Pyramid Review: The Book of Eldritch Might (for d20)

Pyramid Review

The Book of Eldritch Might (for d20)

Published by Sword & Sorcery Studios

Written by Monte Cook

48 b&w pages; $10.95

The Book of Eldritch Might is full of crunchy stuff that can easily be added to most campaigns with a minimum amount of set up time. There are new feats, prestige classes, spells, magic items, and a new template.

Among the new feats, a new type of feat is introduced, the Eldritch Feat. These feats grant magical abilities or mystical powers. Despite the potential for abuse, they have high requirements so low level games shouldn't suffer, and by the time the character can use them, the abilities of the feats, while powerful, aren't unbalancing at that point. For example, Conjure Mastery grants all creatures summoned a +2 bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity, while Lace Spell has three sub feats like Elemental Energies, Enemy Bane, and Holy/Unholy. Each one adds an extra amount of damage with a special kick to it. Enemy Bane inflicts +20% damage against that type of creature.

For those more interested in general feats, the manufacture magic poison feat allows the user to invent poisons, a great feat for any assassin with a very high requirement of spellcaster level 1+ and Cha 19+. Other feats include Dreamspeaking, a useful tool for roleplaying out dreams and dream scenes, and magic talent, which gives +2 bonus to Knowledge (arcane) and Spellcraft. At this point, I think it's time that the official feat Skill Focus either go up to +3 for a . . .

This article originally appeared in the second volume of Pyramid. See the current Pyramid website for more information.

Article publication date: January 18, 2002

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