Pyramid Pick: The Speaker in Dreams (for D&D)

Pyramid Pick

The Speaker in Dreams (for D&D)

Written by James Wyatt

Published by Wizards of the Coast

32 b & w pages + 10 pages of "Web Enhancement;" $9.95

(SPOILER ALERT: If you plan on playing in this adventure, you probably don't want to read this review.)

The Speaker in Dreams is an adventure for four 5th level characters. Like the Sunless Citadel and The Forge of Fury, this is one of the core adventures that is supposed to be kept in print. Unlike those two though, this isn't solely a site-based encounter. That's right, there's more than just running around the dungeon this time. Taking place in the city of Brindinford, the characters get to match arms against wererats and wits with a player's most dangerous foe: NPCs.

The adventure starts off with an introduction that gives a one sentence recap of what the adventure is about, how many characters are needed,what level the characters should advance to by its conclusion, and notes on why the adventure has encounters a bit more difficult than earlier adventures. The adventure background and synopsis allow a GM to read it over briefly and know why the events are taking place. The section on character hooks enables the GM to get the players involved. Because Brindinford isn't just a hamlet, the city is broken up into neighborhoods, each with a different style and information. The Ford North is the wealthier holy quarter, while the Southspur is the poor area. Text that is to be read aloud is in a gray . . .

This article originally appeared in the second volume of Pyramid. See the current Pyramid website for more information.

Article publication date: February 2, 2001

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