Pokémon Jr. Adventure Game
Published by Wizards of the Coast
Game Design by Bill Slavicsek and Stan!
Game Development: Jeff 'Zippy' Quick
Boxed set, $9.99
Pokémon Jr. is the latest game from Wizards of the Coast and is billed as an adventure game recommended for a parent and 1-6 players, ages 6-8. The box contains a 60-page story book, 26 Pokémon power cards, 6 Pokémon trainer checklists, 2 Pokécoins, 48 hit tokens and a die (d6). The game is not compatible with the Pokémon CCG or any of the computer games the CCG was based on. It is a stand-alone game of storytelling for young children and parents.
Players become young Pokémon trainers seeking glory, experience and more Pokémon while the parent uses the story book to guide them. There are 48 Pokémon cards for the trainers to collect through various encounters detailed within the story book. Combat consists of die rolls compared to one of two maneuvers on each Pokémon power card. If the die roll succeeds a number of hit tokens are placed on the opponent's card. Once the hit tokens exceed the HP (hit point) total of the Pokémon that Pokémon faints. Occasionally this technique is used to succeed at various other tasks such as scaring off a flock or wild birds or pushing over a tree, but the technique is similar. Each Pokémon has two attacks, one of which has special effects such as healing HPs or attack again. This special ability succeeds or fails with a flip of the Pokécoin, essentially heads . . .
This article originally appeared in the second volume of Pyramid. See the current Pyramid website for more information.
Article publication date: April 14, 2000
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