Pyramid Review: Dinosaur Planet: Broncosaurus Rex (for d20)

Pyramid Review

Dinosaur Planet: Broncosaurus Rex (for d20)

Published by Goodman Games

Written by Joseph Goodman

Illustrated by Tim Burgard, Derek Schubert, V. Shane, Walter Stuart, David Wong and Thomas Yeates

96 pages; $20.00

Take one part Old West, one part American Civil War, and inject both into the big fleshy parts of a dinosaur or two, before adding a heavy sprinkle of space going Science Fiction and plugging this soggy mixture into the d20 System, and what have you got? Cowboys and dinosaurs and . . . Oh my! Or rather Dinosaur Planet: Broncosaurus Rex, a new d20 system setting that returns to the genre last visited by GURPS Dinosaurs and GDW's Cadillacs & Dinosaurs RPG, based upon the comic Xenozoic Tales by Mark Schultz.

The setting for Broncosaurus Rex is Cretasus in the year 2202. Cretasus is a large Jupiter-sized planet with an Earth-like atmosphere and climate, as well as being only a 1-G world. Twenty large valleys, each with different range of flora and fauna last seen when dinosaurs walked the Earth; dominate the planet's surface. Further, many of the dinosaur species are intelligent enough that they can be domesticated, trained as riding beasts or even form tool-using tribes of their own. No single political faction dominates Cretasus, though because of its abundant mineral and biological resources, both the Federal Union of Planets and the Confederate States of America would like to do so.

Although it is not made clear initially, Broncosaurus Rex is actually set within . . .

This article originally appeared in the second volume of Pyramid. See the current Pyramid website for more information.

Article publication date: February 22, 2002

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