessel, too. She's not sure how much longer Ziba's going to be willing to babysit, and is on her way back to tell him to get Erica to safety -- even an angel-Tether. (Previously, she hadn't given permission for him to take Erica to one.) Then she's planning to use her last Essence to change to her mortally wounded male vessel and perish, entering Limbo. Leshem hopes that Ziba will send his friends back to ambush any demons lying in wait for her to get out of Limbo. She is, alas, unarmed -- though she might use the Song of Acid with her last Essence instead, once she sees the PC reinforcements.

The Little Favor that Lilith is going to ask of Leshem involves breaking into a Tether (Leshem doesn't know whose it is, angelic or demonic) and retrieving an artifact sword with a pearl set into the hilt. Considering that Lilith's offered to exchange everything Leshem owes for Erica's creation for this relic, it's important and the Tether's going to be a tough nut to crack.

Leshem cared for Anna, and cares for Erica. Her current state is close to human averages of selfishness and selflessness, though there are a few atrocities in her past. (And she's not inclined to dwell upon those to the extent of repenting.) Her worst sin, though, was being unable to save Anna, and she's been relatively heroic, trying to protect Erica. She's not likely to drive Malakim nuts immediately, till her unwillingness to repent and consider redemption comes up. (She also believes the Hell party line that Lilim fry in Heaven, and will want to protect Erica from that, if not from mild "indoctrination in angel-think.")

Lilim Child

GURPS Character Sheet

ST 6; DX 7; IQ 8; HT 7
Advantages: Alertness +8, Charisma +1, Essence Control 7, Extra Hit Points +5, Luck, Patron (Leshan; almost all the time), Power Investiture (Corporeal 1, Ethereal 2, Celestial 4), Secret Advantage: Patron (Lilith, very rarely), Strong Will +8, Vessel (Attractive, Role 6: Schoolgirl)
Disadvantages: Curious, Fear of Spiders (mild), Shyness (mild), Stubbornness, Youth (age 8).
Skills: Acting-6, Computer Operation/TL7-8, Bicycling-10, Fast-Talk-6, Games (Cards: Go Fish, Crazy Eights, etc.)-11, History-6, Hobby Skill (d20)-7, Kite Flying-8, Literature-6, Mathematics-6, Musical Composition-7, Musical Instrument (Violin)-8, Musical Notation-8, Needlecraft-6, Poetry-6, Scrounging-8, Singing-6, Stealth-6.
Songs: Light (Ethereal-5), Tongues (Celestial-6)

In Nomine Character Sheet

7 Forces

Corporeal Forces - 1

Strength 2

Agility 2

Ethereal Forces - 2

Intelligence 3

Precision 5

Celestial Forces - 4

Will 8

Perception 8

Vessel: Human/6, Charisma +2 (Body Hits: 14)

Role: Schoolkid/6, Status/1

Skills: Computer Operation/2 [5], Dodge/1 [3], Emote/1 [9], Fast-Talk/1 [9], Move Silently/4 [2], Singing/1 [9]

Songs: Light (Ethereal/2 [4]), Tongues (Celestial/1 [5])

Erica Kelley's origins are shrouded in mystery. Leshem doesn't want to talk about it much, and even Seraphim of Judgment are not likely to get much beyond the shrouding of Lilith's involvement. In essence, Erica is the celestial child of Leshem (as "Lee Shen") and Anna Kelley -- and Leshem believes Anna was human. (Indeed, there was disturbance at Anna's death.) Don't ask if Anna donated a Force to Erica, or darker components, because Leshem won't talk and Erica doesn't know. Erica herself is cute, half-Asian, half-Black, and -- even at only 7 Forces -- all Lilim. She doesn't know anything about Hell, or demons, or angels, save what's in popular culture. She has some rudimentary concept that there's an afterlife, and reincarnation, but calls her Songs "maaaaagic." She knows that mean people killed Mommy and hurt Daddy real bad and Daddy's now a girl, who said that Ziba would protect her. She misses her friends. She doesn't sleep. She displays -- and feels -- real grief about the recent tragedy, but is slightly more distractible than a human child might be, if presented with diversion. Since she's unaware of her Band and hasn't made any comments about Ziba's needs, he's decided that she's an imp and he's trying to get the concept of "redemption" across despite Erica's ignorance of celestial matters.

(If Erica's life is put into serious danger, she might spontaneously go celestial to escape -- and is much tougher that way! If things go very badly for the PCs and/or Erica, the GM might have her call for her Grandmother, unwittingly Invoking Lilith.)

Calabite of Fire

GURPS Character Sheet

ST 18; DX 17; IQ 8; HT 18
Advantages: Alertness +1, Band Attunements (Balseraph and Calabite of Fire), Combat Reflexes, Essence Control 9, Extra Hit Points +3, Power Investiture (Corporeal 4, Ethereal 2, Celestial 3), Strong Will +8, Vessel (Zeroed, Unattractive).
Disadvantages: Discord (Corporeal 4: Total Klutz)*, Servitor of Belial
Skills: Brawling-18, Driving (Car)-15, Guns (Rifle)/TL7-16, Throwing-17.
Songs: Numinous Corpus (Feet-11, Horns-12).
*Cabul has Klutz without the normal DX requirements; it's a Discord

In Nomine Character Sheet

9 Forces

Corporeal Forces - 4

Strength 9

Agility 7

Ethereal Forces - 2

Intelligence 3

Precision 5

Celestial Forces - 3

Will 8

Perception 4

Vessel: Human/3, Charisma -1 (Body Hits: 63)

Skills: Dodge/1 [8], Driving/4 [9], Fighting/3 [16], Ranged Weapon/2 (Rifle) [7], Throwing/4 [11]

Songs: Feet/4 [8], Horns/5 [9]

Discord: Twitchy/4

Attunements: Calabite of Fire, Balseraph of Fire

Cabul is on this mission because he was hanging around in the right place at the right time, and Bizjothjah and Eshek both believe in the theory of "expendable front-line troops." Cabul alternately admires Eshek for his brutality, and sneers at him for his "softness" regarding humans. Cabul himself would cheerfully pull the wings off flies, and otherwise torment other living beings, just to get reactions. He's not up on more subtle torments (Bizjothjah's the one for psychological torture), but vaguely understands that these are potent and would like to learn -- even from an annoyingly snooty Balseraph. He thinks of the lesser Baalites as cowardly and cannon fodder, while he is obviously showing them what true warrior spirit is! (In truth, his combat tactics are simplistic: find enemy, shoot rifle at enemy till out of bullets, throw anything available, use resonance on enemy till enemy resists, use Balseraph of Fire attunement to make enemy drop metal things, Sing Horns and Feet, close with enemy and pound enemy into dirt. Find another enemy. Repeat.)

Note that wooden weapons or hafts are immune to the Balseraph of Fire attunement. Note further that Parnach has a certain antipathy toward Calabim of Fire. (This is a way to get Parnach out of the brawl, if he overextends himself in an attack and gets severely injured, or just fixates on fighting with Cabul.)

Djinn of the Game

GURPS Character Sheet

ST 16; DX 12; IQ 10; HT 15
Advantages: Alertness +1, Combat Reflexes, Essence Control 9, Power Investiture (Corporeal 3, Ethereal 2, Celestial 4), Servitor of the Game, Strong Will +10, Vessel (Role 6, Enforcer Thug).
Disadvantage: Laziness.
Quirk: Self-Defense Only, Unless Ordered (because he Can't Be Bothered).
Skills: Acting-9, Brawling-14, Detect Lies-10, Driving (Car)-12, Escape-12, Holdout-10, Intimidation-11, Lockpicking/TL7-10, Savoir-Faire (Servant)-10, Shadowing-10, Stealth-12, Tactics-10, Tracking-9, Traps/TL7-8.
Songs: Attraction (Corporeal-6, Ethereal-6, Celestial-8)

In Nomine Character Sheet

9 Forces

Corporeal Forces - 3

Strength 7

Agility 5

Ethereal Forces - 2

Intelligence 4

Precision 4

Celestial Forces - 4

Will 10

Perception 6

Vessel: Human/1 (Body Hits: 28)

Role: "Jeff," Thug Enforcer/6, Status/2

Skills: Detect Lies/2 [8], Dodge/3 [8], Driving/4 [8], Emote/1 [7], Escape/4 [9], Fighting/2 [12], Lockpicking/3 [7], Lying/1 [7], Move Silently/3 [8], Savoir-Faire/3 [7], Tactics/4 [8], Tracking/1 [7]

Songs: Attraction (Corporeal/2 [5], Ethereal/3 [5], Celestial/3 [7])

Attunement: Djinn of the Game

Gether attuned to Leshen during the fight where Leshen's human spouse was killed, and is still a bit battered from being unable to fight back when Leshen reacted violently. (Thus, it took a while for the Game to catch up -- Gether had to recover.) So long as it's only Leshen in danger, Gether's hoping to sit in the car. He'll be last into any brawl, considering it his job to keep Leshen from getting away again. Indeed, he'll quietly drive away if the angels take control of combat dramatically enough.

Balseraph of the Game

GURPS Character Sheet

ST 16; DX 12; IQ 17; HT 14
Advantages: Essence Control 11, Extra Hit Points +3, Power Investiture (Corporeal 3, Ethereal 4, Celestial 4), Role 4 (PI), Servitor of the Game, Strong Will +2, Vessel (Handsome).
Disadvantages: Overconfidence, Reduced Alertness -4, Sadism.
Skills: Acting-16, Computer Operation/TL7-16, Criminology/TL7-15, Detect Lies-14, Disguise-15, Driving (Car)-12, Electronics Operation (Security System)/TL7-15, Escape-9, Fast-Talk-15, First Aid/TL7-16, Games (Chess)-16, Guns (Pistol)/TL7-13, Interrogation-15, Musical Instrument (Violin)-14, Psychology-14, Physiology/TL7-13, Research-15, Running-11, Savoir-Faire-16, Sex Appeal-12, Shadowing-16, Singing-13, Stealth-12, Streetwise-15, Tactics-14, Tracking-16, Traps/TL7-15.
Songs: Attraction (Ethereal-13), Harmony (Ethereal-13), Tongues (Corporeal-13), Numinous Corpus: Wings-15

In Nomine Character Sheet

11 Forces

Corporeal Forces - 3

Strength 7

Agility 5

Ethereal Forces - 4

Intelligence 9

Precision 7

Celestial Forces - 4

Will 10

Perception 6

Vessel: Human/1, Sex Appeal +2 (Body Hits: 28)

Role: "Benedict Joseph Jamesson," Private Investigator/4, Status/3

Skills: Computer Operation/1 [10], Detect Lies/1 [7], Dodge/1 [6], Driving/1 [8], Emote/2 [8], Escape/1 [8], Fast-Talk/1 [11], Knowledge/2 (Torture) [11], Lockpicking/1 [8], Medicine/1 [8], Move Silently/2 [7], Ranged Weapon/1 (Pistol) [8], Running/1 [8], Savoir-Faire/1 [10], Seduction/1 [11], Singing/1 [7], Tactics/1 [10], Tracking/3 [9]

Songs: Attraction (Ethereal/1 [5]), Harmony (Ethereal/1 [5]), Tongues (Corporeal/2 [5]), Wings/6 [9]

Attunements: Balseraph of the Game, Dissonance Binding

Known as "Bizzy," behind his back, Bizjothjah is technically in charge of the Asmodean-Baalite mission. Being a Balseraph, it's unclear how much he knows about why they're after Leshem, since he'll invent any number of plausible reasons why Baal and Asmodeus want Leshem captured. He has no orders about Erica, but will tie up loose ends by killing her in front of Leshem (if he thinks Erica's human) or capturing her as well (if he realizes she's celestial). All in all, he's a thoroughly sadistic specimen of Balseraph which any Malakite would delight in smiting.

He'll order nearby demons to capture the weakest-looking angel(s) (i.e., one or more of the PCs) so that he can exchange hostages for Leshem and Erica. He'll be happy to torture any hostages in front of Ziba to convince him to relinquish Leshem. (If he gets Leshem, he won't try too hard for Erica, unless he discovers she's not human.)

Calabite of the War

GURPS Character Sheet

ST 18; DX 18; IQ 14; HT 17
Advantages: Artifact (Fiery Sword)*, Essence Control 10, Extra Hit Points +5, Power Investiture (Corporeal 4, Ethereal 3, Celestial 3), Strong Will +2, Vessel (Unattractive).
Disadvantages: Bad Temper (Discord 3), Reduced Alertness -2, Reduced Manual Dexterity -2, Servitor of the War.
Skills: Brawling-18, Broadsword-21, Detect Lies-12, Driving (Car)-16, Fast Draw (Pistol, Sword)-17, Guns (Rifle)/TL7-19, Intimidation-16, Leadership-14, Tactics-14, Throwing-15.
Song: Numinous Corpus: Tail-12

In Nomine Character Sheet

10 Forces

Corporeal Forces - 4

Strength 8

Agility 8

Ethereal Forces - 3

Intelligence 6

Precision 6

Celestial Forces - 3

Will 7

Perception 5

Vessel: Human/4, Charisma -1 (Body Hits: 64)

Skills: Detect Lies/2 [7], Dodge/2 [10], Driving/1 [7], Emote/3 [8], Fighting/2 [14], Large Weapon/6 (Broadsword) [14], Tactics/4 [10], Throwing/1 [9]

Artifact: Fiery Sword/3*

Discord: Angry/3

* Eshek captured it from an angel, and uses it against angels at every opportunity

Eshek was placed under Bizjothjah's command by his immediate superior, and is somewhat grumpy about it -- but obedient. He's the one who killed Leshem's wife, and the only point in his favor is that he did it quickly because he (unlike Cabul and Bizjothjah) doesn't hold with hostages and torture, thinking them decadent and unbecoming to demons. Further, aside from deeming torture to be beneath him -- "that's for Habbalite morons" -- Eshek fancies himself a "surgical strike" commander, and doesn't like the disturbance associated with damaging and killing humans. He's a violent commander with demons, though, prone to breaking bones for minor disobedience, and all his underlings are afraid of his wrath.

He'll quickly figure out that Ziba is focused on defending the child, and delegate the nearest demon or two to harry Ziba -- but stay out of range -- while Eshek himself heads for the target: Leshem. If Ziba is protecting both, he'll try a forked attack to focus Ziba on the child. (In the "heat of battle," he's likely to over-rule Bizzy in this matter -- though it'll be hard to communicate his will in the middle of a brawl.)

Habbalah of the War

GURPS Character Sheet

ST 15; DX 12; IQ 10; HT 15
Advantages: Alertness +2, Combat Reflexes, Essence Control 8, Extra Hit Points +5, Power Investiture (Corporeal 3, Ethereal 2, Celetial 3), Strong Will +6, Vessel (Zeroed, Attractive).
Disadvantages: Overconfidence, Reduced Manual Dexterity -1, Servitors of the War.
Skills: Axe/Mace-14, Brawling-15, Climbing-11, Driving (Car)-11, Escape-9, First Aid/TL7-9, Guns (Rifle)/TL7-14, Intimidation-10, Running-13, Sex Appeal*-12, Stealth-11, Tactics-7, Theology-8, Throwing-10.
Songs: Healing (Corporeal-7), Numinous Corpus-10 (Tail for Enoch, Claws for Gareb).
*They are good at dramatic poses which show off their attractive vessels, thus default Sex Appeal

In Nomine Character Sheet

8 Forces

Corporeal Forces - 3

Strength 7

Agility 5

Ethereal Forces - 2

Intelligence 4

Precision 4

Celestial Forces - 3

Will 7

Perception 5

Vessel: Human/2, Sex Appeal +1 (Body Hits: 35)

Skills: Climbing/2 [7], Dodge/2 [7], Driving/1 [5], Escape/1 [6], Fighting/4 [14], Large Weapon/3 (Club) [10], Medicine/1 [5], Move Silently/2 [7], Ranged Weapon/3 (Rifle) [7], Running/1 [8], Tactics/1 [5], Throwing/2 [7]

Songs: Healing/2 [5], Numinous Corpus/4 [7] (Enoch has Tail; Gareb has Claws)

Enoch and Gareb are essentially Eshek's second in commands -- if only because they're able to beat up the Impudites and Leshan killed his previous one (a Balseraph) during the first attack. Somewhat surprisingly for Habbalah, they have matching explanations for why they're "angels doing God's work in Hell" and nominally working for Baal. (They're there to prove to demons that angels are better, so that Heaven will win Armageddon; they fight against "Heaven's wimps" to strengthen Heaven.) As the closest things to "friends" that Punishers have, they'll cooperate surprisingly well with each other, and even help each other out if they get ganged up on. ("Honestly overpowered" isn't "weak.") They're a bit overconfident, sure that they're the equal of "wimpy" Heavenly angels, but due to their delusion, they won't soul-kill a worthy angelic opponent (i.e., one who fights back), even if they get a chance in celestial combat, unless it's entirely self-defense. (Worthy ones should be vessel-killed and sent back to Heaven to train, you see . . .) They look down on the other demons, but respect the stronger ones' ability to pound on them, and don't intend to "break cover" by revealing they're really on Heaven's side in the end.

Impudites of the War

GURPS Character Sheet

ST 14; DX 14; IQ 8; HT 14
Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Essence Control (7 Essence), Extra Hit Points +4, Power Investiture (Corporeal 3, Ethereal 2, Celestial 2), Strong Will +4, Vessel (Zeroed).
Disadvantage: Servitors of Baal.
Skills: Brawling-16, Guns (Rifle)/TL7-16, Running-11, Scrounging-7, Stealth-15, and one of Axe-15 or Shortsword-15.*
Songs: Form (Corporeal-7, Ethereal-6).
(Gaal uses Axe for his hatchet; Chidon uses Shortsword for his baseball bat.)

In Nomine Character Sheet

7 Forces

Corporeal Forces - 3

Strength 6

Agility 6

Ethereal Forces - 2

Intelligence 3

Precision 5

Celestial Forces - 2

Will 5

Perception 3

Vessel: Human/2 (Body Hits: 30)

Role: none

Skills: Dodge/3 [9], Fighting/3 [12], Small Weapon/3* [8], Move Silently/1 [7], Ranged Weapon/3 (Rifle) [7], Running/1 [7]

Songs: Form (Corporeal/4 [7], Ethereal/4 [6])

* Chidon uses a baseball bat (club); Gaal has a hatchet; Elam actually has a shortsword, and is envied by his fellows.

Chidon, Gaal, and Elam are a matched trio of junior Baalites. They get ordered around by everyone, yelled at because they're so bad at sucking Essence (to give to their superiors), beaten up in the guise of training, and generally have bad attitudes. They're afraid of Cabul, Eshek and the Habbalah, and are wary of the Gamesters. If any of them get an Excellent reaction/positive reaction roll with a check digit of 6, there is a chance they'll be so impressed by angelic teamwork that they'd be interested in defecting from Hell. Whether they're actual redemption potential, though, is problematic.

Article publication date: September 19, 2003

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