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September 26, 2024: Hear The Call With Choose Cthulhu Books 7-10

Imagine: A world of eldritch terrors. A world of bizarre mysteries. A world of extraterrestrial beings. 
This is the world of Cthulhu!
Based on classic tales of cosmic horror, Choose Cthulhu is a series of stand-alone game books that take you on a solo journey through the Miskatonic Valley. Each page offers a chilling challenge to make decisions that ultimately decide your true fate. The first six books in the series launched on Kickstarter in 2023. Now Choose Cthulhu returns to crowdfunding on October 1 with four more terrifying tales:
The Arkham Madhouse: You find yourself locked in the most notorious asylum in the Cthulhu mythos. Will you find an escape or succumb to insanity?
The Color Out of Space: On a farm near Arkham, a meteor has crashed down to earth. You'll need to uncover information about the unimaginable threat that now resides on our planet. Before . . .


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September 25, 2024: Today's Half-Baked Idea: Failure?

I've been experiencing the joy of roguelike games on my Nintendo Switch, which deliver a bite-sized batch of fun on the portable console.

For those who aren't familiar, roguelikes are – very briefly – dungeon-crawl-type games with more or less randomly generated environments. One element in some of the genre is the assumption of frequent failure combined with the promise of power-ups: You explore, you find (say) coins or gems, you die, you use the loot to buy upgrades and new abilities, which help you explore more. Each time you die, you (hopefully) have made some forward progress in the overarching game.

This general cycle of gaming seems like it'd be suitable for a tabletop RPG: You're underpowered, you explore/fight, you die, you get points that help you power up . . . and then you face the same (or similar) dungeon with the goal of eventually getting powerful enough to . . . [more]

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September 24, 2024: Pew Pew!

I haven't had a chance to play Star Wars Outlaws yet, but I have been amused by early reports of the in-game pet Nix, who has a "pet" command and can be made jealous if you give attention to other animals. I was especially delighted by online reports about what happens if you point your blaster at Nix. Here's one YouTube video, but there are several others (apparently, there's some variation as to what exactly happens).

-- Steven Marsh

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