Pyramid Review: Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Game

Pyramid Review

Death in Freeport, a D20 System Adventure

Published by Green Ronin Publishing

Written by Chris Pramas

32 pages, $7.99

Chris Pramas, author of the excellent AD&D sourcebook/adventure Vortex of Madness, managed to write and publish one of the very first of the D20 supplements in time for the release of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook. D20, the game system used by the newest edition of Dungeons & Dragons, is best explained at the Open Gaming Foundation website (and in the review of the Third Edition Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook in this issue of Pyramid).

Death in Freeport is a short adventure for beginning characters and is presented as the first in a series of adventures which take place in the city of Freeport, located on a small island cluster known as The Serpent's Teeth. A short boxed section of the adventure gives a few hints on incorporating the city into any already existing fantasy campaign. The opening of the adventure provides minor details on the history and creation of the city (founded by pirates who used the location as a hideout for several years before turning into an almost respectable city).

Details on the city are sketchy and a gamemaster interested in incorporating the city into his campaign will have to do quite a bit of work or else wait for additional Green Ronin D20 adventures to add detailed information for him before using the city. This is the largest problem with "generic" adventures and I feel . . .

This article originally appeared in the second volume of Pyramid. See the current Pyramid website for more information.

Article publication date: August 18, 2000

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