Praise "Bob"!

"Bob" teaches us that the very image of the wonderful Dobbshead holds us back from the brink of doom and comes from the Luck Plane. Its essential NATURE cries out "OR KILL ME!" Dobbs SAYS it and it's TRUE! The forbidden sciences teach that the grace of that FootGland, like the AntiMusic performed at Dokstock and at Devivals everywhere, (SAY IT FOR "BOB"!) promises REVENGE on the corrupt Conspiracy dupes! It's all in the Prescriptures! What about the Conspiracy geeks? I'll tell you about the SMUG Conspiracy dupes who - yes, the Conspiracy geeks who SURROUND us every day - are DOOMED! And they PERSIST in their blindness! Slaves of the lying bastards! The Slackmaster knows that his foes are the Conspiracy dupes who have not AntiMusic . . . like depraved lemmings, they will never see Dobbstown, will never see Dobbs! They will be annihilated by the great stalking Heads on X-Day!

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