Tuesday August 5, 2003: The Ultimate Ogre
At last, Combine's mightest Ogre is available. The Ogre Mk. VI has rumbled onto the battlefield.Order it here.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Monday June 16, 2003: Off The Wall Armies World info?
I know Off The Wall Armies has more than a few fans out there. And Richard's got more than a little of the background of OTWA mapped out, in his head.
The question is, would you like to see the OTWA world? This could take many forms, from more extensive notes on the website to a full fledged worldbook. Let me know what you think.
Oh, and this link has nothing to do with OTWA.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Friday June 6, 2003: General Update
I guess it's about time for a general update, to let everyone know of our progress on various projects.The fen walker from Uplift Miniatures got a few tweaks, to help ease the assembly.
The last few details on the Transhuman Space Miniatures figures are done, and I should be able to post some images of the greens next week. I'm particularly excited about the volkspider.
Richard is working on painting representative samples of the Snakes Alive! group of OTWA figures. He just finished up the Ogre Mk. VI, and you'll see that next week.
And speaking of Ogre, if you haven't checked out the optional Jammer rules on the North American Combine Structures page, give it a look.
Oh, and we're finishing up a project with Tom Meier too, but I can't talk much about that....
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday May 22, 2003: Macrotures!
Yes, it's true. Mactrotures are here.
Most of you have seen the Daily Illuminator already, so you know what I'm talking about. For the rest of you, Mactrotures are 1/60 scale Ogre vehicles.
For a good feel of the scale, check out the picture to the left. Yep, that's a full sized Ogre Mk. V sitting next to the Galahad.
As usual, send your thoughts on Mactrotures, the page design, the photography, or my mother to: paul@sjgames.com.
And hey, thanks for buying Ogre stuff!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Saturday April 26, 2003: The Highlanders are Back!
After an absence of almost 20 years, Highlander Badgers have returned, kicking off the re-release of the Off The Wall Armies line of bizarre fantasy miniatures. Sculpted in 28mm scale, each army features anthropomorphic animal figures with weapons and gear from different historical periods. These figures are the delightfully strange creations of Richard Kerr, who sculpted all the figures and developed the bizarre universe they come from.
The Highlander Badgers are based on the North American badger (Taxidea taxus), with a culture from the 16th- thru 18th-century Scottish Highlands. Currently available are the Sergeant, the Longbowman, the Humbly (Commoner) with Axe, the Bagpiper, and the Chieftain. Future releases for this group will include the Highlander Cavalry and claymore-wielding warriors.
The Highlander Badgers are brought to you by Gray Cat Studios and Steve Jackson Games, and are available exclusively through Warehouse 23.
The entire Off The Wall Armies line will eventually be available again, and Kerr is busy sculpting another generation of great new figures. Armies will be released approximately every other month. The Otterman Empire is due out next, followed by the Semi-Colonials, Something Fishy, the Snakes of Wrath, and Kat-anas.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Friday April 4, 2003: Spring-time in Austin
Spring has sprung here in Austin. The bluebonnets line the highways, along with this pretty little red flower (for some reason, the name escapes me at the moment), and the days are getting warmer. Well, make that "hotter." Typical spring-like weather lasts about 10 minutes here in the Lone Star State, then we move to the summer heat.The casting crew is working on the Pokethulhu set, so we should see those on the shelves of your FLGS by the end of the month. Their next project will be the Special Ops figures, which make me want to run a counter-terrorism game in a big way.
Richard is working on the Transhuman Space figures, which means a lot of correspondence with one of the most creative guys in gaming, Transhuman Space's creator David Pulver. Nice guy, for a Canadian :)
(That's a joke, BTW. I like Canada, except for the inhabitant's ability to drink me under the table. More kidding! I kid because I'm under the influence of Coke's new energy drink Monster. Beware!)
Oh, by the way, we haven't announced the Transhuman Space set yet, so don't tell anybody I let it slip!
Have a great weekend!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Wednesday March 26, 2003: Fen Walker
We've gotten the dolphin walker (or "fen") from the Uplift Miniatures set together, and here's a picture of it.
The small object at the fen's feet is the warmask. The front slips over the fen's nose, and clips to the sides of it's head. It holds two modules, which could be weapons, sensory equipment, or other gear.
If you'd like a huge image, click here. It's about 2 megs.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday February 20, 2003: Ross' Dragon
During our painting party a couple of weeks ago, only one person actually finished painting their dragon. Ross paints disgustingly fast, and finished his in less than 30 minutes. Of course, he didn't really tweak his much :)
Ross started with a basic Snarl, and substituted one of the curved necks. He straightened out the tail a bit, but really didn't modify it any more than that.
That neck was pretty popular during our dragon session. Dragons Miniatures (just released!) has three different necks -- upright (also known as Valor's neck), stealthy (Snarl's), and curved. The curved neck came from an idea I had for a diarama, involving a dragon biting into the ribs of an adventurer. The head would have to be tilted almost 90 degrees from normal, an angle which would have been very difficult to get from most dragon necks. So Richard built one from the ground up, making it look like a striking snake.
Ross' secret to speed-painting is painting everything black, then drybrushing the interesting areas. To me, it sounded too simple to look good, but I can't argue with the results!
For a jumbo version, here's a larger-than-life shot of Ross' dragon. It's about 5 megs, so be warned.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday February 13, 2003: Dragons!
Every once in a while, we actually get to do the thing we tell people we don't do -- sit around and play games. Ross (our Sales and Marketing guy) was visiting from the Great White North, so we sat down a put together a couple of dragons.
We started with the parts that are included in Dragons Miniatures, and twisted them into unique shapes. Each dragon is made up of a head, a neck, a body, a tail, and a pair of wings. The body is a bit thick to flex much, but the limbs can be put into a wide variety of positions. The neck, tail, and wings are all thin enough to be bent using just your fingers.
The dragon featured today is the one I did (hey, I'm writing this, so I should get some perks!). I started with Snarl's body and tail, and twisted the front legs up. This gave the fore body more height. The left leg I raised even higher, and bent the middle claw down. It looks like he's either casting a spell, or at a metal concert.
The neck is the combat neck, designed to position the jaws right at a 28mm adventurer's head. I positioned the mouth to open far wider than it was supposed to -- the rough spot at the back of the throat is the green putty I used to secure it all together.
Obviously, I didn't get very far painting him. After I primered him, I was distracted by a four-armed skeleton I bodged together from the pieces in the Skeletons Miniatures set. The blue-ish tint you see is a result of my mucking about with Photoshop.
For a jumbo version of this image, here's a larger-than-life shot of my dragon. It's about 5 megs, so be warned, but you can see all the details very nicely. Of course, you can also see my ham-handed assembly, too.
All told, we put together 10 dragons, and no two of them were the same. I'll post the photos of them over the next week, so keep checking back to see how bad a painter I really am!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Monday February 3, 2003: Uplift Greens
Looking ahead, this summer we'll be releasing a set of miniatures to support GURPS Uplift 2ed. The greens just got approved, so we thought we'd show them off a bit. First is the fen in his walker -- technically, that's not a green, since it's digitally sculpted, but it will do for this sneak peek. Next, the Tymbrini and a quartet of chims; diplomat, soldier, spacer, and technician.
The orange and black sections of the figures are not paint; they're actually different types of sculpting putty, used to capture different levels of detail.
As usual, Richard Kerr is responsibile for these guys.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Friday January 10, 2003: And we're back!
The new year has begun, and already I'm losing track of time! Oh well, at least I haven't mis-dated any checks yet.The Harpy is now available through Warehouse 23, and we've got a new picture up on the Monsters Miniatures page. Pokethulhu also got some new pictures, which I'll be adding to that page today.
What else is new? The Skeleton Miniatures set has been announced for March, and the page is up with images of each of the little guys. If these guys are popular, Richard has a long list of variations he'd like to do, including chainsaw and Longhorn versions. Alex over in Production wants a werewolf head. Me, I'm wondering what Ninja Skeletons would look like. Probably nothing like this.
As always, send your weird ideas and doctored Cathy Rogers photos to me, here at paul@sjgames.com.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday December 17, 2002: Monsters!
Yup, we're going into the monster biz.
Starting today, Warehouse 23 will be carrying Monster Miniatures. First up is the "preview" of Valor, our friendly dragon who will be released with his brother Snarl in February.
Also, we've got Cerberus, giant ants (yes, they're the same as previously released in GURPS Miniatures: Giant Ants, but they're monsters, too!), and a harpy (coming soon).
In the future, we have a chimera and a hydra planned, as well as Patsy from the British comedy Absolutely Fabulous.
(no, not really! I was just checking to see if you were paying attention. 'Course, she is a monster, so....)
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Wednesday December 4, 2002: X-Mas!
Thanksgiving has come and gone, and that means Christmas is on its way!What does that mean here in the minis factory? Other than the normal end-of-year inventorying, we'll be out of the office for between December 24 and January 2.
(Hey, the Mk. IV made Warehouse 23's Best Seller List for November! A big "Thanks!" to everyone who ordered!)
Warehouse 23 will still be open for most of that time, but shipping has a few restrictions. If you want your Ogre Mk. IV to arrive in time to be under the tree, December 9 is the cut-off date for postal deliveries. If you can accept UPS, December 16 is still OK. However, if you're willing to lay down the cash for Next Day Air Delivery, you can make an order as late as the 22nd.
As always, if you're concerned or have questions about your order, check with Cyndy or Michelle in Warehouse 23 for details.
Look for a cerberus to be newly available next week. I'd like to add a couple other figures, but I need to take care of some extra coding before I can say for sure.
Ah, heck! I still need to do my shopping, too!
Where does the time go?
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Wednesday November 27, 2002: Turkey Day
Thanksgiving is coming up quick, but I've got a few minutes for a progress report from the halls of miniatures.Richard is sculpting away, and has just finished a couple of fantasy monsters for mid-December. These will be released through Warehouse 23 as part of our new line of realistic, multi-genre minis (BTW, if you've got a good name for such a line, drop me a line). The first two will be a cerberus and a harpy. I'll get some images up after the holiday.
The casting crew finished up the batch of figures for the Frag PvP game. Translating a character from a 2D medium to 3D, and keeping it castable, isn't easy. These look very nice though!
On the Ogre front, movement has occured on Macrotures -- look for the Paneuropean GEV during the first quarter of 2003. Design work progresses on the Vulcan and the Mk. VI -- check out Pyramid's Ogre board for the gory details.
Hmm, what else? I'm trying something different with our turkey this year. On the recommendation of Alton Brown of Food Network's "Good Eats," I'm soaking the bird in brine before roasting it. (I'm also kinda taking over, a fact which does not make my holiday loving wife happy. She's got this idea that I turn the kitchen into a mess anytime I cook. Silly, really.)
Oh, and Alex from our Production Department stuck a Star Wars figure into our display case. Alex is weird, but it looks like the stormtrooper is fleeing a squad of Daishuru, so it's all good:)
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday November 19, 2002: New Dragon!
You've seen Valor. Now meet his nasty cousin, Snarl.Both dragons will be available in 2003.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday November 5, 2002: Two new miniatures!
After a burst of scanning and photo-snapping, images of several sets of minis are winding their way to their respective product pages. Look for fully painted pictures of the Hellboy Heroes today, and then Hellboy Villains, PvP Frag, and the Munchkin Level Counter tomorrow.Of course, we haven't just been taking pictures -- we do have a couple of new miniatures we'll be releasing soon.
First, for the Ogre armies, the Ogre Mk. IV is now available for preorder! Just jump over to the Mk. IV page to see the newest Combine unit, and then follow the links to Warehouse 23 to order! This will be available online only, so order today!
(Hey, if you like the Mk. IV page, let me know. It's kind of an experiment, and if you like it, you'll see more pages with that format. If you don't like it, point out the things you don't like, so we can improve!)
Also, just announced for Febuary, Dragon miniatures are coming! These dragons will have fully interchangable necks, tails, and wings. They're also scaled to be a realistic challenge to a group of 28mm adventurers. Because, really, when the dragon is 10 times taller than your character, you're going to get the heck out of that cave as fast as your Wand of Teleporting will move you.
On the horizon, we've got new Ogres (the Mk. VI and the Vulcan are in the design stage), new Ogre buildings, and new 28mm sets (Transhuman Space, Uplift, and lots of undead in various forms). 2003 looks to be a good year for miniatures!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday August 20, 2002: New Texas regulations
Some of you may have heard of the new regulations from the Texas Department of Health. In short, they require warning labels on "hazardous articles." Early speculation indicated that the definition of "hazardous article" might extend to dice and miniatures, both of which could, concevabley, cause a child to choke, if they attempt to swallow it.
This week, the official indications are that, if the product is not intended for children, and labeled as such, the big red "WARNING" sign isn't necessary. We've always had cautionary text on our packaging, so this is good news.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Friday July 26, 2002: Munchkin Miniatures!
If you're a munchkin in the game, why not use a munchkin for your miniature? Six different figures, based on John Kovalic's hilarious illustrations, were all released upon the unsuspecting gaming public this month. To the left is the Supermunchkin, armed with the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment! (Also look for this handsome devil staring in his own tshirt, exclusively from Warehouse 23!)
Next up is the Unnatural Axe. She graced the cover of the Munchkin expansion by the same name, as well as her own tshirt.
Every party needs a well equipped Hero! This one is carrying the Singing and Dancing Sword, and wearing a suit of Mithril Armor, Sandles of Protection, a Bad-Ass Bandanna, and the dreaded Spiky Knees. Total bonus: +9!
And now, to show even munchkins have a softer side, we present the Leather Armor Babe. Swinging a Broad Sword or a romantic night at home, she's dressed to slay!
Forget the spellcasters? Never! Here is the classic healer, the Cleric, a gentle soul armed to his dangerously grinning teeth with a Mace of Sharpness and a shield decorated with the most vicious of foes -- the Large Angry Chicken!
Finally, we have proof that munchkins are always creative. Not content with the stereotypical bearded wizard, our munchkin has a Halfling Wizard, complete with Pointy Hat of Power and magic wand.
And as a special bonus, included in each set of Munchkin Miniatures is a Dread Gazebo, with three interchangeable pairs of eyes -- sleeping, angry, and dead.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday April 2, 2002: And we're back!
It looks like I've been gone a bit longer than I wanted:)Well, as you may have heard, Car Wars has gone to the printer, and the GAMA Trade Show has come and gone, so hopefully I'll have time to touch base here more often.
Miniatures news? Oh yeah! Our resin equipment is here, and we'll be pouring molds today. Combine Set 8: Divisional Assets will be our first resin project, though as soon as we get the feel for the process, we'll be clearing out those backed up projects, like Pokethulhu and the Combine laser towers.
Given the reception of Car Wars, we're moving forward with the CW minis line. They'll be 1/60 scale, and digitally sculpted from Alex Fernadez's cover art by Richard Kerr.
On the Ogre front, we've got three new Ogres scheduled for this summer: the Mark I and Mark II in Combine Set 11, and the Mark IV in Combine Set 13.
We also have Munchkin Miniatures, Frag Miniatures, and Hellboy Miniatures. And for Christmas, we're planning on our first large piece -- a steam powered Dragon.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday January 31, 2002: Hellboy -- Tough as Metal!
For those who couldn't attend the chat last night, SJGames has just announced the Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game, based on Mike Mignola's mighty demonspawn.
Additionally, we'll be releasing two miniature sets of characters from the stories. Hellboy Heroes and Hellboy Villains will both be released in the fall of 2002. Richard Kerr will be doing the sculpting honors, with input from Mike himself.
If you're not familiar with Hellboy, I recommend taking a few minutes to view the online comics, the links to which can be found here. They give an excellent taste of Hellboy's world and look. Neat stuff, all the way around.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday January 15, 2002: A New Ogre Scenario Contest!
The first Ogre Scenario Contest was such fun, we decided to do it again!
The rules are simple. You create a scenario for the GEV map and send it to us. We'll choose the best of the bunch. One scenario will be Numero Uno, and will win a fabulous shopping spree -- $100 worth of loose minis from Warehouse 23. Two Runners-up will each receive $50 of loose minis, and the Top Seven will be published in Ogre Scenario Book 2 . All seven contributors will receive two copies of the book, one signed by the Original Ogre himself.
We'll be judging each scenario on fun, balance and creative use of the GEV map. Being able to play the scenario with just the contents of Deluxe Ogre and Deluxe GEV will be a bonus, as will flavor text. All basic rules should be found in the Deluxe GEV rulebook; optional rules from Shockwave, Ogre Reinforcement Pack, Battlefields, or Ogre Miniatures are acceptable as well. "House rules" are very iffy -- include them at your own risk. The style from Ogre Scenario Book 1 is now our official Ogre scenario style, so be sure to use it. We also require an electronic submission, in one of the following formats: Word (preferred), TXT, RTF, or Claris.
All submissions become the property of Steve Jackson Games. Scenario submission deadline is 20 February 2002. Steve Jackson Games or its appointed representative shall be the sole judge of this contest.
For complete rules and contest updates, click here.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday January 10, 2002: Combine Set 9 Errata
Combine Set 9 is slooooooowly coming together, but I've just come across a piece of errata.
The point value of Combine Set 9 is 72 points. Each Laser Turret is worth 12 points, and there are 3 in each set. Each Laser Tower is worth 18 points, and there are 2 in each set.
The stats for these weapons are:
Laser Turret A2 R30 (60") M0 SP30
Laser Tower A2 R60 (120") M0 SP20
Sorry about that!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Monday December 10, 2001: Untold Battles of the Last War
It's here! Ogre Scenario Book 1 has arrived, and we're shipping it out as fast as possible.
Special thanks go out to the authors of the scenarios: Alvin Helms (the winner of the contest), Peter Lowter, Kevin Henson, Barry Stockinger, Chris DelliCarpini, C. Andrew Walters, and David Valenze.
All the scenarios can be used for both boardgame and miniatures games, and are referenced in the classic Ogre style for easy reference.
7 scenarios for just $6! The perfect stocking stuffer for your favorite Ogre fanatic -- you!
Paul Chapman
Ogre Line Editor
Miniatures Division Manager
Wednesday December 5, 2001: Ogre: King of the Mountain!
Here's one of John Douma's Ogre (with photographic assistance by Carl Robare), to distract you from my lack of news:)
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday November 27, 2001: Ogre Mk. II
Last week's family shot didn't do much for the Mk. II. So, here are a few shots to give you a better view. The Blue Man is there to provide scale -- he's about 6' tall.
The few comments I did receive on it mentioned the prow and its size. You see, the Mk. II included some design elements intended to help it deal with amphibious sitiuations -- not that the Mk. I can't go into the water, it simply wasn't designed with that in mind.
The "nose" is missing from the later models because the increased horsepower needed to push the huge block of BPC made the streamlining almost redundant.
Plus, I think it looks distictive:)
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday November 20, 2001: It's a Family Afaaaaaaaaair!
It is my pleasure to introduce the first 3 generations of the Ogre. These are, of course, the 3D versions, which will be "printed" and cast in our normal process. For the moment, take a look, and let us know what you think!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday November 8, 2001: In The Beginning . . .
The first ever, no-foolin' Ogre Mk. I is being sculpted right now. This is close enough to the final version that I don't think you'll find too many variations.
P.S. The white border around half the image is a result of my meager Photoshop skills. I'll try to fix it tomorrow, but I thought you'd want to see this today:)
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday November 6, 2001: Progress Report
Here's a quick progress report of things here in Ogre Miniatures Land.
Scheduling -- In an effort to let the distributors know what's coming out when, I've extended the scheduling period to include through the end of 2002. What does this mean to you? Well, it means earlier sneak peeks at the new figures, as they're being sculpted. It should also mean less delays, as we'll be able to watch a project's status more closely.
Casting -- Our crew has come together and is functioning with more efficiently than ever before! Well, they were, until the air compressor died. A minor, if annoying, setback.
More Ogres! -- I've got images of the Mk. I on my desktop (look for it on Thursday), and the Mk. II is next. My crystal ball also shows the Mk. IV, the Huscarl, and the Legionnaire in 2002.
"Exercise T" by David Morse -- A new scenario, designed for the group which has an odd number of players, in the tradition of Steve Jackson's "Exercise K."
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday October 30, 2001: After Action Report from DragonCon 2001
John Hurtt posted a detailed description of his Ogre Macrotures game at DragonCon this year. Lots of pictures of his very cool macrotures, too. In fact, his entire site is chock full of Ogre goodness. Stop by and check it out!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday October 18, 2001: Battlefields Wallpaper
Dave Morse has come up with a nifty addition to the Ogre resources page. He put G-2, G-3, S-2, and S-3 together into one downloadable image, perfect for tiling onto your desktop background.
Looking at it, I realize you can play a really big game on this:)
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday October 16, 2001: Showdown in France, 2049!
This photo was created by Steve Stratton. Photoshop can do some wonderful things, and this style of image -- miniatures inserted into actual battlefields -- is one of my favorites.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Friday October 12, 2001: Ogrethulhu in Playtest!
It came from the depths, and now you can get a sneak peek -- if you're a Pyramid subscriber that is!
The playtesting on this section will be quick, so don't delay! Go now! What are you waiting for?
Well, if you're still here, I just got back from Alliance's Las Vegas Distributor Show. Neat to see some of the folks in the industry, all of us trying to catch the retailer's eye for just a few minutes. Saw the pilot of "Smallville" from the WB channel, watched a demo of GW's Lord of the Rings game, and listened to lots of comics presentations. Fun, but very dry.
And on this trip, I actually took some time to do a bit of site-seeing. The New York, New York Hotel and M&M's World were my faves.
Next week -- photos!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Wednesday October 3, 2001: Ogre Scenario Book Playtest!
Over on Pyramid, home to all playtests great and small, we've posted the text to a chapter of Ogre Scenario Book 1. If you're a Pyramid subscriber, stop on by and let us know what you think.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Monday October 1, 2001: Now Shipping . . .
The Fencer has left the building!
Yep, Paneuropean Set 1: the Fencer should be hitting your FLGS anytime this week. After looooong delays, we finally shipped it.
The unit is all metal, with the ususal packaging. The hull has been lightened a bit, and the treads will now be easier to deal with -- the right and left aft treads are now identical!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday September 4, 2001: Setting the Record Straight
A few questions have popped up again and again, so I thought I'd set up a mini-FAQ right here.1)When is the Fencer coming out?
--The Fencer has been pushed back several times, but is now firmly scheduled for September.2)I heard the Fencer turret was going to be resin. True?
--Untrue. We considered producing the Fencer _hulls_ in resin, once upon a time. At the moment, though, the Fencer will be 100% metal.3)I want decals! When are you guys going to make some?
--Decals are something we've wanted to create for a while now. We may have a sheet to release as early as December, but 2002 is looking better.4)Are you going to release any other Ogres?
--We'd like to release every type of Ogre, including all the variants! Doing so will take time though.5)How about more maps?
--No plans for the moment, but rest assured, the Amazon Combat Zone deserves its own map!:)Got a question? Email it to me at paul@sjgames.com.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Friday August 24, 2001: Ogre Scenario Design Contest Winner!
Back in March, we (along with Wounds Unlimited) ran an Ogre Scenario Design Contest. We'd like to thank everyone who entered a scenario. While many of them were good, and several of them were _very_ good, we have finally narrowed it down to one, final submission.
"Hammer & Anvil," written by Alvin Helms, is our grand prize winner. Congratulations, Alvin!
"Hammer & Anvil" will be the first scenario in Ogre Scenario Book 1, due out in December, but you can see it early, in this week's issue of Pyramid.
If your scenario didn't win, don't worry. The runners-up will have a spot in OSB1, and will receive a copy of the book for their mantles.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Ogre Line Editor
Steve Jackson Games
You can't spell "progress" without an Ogre!
Tuesday August 21, 2001: Macroture GEV!
Philip Miller (one "L"; I remembered this time!) has turned in the first of our Macroture sculptures: the ever-popular GEV. For a better perspective on the size, click here. Just a hair over 4 inches long, and milled out of solid brass, this won't be available until next year, unfortunately.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Friday August 17, 2001: Duluth in the Crosshairs
Everyone remember Keith Johnson's Nihon Invasion of San Fransico scenario, with the really groovy map? Matthew Goldman has decided his hometown needs to be blasted as well. His map, along with several scenario ideas, can be found here.
Want to make an Ogre map of your area? The first place to go is the USGS site, which lists various spots to pull images from. Remember, the scale can vary, based on your available space; one inch can equal 500 meters, 750 meters, or even 1000 meters. Keep your unit preferences in mind as you design your map. GEVs need long stretches of smooth ground, infantry like forested areas, and Ogres just don't care:). Hexes can be found on our own Game Aids page.
Photoshop seems to be the tool of choice for assembling all the elements, and Kinko's the printer of note (it helps if you have a friend who works there!).
Once you get your creation finished, drop me a line. Hey, wouldn't that be a neat product-- 5 Ogre maps from around the world, and the scenarios to demolish them!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Friday August 3, 2001: Computerized Ogre?
I've been delving into the Ogre Message Boards lately, specifically "Ogre On Computers." It seems most folks want a simulator, like Starcraft, to play battles against. Is there any interest in the various "wargamer assistants" commercially available, such as Aide-de-Camp?
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Wednesday August 1, 2001: Scratch That Scratch-Build Itch!
Over at Starship Modeler, our old friend Jack Wendt has scratch-built a Raptor, the Combine GEV, which can be seen here. Jack does many models, and usually talks about how he creates the piece. Informative stuff!
For what it's worth, the GEV Jack did is much larger than our Macrotures will be. I think Jack's is 1/32 scale; Macrotures will be 1/60.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday July 26, 2001: Whazzap?
You may have read about the layoffs here at Steve Jackson Games earlier this month. The Minis Division took our equal share of the hit, but we're still here.
Steampunk figures are being cast as I write this, and I'm supposed to be making a mold of the Paneuropean GEV-PC right now:) Richard has finished up Ogrethulhu, and is working on a giant ant. Since I've been crowned Ogre Line Editor, I've been working on finding an Online Assistant and plowing through the Ogre Scenario Contest entries. Quite a few good ones-- enough, in fact, for a small book, but I can say no more!
I may be a bit slower to respond to queries on the mailing lists and message boards, but I do read 'em, every day. If you have a direct question, comment, or suggestion, I can be reached directly at paul@sjgames.com.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday July 24, 2001: Distrubing Reports from the Pacific Front
Classified: Eyes Only-- Delta Green Clearance
This image was taken from the remains of Marine Squad 81712, on mine sweeping duty on in the mid-Pacific. The squad was 200 meters WSW of an unnamed atoll when the sonar drones picked it up. The IFF registered as the Ogre Mk V unit "Derleth," MIA since the Hawaii Offensive last spring. As normal communications capabilities seemed to be damaged, Corporal Tynes advanced to link directly to the AI. This image was his last.
A large number of casualties were never recovered. This is consistant with the footage, taken from the helmet-cams and very broken and distorted, which indicates the unknown unit was consuming its victims. A Fernandez series drone captured this image 3.7 seconds before being destroyed.
The remains of the squad and its drones which were recoverable showed signs of animal attack. It is possible the Nihon Empire has bred attack sharks, but no shark would chew a battlesuit apart. This is the last image of the unknown unit, showing a total of 4.23 minutes elapsed since time of contact.
No trace of the unknown unit has been found. No alert is recommended, as we have too little data on this enemy to tip our hand yet. All reports of any unusual activity in the Pacific region are to be forwarded to this office, and any survivors of the incident are to be give a cover story during debriefing.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday July 19, 2001: A Figure With Possibility!
With some figures, a clear story just jumps out at you. With this one, my mind can't decide which one it likes best.
Is he a Scottish steam technician, shouting warnings to the captain? Is he a dedicated researcher into robotics in the Wild (or Weird) West? Is he a unorthodox mechanic, juryrigging powerplants to zepplins just in the nick of time?
I'll let you know what I decide. If you can think of a background for this bearded fellow, drop me a line. Maybe I can do a Top Ten list like that Letterman fellow:)
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday July 17, 2001: Show Your Allegiance!
Two items you may not have noticed in Warehouse 23 are the Ogre patches. These are 3" in diameter, and are sewn on
That's it for today, but remember, there is no "Progress" without an Ogre!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday July 12, 2001: Would the lady like some ammunition?
You may remember this lovely young lady from page 108 of GURPS Villains. Her name (or at least one of her names) is Charlotte Vane, an up-and-coming Mastermind of Crime.
Sculpted and painted by Richard Kerr, she's part of GURPS Steampunk Miniatures, available in September.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday July 10, 2001: Colorful Adventurer
He was just green on the 19th of June, but now he's in Living Technicolour! The pepperbox-wielding character from GURPS Steampunk Miniatures has been painted by Richard Kerr. Look for him in September.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday July 5, 2001: My Favorite Steampunker
This is my favorite piece from the Steampunk collection: the villain with the whirling mechanical blades. Richard caught the motion of the figure very well; I can almost hear the clockwork whizzing of the gears, and the diabolical sneer in his speech. Great fun!
Now if I can just get _my_ figure to paint up like him...
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday July 3, 2001: Finished Products
I've missed a few updates last week; between the network acting funky and the photo shoot, computer time was at a premium. So, this week I'll make up for it-- lots of photos!
Several weeks ago, I showed you the greens of the Steam Powered Dog Walker, from GURPS Steampunk. Here is the finished product, painted by Richard Kerr.
Watch for more painted examples from the Steampunk collection, and a Macroture!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday June 21, 2001: Construction Day
Not too much to report today, as we're making some improvements to the casting area, primarily adding an air conditioner and some insulation. Our area used to be part of the warehouse, and still has little in the way of climate control. With outside temperatures in the upper 90's already, we needed to prepare for summer.
Next week, I'll have a couple more pictures of the Steampunk set, and maybe a few suprises.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday June 19, 2001: More Steampunk!
Here's another fellow you'll find in GURPS Steampunk Miniatures: The Salwarth Adventurer! In GURPS Steampunk he was being chased by a Tripod Walker; now, he's armed with a pepperbox and ready for action in any Victorian era game.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday June 14, 2001: Trucks!
Philip Miller, who turned in the Combine Laser Tower, has also created the Combine Truck. This one was painted by Richard, and is one of the "cloth backed" cargo pallettes. Philip created 2 cloth backs total, along with a tanker and a group of loose cargo boxes.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday June 12, 2001: Green Robots!
Here's the latest from Richard's sculpting bench: a Steam powered robotic servant. You may recognize it from GURPS Steampunk as the dog walker on page 16.
The green portions are the epoxy these sculpting prototypes take their name from. The white sections are a combination of Milliput and green epoxy. The brass pieces are, well, brass.
This mechanical man and his friends will be part of GURPS Steampunk Miniatures Set 1, our first 28mm set, due out in July.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday June 7, 2001: One Step Closer to Ogres
The cover story of this month's issue of Popular Science is UCAVs, or Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles. These aircraft are expected to carry twice the payload of a manned fighter, cost one-third as much to build, take just a few hours to assemble, and withstand 15-G maneuvers. The majority of these benefits come from simply removing the life support and ergonomic systems which are necessary for a normal pilot's comfort and safety.
Paul Rickert, our print buyer and a lieutenant in the Army Reserves, estimates a modern battle tank is about 50% "crew space." Hmm, dump the air conditioning, the NBC seals, and the control systems, then double the engine size, add some point defense, and beef up the armor. Of course, aircraft robot brains don't have to worry about ditches and trees, but tank robot brains wouldn't have to worry about moving in three dimension.
The Pentagon estimates the first UCAVs will enter into general use in 2010, and rule the skies by 2030. Of course, they don't know about the Laser Towers yet.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday June 5, 2001: New in Warehouse 23!
Continuing our policy of releasing individual figures one month after the set in which they first appear, five new individual miniature sets are now available on Warehouse 23. First, from Combine Set 2, is the Ogre Mk III. To complement the 100 point warrior is the Ogre Mk III Repair Kit, and the Ogre Mk III Swimmer.
Next, from Combine Set 7, the Heavy Infantry Weapon Unit contains 3 Heavy Infantry Weapons and 3 Infantry. Clever collectors will note this is exactly one sprue of each. Coincidence?
Also from Combine Set 7 is the Combine Yankee Light Tank. A special "no-prize" will go to the first person to send me a red, white, and blue Yankee Light Tank:)
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday May 31, 2001: How Do These Things Work?
A good question was posed by a staff member here at the office: how do the Heavy Infantry Weapons work, anyway?
First, a few definitions need to established. A "squad" is one Infantry figure, representing about 6 battlesuited troopers. A "platoon" is 3 squads, which is very handy, as 3 squads are cast onto one sprue together. A "Heavy Infantry Weapon" is the figure with 3 stacked tubes, once again cast 3 to a sprue. A "Heavy Infantry Weapon Unit" is the collection of one Infantry figure and one HIW figure.
The text on the back of the box says, "...12 platoons of battlesuits (split into three companies) plus a heavy-weapon company with four platoons...48 infantry figures in all. This set is worth 150 points." Given this description and point total, the proper way to mount the Heavy Infantry Weapon Units is one Infantry figure, and one Heavy Weapon on an Infantry Base (not included-- see the Tuesday May 29 news item).
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday May 29, 2001: The Fencer-B Turret
The Fencer upgrade is finally here! This new turret will be included in Paneuropean Set 1, available in June. The controversy has followed the Fencer since its introduction. Originally, the turret held 4 secondary batteries, then was downgraded to two. Recently, the "Advanced" turret was announced, with two _main_ guns.
Why all the adjustments? The Fencer was intended to be an equal match for the Ogre Mk V, but maintain a distinctive silhouette. Over the years, playtesting reports have guided the changes. This time, we think we've got it right! However, we're always open to feedback. If, during the course your games, you notice a unit which seems to be over- or underpowered relative to its point cost, email me at paul@sjgames.com
And speaking of feedback, Combine Set 7 garnered quite a few comments. Unfortunately, many were lamenting the lack of infantry bases. And so, in response, we've created the Infantry Base Bonus Pack! Buy in bulk and save! For a limited time only, void where subject to annexation, not sold in stores!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday May 24, 2001: Surfing for Ogres
White Rat, whom some of you may be familiar from his activity on the Ogre Message Boards, his moderation of the San Franscisco Bay Area OGRE Group on Yahoo, or his frequent Ogre demonstrations in and around the northern California area, has a pretty nifty site. Terrain, kitbashing, and tools are all covered here. You'll find some pretty good shots of various battles in the Gallery section.
If you'd like to share your Ogre/GEV site with the world, drop me a line here.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday May 22, 2001: Steampunk Minis are on the way!
Here's another photo in our "Green" series. The Clockwork Cat, from the cover of GURPS Steampunk, just came out of the warming oven. Well, "oven" is a bit of a misnomer; it's actually a bulb in a coffee can. For helping the epoxy cure, though, it can't be beat.
Other than sculpting, it has been a busy couple of weeks. Too many are projects I can't really talk about yet, unfortunately. I can mention looking at a new source of resin buildings, a new box design especially for Pokethulhu, and the new Fencer turret, of which I'll have a picture of very soon.
See you Thursday!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday May 17, 2001: Side Dishes
To play a game of Ogre Miniatures, all you need, at the most basic level, is two opposing forces, the rulebook, a map, and some dice. Of course, who plays at the most basic level? We all drag out the extras; the lucky dice, the brillantly painted figures, the digital camera. But what else do we need?
Laser pointers are very common for determining line of sight. How about table-top periscopes? I've mentioned them before; does anyone use them? Laminated maps? Kinko's charged me an arm and a leg to get a couple of the DO and DGEVs done, but I've since found a professional printer who will do the job much cheaper. PDA? Free dice rollers abound on the net, and I imagine a spreadsheet could handle most of the "point scoring" automatically. Terrain? Some create huge battlefields with realistic features like rocks, streams, buildings, and spongy swampland. Others use simple fabric shapes. Databases? I've tinkered with a commercially available database which promises to calculate the point values of my armies, but my limited experience with db programing makes it slow going. Kitbashed models? Video cameras? Realistically damaged vehicles? Hulks? Laptops at the table?
As always, your questions and comments can be sent to me. Until next time, watch out for the treads!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday May 15, 2001: Hawaiian Shirt Day!
Last Thursday, the casting crew had a Hawaiian Shirt Day. Well, they wore Hawaiian shirts; I just worn my ugliest shirt and called it good. Left to right are Richard Kerr, Sculptor Extraordinaire; me, your Humble Narrator; Joe Vail, the Painful Punster; Adam Lipscomb, the MIB Who Wandered In; William Toporek Traffic, Manager to The Stars; Chris Rentz, the Quiet Guy Who Saves the Day At the End of the Movie; and Jaylon Loyd, Our Last Best Hope for Casting.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday May 10, 2001: And the Winner is....
Without a doubt, the fastest moving piece of Ogre Miniatures through Warehouse 23 is the humble Infantry Base. It is a small item, and each does fit 3 members of the Tread Biter's Society, but they keep selling. Each month we sell more than the last. It's almost scary.
I think I'll start buying more treads right now.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday May 8, 2001: Online Voting for the Origins Awards!
Each year, the gaming industry recognises excellence in gaming. Make your voice heard! Go to the Origins Awards homepage and vote.
Nope, we don't have anything on the ballot for Ogre Miniatures, but our friends at Reaper have a couple of nominations, and GURPS Steampunk, the inspiration for Steampunk Miniatures, is nominated in the Best Roleplaying Supplement catagory.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Friday May 4, 2001: Pokethulhu Auction!
These guys should be on the auction block next week, along with the hugely popular RPG!
One thing to note for all you completists (are there any Pokethulhu completists yet? The mind boggles), this is the only _metal_ version of the large Pikathulhu; for the general release the big guy will be made of resin.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday May 1, 2001: Painting is Hard Work
Richard is finishing up the painting of the Pokethulhu miniatures today. I took a swing at them myself; tanks are much easier. "Organics" (as they're known amoung sculptors) don't have the nice, straight lines that "mechanicals" have. Ironically, sculptors prefer to work with organics, for exactly the same reason.
Phil Reed, our Art Madman, handed out a few copies of the Pokethulhu Adventure Game last week. One copy will make it's way to our Auction, along with a complete set of Pokethuhlu Miniatures!
(As a side note, what is it about Pikathulhu that prompts people to make his image animated? Mr. Kovalic has the flying, groaning guy on his page, and Aaron Williams created one at the bottom of this page. Scary.)
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday April 26, 2001: Deluxe GEV errata
Well, the first errata for Deluxe GEV has arrived. On the Terrain Effects Table in the rulebook, the "Town" effects have been switched for the "Infantry" and "Light Tank, Missile Tank, Mobile CP, Mobile Howziter" entries. Towns have no effect on the movement of Infantry, and the defense for those units is tripled. Non-"Heavy" tanks must use 2 Movement Points to enter a Town hex, and the defense for these units is doubled.
Also, the first individual units from DGEV have arrived on Warehouse 23!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday April 24, 2001: A View from the Past
Our archiving problems have been fixed, but the text was lost to the ether. The images, however, are still here. I'll try to caption each one, to give a sense of perspective.Here's the Combine GEV-PC, our first computer designed unit.
This image was painted by Moe, our convention manager. Her favorite cartoon is the Powerpuff Girls, and this is Blossom.
And finally, a beautiful Light GEV from the Combine army.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Thursday April 19, 2001: Status Report
The slushpile is almost dead! Huzzah!
Yes, it's true; we're catching up. Our production has increased, and now our schedule is becoming much more regular. We'll be releasing 2 sets at a time, starting with Combine Set 2 (Ogre Mk III) and 7 (Howitzer Battery and Reinforced Infantry Battlion). Next up will be Combine Set 6 (mechanized Infantry Company with Escort Squadron) and Paneuropean Set 4 (Luftpanzer Company).
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Wednesday April 18, 2001: All Over The Place...
I don't have a clear theme today, other than a scattershot of news-ish bits.
For those of you who are holding your breathe for macrotures, we're closing in on a timeline. Expect a major announcement within the next two weeks.
The archiving feature of the Miniatures News has been down. It should be fixed now. Unfortuantly, we've lost all the items from March 6 up to now. If you have, by some weird quirk, stored any of those files, I would greatly appreciate them!
Pokethulhu miniatures may be seen on the Auction block as early as next week. If you're a fan of John Kovalic's sanity sucking cartoon characters, you'll want to take a look.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Friday April 13, 2001: Where We're Going
I was overwhelmed by the response to Tuesday's question. Lots of good ideas, some of which are already in the pipeline. However, some misconceptions need to be corrected.
We will continue to release units from the Ogre line, filling out any gaps in the Combine and Paneuropean forces, then moving on to other nations. Buildings are part of the Ogre line, and as such, are still very much a part of our plans. Macrotures are something we're eager to do, and I've spent quite a bit of this week pushing the project forward. And, of course, the cybertanks, of all variations, will be released, do not fear.
A couple of readers mentioned some licensed books we did, and asked for figures from them. This is unlikely, as the rights to do an RPG book are very separate from the rights to do miniatures. Of course, some rights will be easier to get than others:)
By far, the most requested miniatures were to support Car Wars. Well, with the relaunch scheduled for later this year, I'd bet 2002 will see cars with guns a-blazin'! Figures to support roleplaying received quite a few votes, so you'll see more sets of that nature.
One group of opinions is interesting-- fantasy figures. The split was equal between diving in and staying out. I think fantasy figures are something we may do eventually, but for the moment we'll shelve the idea.
Of course, you don't have to wait for me to ask to give me your opinions. I'm always at paul@sjgames.com. Drop me a line!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Division Manager
Tuesday March 6, 2001: I choose YOU....
Just when you thought cybertanks were bad, here comes POKETHULHU! Well, this is just Richard's first draft, but it gives you the idea. At this stage, it looks like it will be a three piece model, with the wings fitting into a slot on the back.
All Moe, our convention manager, could say was, "He's so cute!" She clearly failed her Sanity check.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday March 1, 2001: ...Weather the Cuckoo Likes....
It's the beginning of March, and we're having winter's last gasps. The temperature isn't below freezing, but the rain makes it feel pretty miserable.
Casting continues on Deluxe GEV. The look of the figures will be the same as the Ral Partha releases, but we've tweaked a few details. For example, the Superheavy Tank is now just the hull, with separate cannons. Originally, it was a hull, two cannons, and two different treads, occasionally resulting in a set having two left feet, literally. Also, the Command Post was detailed a bit, and the widgets on the roof (radar dishes and such) will now come on a separate sprue. We've discussed hiding a tiny motor under the CP, to rotate the widgets. It would look great in a diarama. Of course, given our current level of free time, we'll have that project done around 2015!
Richard is sculpting Pokethulu and his trainer today, and I'll have some images of his "first drafts" later.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Tuesday February 27, 2001: Tales of Ogre Toughness
Anthony Smalley, an active demo'er of various SJG products, sent in this bit:
"I have one final praise of the minis. One of my friends dropped (accidently) my Ogre MK 5 from the second floor of my dorm, a drop of about 12 feet. After recovering from a near heartattack upon hearing the loud thump, I investigated the mini. It had left a nice dent in the wooden floor, but was otherwise TOTALLY undamaged! Needless to say, I am really impressed. A guy who plays Warhammer, Battletech, and some Oriental wargame (Clan War?) saw that and called it a miracle, and has decided to convert to Ogre.
"I keep on getting suprised by these minis. Anything else I should know about what goes into them? Or am I not cleared for that?"
Thanks Anthony! Nothing special in the alloy mix, just tin and TLC. Well, there is a tiny percentage offnord , but not enough to notice.
If you have more True Tales of Ogre Toughness, send them to me. Heck, even if you have an Ogre with a really cool paint job, you can send me pictures of that, too!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday February 22, 2001: New Scenarios, written by YOU!
Have you been over to Wounds Unlimited lately? In addition to the normal gaming news and rumours, they're hosting our Ogre Scenario Contest. Click here for all the details.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Tuesday February 20, 2001: It's a good day in Miniatures Land!
So many good things, all happening today!
First, our first non-Ogre boxed set has just been announced! GURPS Steampunk Miniatures will be released in June, and will contain eight 28mm figures, including the characters from the cover of GURPS Steampunk : the robot, the mad scientist, and the clockwork cat.
Next, individual miniatures from Warehouse 23! Now you can build an army of nothing but Alamo Superheavy Tanks, or finally get that repair kit your Ogre Mk V has been aching for. Or accessorize with the Mk V Swimmer!
And finally, we've got a project which we haven't announced yet, but it's just too cool to pass up. I'll give you a hint-- ants. Big ones. BWAHAHA!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday February 15, 2001: Ogre sighting
Paul-Ricardo Elbo snapped this picture of an Ogre in Sin City, Las Vegas! A little Photoshop helped, I'm sure. Was the Ogre attracted by the bright, battle-like lights? Or was it the slot machines? I just hope it left enough standing for GAMA next month....
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Tuesday February 13, 2001: New Stuff!
We just recieved a package from one of our sculptors, Philip Miller. The core of the sculpture is milled brass, detailed with Kneadtite epoxy, commonly known as "the green stuff." Pros and amateurs everywhere use this, but it can be difficult to find. That's why we carry it in Warehouse 23!
The closeup image is the doorway to the tower. It is a little hard to see from my photo, but to the side of the door is a palmscanner! "Simply amazing" does not do justice to the level of detail! Phil is working on a new radar station also, so look for images of that soon!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday February 8, 2001: Home Sweet Beseiged Home
This is the new Paneuropean Command Post, the most attacked building in all of (future) history. Richard did the detail upgrade, as well as the paint job.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Tuesday January 30, 2001: Wondering what a Superheavy Tank can do?
Oops! We forgot to include the stats for the Superheavy Tank with Combine Company Set 3! Sorry about that! Here's what you're missing...
This unit is a heavy tracked vehicle mounting twin weapons...a "tank destroyer." It has an attack strength of 6, a range of 3, and a defensive strength of 5. It has a movement value of 3, and is affected by terrain as though it were an Ogre! When a player chooses units at the beginning of a scenario, each Superheavy (SHVY) is worth 2 armor points (or 12 victory points).
The Superheavy has two main guns. The owning player may, on any turn, choose to attack separately with each gun, giving the Superheavy Tank two attacks of strength 3 each. But, unlike an Ogre, the Superheavy may not lose one gun and continue to function. When it is hit, it is disabled or destroyed as a unit.
The Superheavy also has two AP units. These function exactly like Ogre AP weapons for all purposes, and, like the Ogre AP, are doubled in an overrun attack.
In Ogre, when a Superheavy Tank is rammed by an Ogre, that Ogre loses 3 tread units.
Well, that should do it. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Wednesday January 24, 2001: Our First Review!
I found the first review of Deluxe Ogre today! Over at RPG.net, Michael Powers gave us a "4" for Style and a "5" for Substance! Yah!
Thanks, Michael! You made my day!
Note: if this _isn't_ the first review of Deluxe Ogre, let me know. I've been wrong before....
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Tuesday January 16, 2001: Digital Photography Advice Sought
I've been doing alot of miniatures photos with the digital camera, cataloging the office collection for the gallery. And while I've had good luck with the images I've been getting, I can see room for improvement. If anyone out there has constructive critism or tips for getting better shots from a Sony Mavita, I'm all ears.
Yes, we are looking into getting a new camera, with higher resolution. I'll listen to those recommendations as well.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday January 11, 2001: A Tread's Worst Enemy
A reader of the Pyramid miniatures newsgroup wondered what the infantry looked like. Well, here they are, nicely mounted on their base. Richard Kerr did the paint job. I did the photography, such as it is.
And speaking of photos, we'll be opening up a gallery fairly soon. So send us your Ogre pictures! I prefer jpgs (since they're so darn easy to work with), but if you happen to have an extra print or slide of a 35mm laying around, I can scan it. I cannot, however, return the print. Sorry! We will credit all photos placed on the website. If the photographer and painter are different people, we want both names. Also, if the manufacturer of the figure is known, include their name as well. Please print names legibly on the back of the print or the border of the slide, or in the accompanying email.
Disclaimer: not all pictures will be posted into our gallery. I'll consider an average paint job with a crisp image over an out-of-focus professional job. By sending us a photo, you're giving us permission to use it as we like, in perpetuity. You may, of course, continue to use it yourself. You still own it - we just have the right to use it.
So if you've got a painted Ogre, Combine, or Paneuropean figure you're proud of, send the image (or url) to paul@sjgames.com. Physical prints can be sent to:
Steve Jackson Games
POBox 18957
Austin TX 78760
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday January 4, 2001: Ted Raimi and Ogre
A funny thing happened at Uncommoncon, one of Texas' newer cons. For the charity auction, we donated a shiny new Deluxe Ogre, and who should buy it but Ted Raimi! Mr. Raimi may be better known as Joxer, from the Xena television show, but it seems he's also a bit of a wargamer. Here he is with his prize, in front of the Steve Jackson Games booth.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Tuesday December 19, 2000: Light Tank Gets Lighter
Most of the Ogre miniatures remain unchanged from earlier editions. Some, however, have been given a major overhaul. One of the upgraded figures is the Light Tank. Previous editions never really felt, well, light.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday December 14, 2000: GEV fins
One question that has popped up from time to time is: what is the correct angle to attach the fins to the NAC GEV? Here's a finished figure to answer that question. The narrow side goes up, so the rudder (the yellow stripe in this photo) is facing to the rear. Attaching them "as is" will result in near-vertical fins. If you would like more angled fins, a little filing goes a long way.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday December 7, 2000: Busy, busy, busy
Where has the time gone? Into the spincaster, it seems. The first release orders were fully half again what we were prepared for, and look to continue. Which means we're happy, but a slight reorganization is necessary. Some things that we thought we could wait on (like an extra casting machine operator) we needed now, and things that were priority (like this News page) got pushed back.Well, things have settled down a bit. We've got our additional caster, and a schedule we can meet without a caffine IV. And so, more news!
Many people have wondered when and if they would see the Paneuropean figures, other than on Ebay for heavily inflated prices. The answer is-- February! Deluxe GEV will have the familiar Paneuropean army, as well as a jumbo map!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday November 16, 2000: How to Howitzers
Some folks who have seen the new NAC howitzer have been a little confused on how to actually put it together. Hopefully, this rough photo essay will help.
Here we have the components of the howitzer. The large disc is the base, with the mount on the top of the picture, and the cannon on the lower right corner. The bottom of the cannon is facing away from the base.
This is the assembled howitzer. Note the block protrusion on the cannon is on top, with the round protrusion hidden within the mount. The round end of the cannon is facing the lower side of the mount, allowing the angle of fire to be adjusted.
If you wish to afix the howitzer into position, feel free to vary the orientation of the cannon to the building on the base. I plan to leave my mount free, but to Zap-a-Gap the cannon into place. It will stay in place without adhesive, but only with minimal handling.
If this helps your construction, or you want to see another figure assembled, let me know. We've got a bunch of figures here....
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Monday November 6, 2000: Upscale, Downscale
We have been announcing for months that Armorcast would release 1/48 "Macrotures." Well . . . change in plans. The Macrotures will be 1/60 scale. Not as huge and impressive . . . but this scale has two big advantages:(1) Way cheaper! Way easier for you to build your army!
(2) 1/60 is as close to 28mm scale as these two fundamentally incompatible scale systems can get. We will be releasing a variety of 28mm metal figures, though we have no timeline yet, including militia, battlesuits, and maybe even some vehicle crew. This way it all works together.
-- Steve Jackson
Friday November 3, 2000: Off to ProtoCon!
This weekend is ProtoCon down in College Station, TX. We'll be showing off some minis, as well as a round of Exercise K. If you're in the neighborhood, look us up!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday November 2, 2000: Ogre Origins
Ever wonder why Ogres look the way they do? Their inital "look" was designed by Winchell Chung, who tells the story on his webpage at www.clark.net/pub/nyrath/ogre.html.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Monday October 30, 2000: How Do I Get Ogre?
Well, if you need Ogres, the first place to look is your Friendly Local Game Shop. If you are lacking in one of these fine establishments (if you're in the Austin, TX area, try Dragon's Lair over on 49th), just surf over to Warehouse 23. Michelle is now taking pre-orders for the Deluxe Ogre Boxed Set, which should be available mid-November, and the Combine Sets 1 and 3, which should be seen mid-December.
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Monday October 23, 2000: Progress Report
We have just enough time to let everyone know-- we're producing! Yep, piles and piles of tanks, GEVs, and howitzer parts are filling the shelves as the release day approaches. Oh, I'd also like to introduce Chris Rentz, our new caster. Say hi, everyone!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Thursday October 19, 2000: Take Me to The Leader!
Finally, here is a picture of the brains behind the Miniatures Division, Richard Kerr. Richard does it all, from sculpting to painting to quality checks at the end of the line. Right now he's looking for more sculptors. If you want to see if you're good enough to sculpt some green stuff for Steve Jackson Games, contact him at richard@sjgames.com.
This is one of Richard's earlier pieces, a race called "Daeshiru." Richard also painted it. Amazingly, Richard tries to include this level of detail in everything he does. We need to clone him!
Paul Chapman
Miniatures Minion
Tuesday October 17, 2000: How Big Is Big?
Here's some comparison photos, just to show how big the minis are. This is a NAC GEV next to a GEV counter from the Ogre boardgame. The counter is being held in place by a nickle and a dime.
This photo doesn't do justice to the details of the NAC Heavy Tank. If you click on the image, you'll get the larger version, which gives you more of the little extras Richard added to it.
Our last shot is of the NAC Missile Tank. All the figures here have been "blackwashed" (or "antiqued") to enhace the details.
Paul, Miniatures Minion
Monday October 16, 2000: We Think in Four Dimensions
Ever wonder how we come up with new figures? Well, after we have an idea, we build prototypes. Here's the prototype of the North American Combine's Command Post. Why do we need the Combine's CP? Because our first releases will be NAC troops entirely, with the exception of the Ogre, who will speak with a Paneuropean accent.
Don't worry, the Paneuropeans will have their armor units re-issued next year.
Of course, as this is a prototype, the final version will look slightly different.
Paul, Miniatures Minion
Sunday October 15, 2000: Sneak Peek
One of the old designs who recieved an upgrade was the Heavy Tank, pictured here. Extra details were added all around. It is pictured here with an antenna, created with stiff wire, and a official Richard Kerr paint job.
Wondering what will be arriving on the shelves of your local game shop in November? Follow this link to find out!
Paul, Miniatures Minion
Saturday October 14, 2000: Look Now, It'll Never Be The Same Again....
Here's the Casting Room, in all its pristine glory. Soon, the molds will be spinning, the metal will be flowing, and the talc will fill the air. And miniatures, glorious miniatures, everywhere!
We're all very excited to begin, after those annoying delays. Ogres will never be the same!
Paul, Miniatures Minion
Friday October 13, 2000: On Your Mark, Get Set....
The exhaust hoods are up and running, which means we can now work with the outside doors closed. Woohoo!The roller racks are in place, and we'll be running our first production today. Double Woohoo!
And all this adds up to...Pictures! Next week we'll be able to snap some shots of everything from training casters to piles of figures. Stay tuned, and you may even get another Ogre Fashion Report:)
Paul, Miniatures Minion
Thursday October 12, 2000: Ogre Beachwear
Today's Ogre likes to have fun in the sun and the sand! This summery color scheme was designed by NAC General Kerr for a little surprise beach party he threw for some Paneuropean guests. The tan tones blend into the dunes, and the dark main batteries make the cannon flashes seem to come from nowhere in a night fight.
The Ogre Fashion Report, brought to you by Skin-centric, the only tanning lotion with SPF 50000!
Paul, Miniatures Minion
Tuesday October 10, 2000: Un-calm before the storm
As we get closer to production (our vents are nearing Dallas), we keep finding little things to keep us busy. Between photo shoots, testing the molds, organizing the masters, creating a database for the product list, and training the casters, we're breaking the old saying-- there is no calm before this storm.On the non-metal side of Ogre Minis, the Ogre map coming with the Deluxe boxed set looks great in the Minis scale.
As I sort through the various shots, trying to find the best ones to post, I wonder if there is a certain unit you, the adorable public, are dying to see. Want to see more of the Light GEV? Can't get enough of the Super Heavy? Need new ideas for painting Ogres? Drop me a line at paul@sjgames.com. Really! Answering email is much easier than real work:)
--Paul Chapman, Miniatures Minion
Friday October 6, 2000: Ogres Don't Taste Like Chicken
We're so close to actual, full-time production we can taste it. We've got masters, we've got molds, we've got materials. We have photograph-worthy castings, and we have artwork for our boxes. After a few finishing touches, we'll be training casters (have you seen the job opening we posted for a caster?)Things should go quickly from this point on. Any kinks in the system can be ironed out as we go. Nothing ahead but full tilt casting.
On other fronts, we're looking into releasing a sheet of decals, for those of us who love the detail but lack the time or skill to get it just right. What is the preference amongst you, the lovable public -- waterslide, or rub-on? Waterslide is easier to use, but often lacks in detail. Rub-ons can be tricky to use, but generally are of a higher visual quality. Drop us a line at paul@sjgames.com and let us know what you think!
Coming soon: pictures, pictures, and more pictures!
--Paul Chapman, Miniatures Minion
Tuesday October 3, 2000: Forging Onward
Sorry - it's been a little while since we posted an update. Richard has been struggling with interesting problems posed by our new machinery. Not what he ordered, not properly assembled, not even completely finished. Still, he's getting some masters cast; work goes on.Here's a shot of our casting area, slowly coming together . . .
and here's the new Combine Superheavy.
-- Steve Jackson
Tuesday September 12, 2000: WHERE LITTLE OGRES COME FROM...
After some debate and experimentation (and a little kicking, screaming, and hair-pulling), we at Steve Jackson Games have decided to try a new approach to packaging miniatures. Starting in November, we will be releasing the Ogre Miniatures line in two formats; large Boxed Sets which will include rules, maps, and playable armies, and small 'Company Packs' which will include organized units of one nationality, based on TO&Es we'll be publishing.The Boxed Sets and Company Packs will be packaged in plastic carrying cases (video boxes) similar to those used for some of our game products, with foam inserts. As each Set or Pack is released, its individual vehicles (without packaging) will become available through Warehouse 23. For November, we'll be releasing a Boxed Set with a Combine Army and a Paneuropean Mk III Ogre (it's easy to tell them apart; the PE Ogres speak with an English accent). That same month will see the debut of two Company Packs: the Ogre Mk V and the Combine Heavy Armor Company.
NEWS FLASH! Our casting equipment has finally been shipped! It's been spotted in Pennsylvania....
Richard S. Kerr
Miniatures Division Manager
Steve Jackson Games
Friday September 8, 2000: MEANWHILE...
Still no Casting equipment! We think they are mining the iron ore to make the metal melting pots out of today. Meanwhile, the Moldroom is coming up to speed, as we work on the molds for the Mk V and Mk III Ogre. The vulcanizer works fine, even if it is older than I am. If we get the rest of the equipment in next week as anticipated, we should still make our November release date easily. I located a local metal supplier. We did have some debate over what alloy we were going to use, and finally decided to go with a lead-free pewter, for the health and safety of our employees and customers. While I've made an alloy formula selection for our initial release, I am very open to suggestions and comments! It MUST be lead free (not 'food grade' lead free, but none in the formula), but beyond that my supplier will mix up pretty much anything for us (in half ton lots).
Richard S. Kerr
Miniatures Division Manager
Steve Jackson Games
Tuesday September 5, 2000: Painters and other things that go 'Squish' in the night...
Yes, we need painters for miniatures. Our painting needs fall into three different groups. First, we need figures that look great in closeups, for our box covers. Next, we need great looking stuff for convention displays, that stand out and show off the figure. Third, we need pretty darn good looking ‘’Table Top” mass army paint jobs for demos and prizes. My plans are to assign groups of figures (for example, a single box ‘company group’) as a ‘job’ lot that will have an agreed upon price and completion date. While we will try to make sure to get the best castings we can, the painter will be responsible for doing any needed cleanup and prep work. Color scheme and ‘finish’ will vary by job; in most cases I’ll leave it up to the painter, within limits, but sometimes I’ll specify. We have no castings to send yet, but I'll need them painted almost as soon as they are pulled from the mold. I have already gotten more than twenty applicants, and I’ll be contacting them all as soon as I can. If you are one of these and didn’t attach or send photos of your work, I’ll need to see some. If you paint professionally already, I need some idea of your price range and schedule.
Friday September 1, 2000: FFFRIDAY FACTORY FUTURES
FFFRIDAY FACTORY FUTURES... We made a lot of progress this week. We had a plumber come out and install gas lines for the metal melting furnaces that are still some place in Rhode Island. While he was here, he helpfully located some utility lines for us by chopping them in two with his ditching machine. We now know where our phone, water, and sewer lines are. Wednesday we moved the vulcanizer. This is the machine we use to make molds. It's made of a lot of thick metal plates and poles, and weighs... well, a lot. I'd tell you all the people who helped, but since it would just be a list of the entire office staff, I won't. It wasn't easy, but we managed to take it the thirty feet not accessible to the pallet jack without killing anyone, though it was a close call after I suggested someone should grab a camera so we could post the scene on the web. More excitement came Thursday when our Mold-Maker/Carpenter Thomas Gentry blew a breaker while installing the plug for the vulcanizer, knocking out moldroom power and singling out Production Manager Russel Godwin’s computer to glitch (bet he learns to save more often!). We learned a lot about how the building was wired trying to find that breaker. But it is coming along! Today I will make our first molds; assorted Ogre Mk III parts, with the help of my general assistant and head casting person Paul Chapman. By next week, we should have most of the elements we need to start! I will let you know. My current plans are to update this site twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays (usually around 10AM Central) -- Richard Kerr, Miniatures Department Manager.
Tuesday August 29, 2000: RETURN OF THE OGRE...
Yes, they're back! Starting in November, miniatures for the Ogre game system will once again be available, cast right here in Austin. All of us here at Steve Jackson Games would like to extend our thanks to the folks at Ral Partha for helping us recover the masters for their award-winning execution of the Ogre miniatures line. We'll start with a big set featuring the rare Combine army vehicles, and follow with more Combine units, including some that were never released at all, followed by the Paneuropean ones. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE...! We will not be stopping with the old line, though. We will be introducing new vehicles for both the Paneuropean and Combine forces all along the way, and then, THEN...! Well, Gencon next year will see a definite new era for the Ogre line. We'll tell you about it later...