
Construct some decks. Infect some newbies. Control the world. Drink some coffee.
Deck listing for John Wood's Personality Clash deck set
Are you different? Then you are probably better than everyone else! Once you and your kind have taken over the world, everyone will be able to see that your way of thinking is inherently superior . . .
The Conspiracy is divided along lines of personality. According to the Enneagram (see, for example, the Enneagram Institute), there are nine personality types. A One With Everything set includes nine Illuminati, and just enough cards to create nine decks. COINCIDENCE?
Deck Construction
The decks are built assuming three or more players, automatic takeovers, and a basic goal of at least ten groups. A nine-player game could be very interesting . . .
All the OWE plots, resources, and groups have been used, except for Alternate Goals (since only the UFOs have more than one goal) and the nine cards referring to duplicates. The extra copies of some Illuminati were needed to make up the numbers (and for use with Unmasked). This restricted choice forced some compromises; in particular, all the decks contain too many groups. This should not be a problem unless they are used outside of the Personality Clash milieu.
Each deck description offers an Assassins/SubGenius sideboard which can be used to produce a better-balanced deck (based on both utility and adherence to the theme). One copy of INWO SubGenius would allow more than half of the suggested changes, and since the sideboards contain no duplicates, specials, or ultra-rares non-fanatic Assassins collectors should be able to make most or all of the rest.
Deck Description
Each deck description follows a standard format. It opens with a single-sentence explanation of the personality type (as listed by the Enneagram Institute) and a brief explanation of why you are involved in the struggle for world domination. Role Models then offers a guide to roleplaying your type. This is followed by the card lists - Illuminati, Groups, and Plots. The Strategy section describes the feel of the deck in game terms, points out important card combinations or foes, and suggests possible leads. Finally, the sideboard changes are detailed under Variants and Substitutions, with the most useful listed first.
Note that each deck is based upon a parody of an Enneagram personality, and has been adjusted accordingly. For instance, Margaret Thatcher was really a Reformer, but since we are using the "radical left" Reformer stereotype her right-wing beliefs meant she had to be placed elsewhere. Caveat Ludor.
General Guidelines
The strategy sections describe unique and interesting features of each deck, but most of the advice given in The INWO Book also applies. Make sure you also check the latest errata and rules changes at http://www.sjgames.com/inwo/errata/.
Flexibility is vital. There is no guarantee that you will get the cards you really want, so make the best of what you do get.
Roleplaying your deck's personality type provides much of the fun when using this set; overacting is definitely appropriate.
1. Reformers: Smile And Grin At The Change All Around
As rational, idealistic Reformers, you are principled, purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionistic. The world needs changing, and you are the best people to do that, so it's in everyone's interests that you take control.
Role Models
You are the loony left, greens bleating about Mother Earth and pinkos ranting about oppression. You know you have all the answers; anyone who fails to see that is a pawn or agent of The System. Once the capitalists, patriarchs, despoilers, and aristocrats are out of the way, your New World Order will bring equality and justice to the common man. Sorry, the common person. And animal. And tree . . .
Most Likely To Say:
"Come and see the violence inherent in the system!
Help! Help! I'm
being repressed!"
"Tread lightly upon Gaia, or she will tread heavily
upon all of us."
"Too much power is dangerous in any hands -
except ours, of
"Vive la Revolution!"
Deck Listing
- Illuminati
- The Bermuda Triangle
- Groups
- Al Gore
- Anti-Nuclear Activists
- Antiwar Activists
- Black Activists
- Canada
- Democrats
- E.F.F.
- Eco-Guerrillas
- Feminists
- Fidel Castro
- Fiendish Fluoridators
- France
- Gay Activists
- International Communist Conspiracy
- Libertarians
- Prince Charles
- Rifkinites
- Semiconscious Liberation Army
- Society for Creative Anarchism
- Underground Newspapers
- Bigfoot
- Earthquake Projector
- Suicide Squad
- Plots
- Backlash
- Benefit Concert
- Commitment
- Double-Cross
- Embezzlement
- Good Polls
- Liberal Agenda
- Logic Bomb
- March on Washington
- Pledge Drive
- Privileged Attack
- Rewriting History
- Sabotage
- Save the Whales
- Self-Esteem
- Servants of Cthulhu
- Sucked Dry and Cast Aside!
- The Second Bullet
- Goal: Power to the People
- NWO: A Thousand Points of Light
- NWO: Political Correctness
This is a moderately powerful Liberal/Green deck, with a few groups Fanatical about the cause. Your natural enemies are the Achievers who have bought into the system, and the reactionary Loyalists (although you have agents who should help you to return Power to the People). Lead with Canada, which will help you to build up your Green connections - always use Bermuda's ability to reorganize at the end of your turn so that you have free control arrows on groups with "direct attack" bonuses (Canada, Al Gore, Rifkinites). However, don't try for Bermuda's goal. Keep A Thousand Points of Light in reserve to avert an Energy Crisis or World Hunger.
Variants and Substitutions
The Green Party and Lama Ramadingdong should really be on your side. You also want Global Warming (a blue NWO which actively helps your cause), Earth First, and Oil Spill; Alternate Goals would let you decide between Earth First and Power To The People at the last minute. Add Watermelons, May Day, and Lenin's Body if you want to play up your Communist tendencies. Dolphins fits your theme but is of minor use. Take the EPA if you are really worried about the Nuclear Power Companies, but remember you can build up large bonuses to destroy them anyway. Good cards to remove include Earthquake Projector, Suicide Squad, E.F.F., Democrats (who aren't radical enough to be true Reformers), Logic Bomb, Servants of Cthulhu, Privileged Attack, Prince Charles, Sabotage, and Sucked Dry and Cast Aside.
2. Helpers: Take My Hand
As caring Helpers, you are generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, and possessive. You have no interest in power, but seek only to aid those worse off than yourselves, whether or not they realize that they need your help.
Role Models
You want to be liked. You love to help people - it gives you a warm glow inside, and makes you feel like worthwhile human beings. People who are too proud to accept aid annoy you, as do those who simply sit back and wait for things to be handed out to them. Neither irritates you as much as those who fail to appreciate what you do for them, though, doing nothing in return; and worst of all are those who do more for other people, making you feel small. In some ways you care too much . . .
Most Likely To Say:
"Here, let me help you with that. No, no, I insist."
"How can you turn on me after all I've done for
"Watching the film of those poor kids, I just had to
pledge some money
straight away, even though it was terribly
Deck Listing
- Illuminati
- Adepts of Hermes
- Groups
- Boy Sprouts
- China
- England
- Fraternal Orders
- The Great Pyramid
- Hillary Clinton
- Lawyers
- Psychiatrists
- Red Cross
- Rosicrucians
- Secular Humanists
- Stonehenge
- Templars
- Triliberal Commission
- W.I.T.C.H.
- Ark of the Covenant
- Book of Kells
- Death Mask
- Necronomicon
- Shroud of Turin
- Soulburner
- Spear of Longinus
- Plots
- 18 1/2 Minute Gap
- Air Magic
- And STAY Dead!
- Bribery
- Counterspell
- Cover of Darkness
- Cover-Up
- Crop Circles
- Fnord
- Giant Kudzu
- Harmonica Virgins
- Hoax
- Plague of Demons
- Power Grab
- Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know
- Seize the Time!
- The Stars Are Right
- Stealing the Plans
- Unlucky 13
- Goal: The Corporate Masters
- NWO: Solidarity
There are no dominant alignments to help you build your power structure and many of your groups have special abilities which are not directly useful to you. However, you have plenty of magic resources and the best selection of general-purpose plots, such as Seize The Time and Secrets Man Was Not Meant To Know. You are caring and generous, so help people - make deals as often as you can, for instance using the Red Cross to grant relief to someone in return for a card, playing Hoax if someone else powers it, or even using your bonuses to destroy an unpopular group if others help your attack. You are unlikely to be seen as a threat early on, and can build up resources to get you closer to the Adepts goal.
If you want to play to your strengths, go for fine control and lead the Rosicrucians. You will need to rely on automatic takeovers for the first few turns (including using your Illuminati token for Resources) but will usually be able to get the cards you need when you need them. If you would rather minimize your weaknesses, lead CFL-AIO, which is powerful, has a +4 to control three other groups from your deck, is the only group to count double for the Corporate Masters, and becomes even more useful with China as its puppet. Remember, though, that if you lead the Rosicrucians you can decide to use Crop Circles to get CFL-AIO into your hand later.
Solidarity is a good NWO for you, since it makes it harder for everyone to take over groups but resources are unaffected. Fraternal Orders, Crop Circles, Power Grab, and The Stars Are Right all help you get your resources into play. Your other plots and special abilities are either defensive or fodder for deal-making.
Variants and Substitutions
Grave Robbers and Rain of Prairie Squid help you to get the groups and/or resources you really want; Arise is a good goal in case your rivals turn vicious. Generally useful plots include Repent, Time Control, and You'd Pay To Know What You REALLY Think; Near Miss fits with your theme. Cards to consider dropping include Hillary Clinton, Templars, Cover-up, The Corporate Masters, And STAY Dead, Counterspell, Unlucky 13, Secular Humanists, and Giant Kudzu.
One risky trick to use if your fellow Illuminati are ruthless: include Antitrust Legislation with Arise, wait until someone is committed to an unstoppable attack to destroy one of your groups (perhaps using The First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All The Lawyers), play Antitrust Legislation, hang all your other groups off the attacked group, and wait for victory . . .
3. Achievers: Strike Out To Reach A Mountain
As success-oriented, pragmatic Achievers, you are adaptable, excelling, driven, and image-conscious. You are entering the ultimate competition, to promote yourselves above all others; you have no doubt of your ability to succeed.
Role Models
You are the Yuppies of the 1980s, riding a wave of guilt-free greed. All publicity is good publicity - you don't care what other people think of you so long as they can clearly see how much more stuff you have than them. In fact, trampling on the little guy is not so much a necessity as a vocation. Live fast and hard, hog the limelight, and don't let anyone else get a look-in.
Most Likely To Say:
"Gotta go, my agent's on the other mobile. Ciao."
"You created your own problems. You fouled up. You
trusted me."
"In my position, Armani and Gucci are
necessary expenses. My accountant will explain it to you."
"Let's do lunch."
Deck Listing
- Illuminati
- Gnomes of Zurich
- Groups
- Big Media
- Brazil
- Cable TV
- Empty Vee
- Federal Reserve
- Hawaii
- Imelda Marcos
- Joggers
- Junk Mail
- Las Vegas
- Liquor Companies
- Madison Avenue
- Multinational Oil Companies
- Nuclear Power Companies
- Offshore Banks
- Pentagon
- Pollsters
- Recording Industry
- Ross Perot
- Switzerland
- Tobacco Companies
- TV Preachers
- Wall Street
- Plots
- Bank Merger
- Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat
- Corruption
- Currency Speculation
- Exposed!
- Foiled!
- George the Janitor
- Mass Murder
- Miracle Diet Plan
- Monopoly
- Nice Idea. It's Mine Now.
- Privatization
- Pulitzer Prize
- Resistance is Useless!
- Scandal
- Stock Split
- Sweeping Reforms
- Tax Breaks
- Goal: Power for its Own Sake
- NWO: Bigger Business
- NWO: Chicken in Every Pot
This is a straightforward Corporate/Media deck - lead with Madison Avenue to go after the fame, or (probably less usefully) Federal Reserve to concentrate on the money. Ultimately, of course, you want both, so whenever you see an opening, go for it. You can afford to be ruthless - one particularly nasty trick is to let the Nuclear Power Companies and/or Liquor Companies control Hawaii and Brazil, then use them to prevent your rivals from doing very much at all. Liquor Companies can also be used with Las Vegas - bet one card, and if you lose stop your rival from taking it. Watch out for the Reformers who can build up large bonuses to destroy your best groups (supported by onlookers jealous of your achievements).
Many of your groups are powerful, and others can become so in combination. You may be able to grab Power For Its Own Sake, particularly if you can keep Bigger Business and Chicken in Every Pot in play when you make your bid.
Variants and Substitutions
Don't Touch That Dial is good way to take advantage of others when they overstretch themselves. More Slack, Give Me Slack, Or Give Me Food, and Shordurpersav are generally useful. Cards to drop include Miracle Diet Plan, Las Vegas, Joggers, Corruption, and Tobacco Companies.
4. Individualists: See The Real Me
As sensitive, withdrawn Individualists, you are expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed, and temperamental. Now is your chance to make the world sit up and take notice of you.
Role Models
No one understands you - your vision needs nurturing, but you are constantly squashed by the squares who care nothing for the finer things in life and expect you to do the most dreadful mundane things, like work. Sometimes the frustration becomes too great and you lash out; everyone nods knowingly and grumbles about your "artistic temperament". You try to express yourselves throughout your lives, but it makes little difference. You can never be all you want to be.
Most Likely To Say:
"Wonderful to see you, darling. Have you seen
Damien's latest?"
"Quiet, please. I'm communing with my inner muse."
"This award means so much to me, and I have so many
people to thank . . ."
"I am an artist! I cannot work in these conditions!"
Deck Listing
- Illuminati
- The Discordian Society
- Groups
- Bjorne
- California
- Church of Elvis
- Comic Books
- Conspiracy Theorists
- Cycle Gangs
- Elvis
- Girlie Magazines
- Hackers
- Hollywood
- Intellectuals
- Italy
- Media Sensation
- Punk Rockers
- Saturday Morning Cartoons
- Subliminals
- Tabloids
- Urban Gangs
- Bronze Head
- Center for Weird Studies
- Loch Ness Monster
- Orbital Mind Control Lasers
- Principia Discordia
- Plots
- Albino Alligators
- Angst
- Bimbo at Eleven
- Car Bomb
- Eat the Rich!
- Freaking the Mundanes
- Jake Day
- Let's Get Organized
- Let's Get REALLY Organized
- Media Connections
- New Blood
- Nuclear Accident
- Reload!
- Servants of Cthulhu
- Shangri-La
- Terrorist Nuke
- Unmasked!
- The Weird Turn Pro
- Whispering Campaign
- NWO: Don't Forget to Smash the State
- NWO: Fear and Loathing
This is a Weird/Media/Violent deck. In terms of raw power you are the weakest Illuminati, but you have no respect for such narrow-minded, bourgeois rankings; you can reach people, and that is what is important. On the other hand, your lack of control arrows is a real problem. You also have no goal cards, but Unmasked can act as one. If the Peacekeepers are in the game and doing well, you may want to consider Unmasking as Shangri-La. If you are successfully destroying groups, Unmask as the Servants of Cthulhu (although this is riskier; people will jump on you for this).
Surprisingly, your arch-rivals are not the Loyalist "normals". They can do little to you, while you can get to them. The Achievers, on the other hand, can use their glitzy image to attract groups away from pure individualism in search of recognition.
Lead with California, your spiritual home. Gain and protect the Subliminals and they will soon become a powerful force for self-expression. In fact, despite their individualism, many of your groups work well together, increasing each other's power - Hollywood becomes 7/7 when you have Bjorne and Media Sensation, using your Media Connections with California makes it 6/6, Intellectuals help still further.
Variants and Substitutions
The True Pipe, Fake Healing, and The World Ends Tomorrow and You May Die are good power boosters; Bulldada and Schism help you against those who cannot see your genius. Cards to drop include Girlie Magazines, Loch Ness Monster, the Bronze Head, and Punk Rockers.
5. Investigators: All Here In My Head
As intense, cerebral Investigators, you are perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated. You're just beginning to understand the way everything fits together; if you just had the authority to conduct experiments on a global scale . . .
Role Models
Like the villainous scientist from a 1930s pulp serial, you place proof of your theories (and revenge on those who slighted you) above all else. Your towering intellect (and heavy accent, usually German or Eastern European) separates you from your fellow Americans; you trust no one.
Most Likely To Say:
"They called me mad! But I'll show them . . .
"It's going to be hard to test my theory without
destroying the
universe, but what the hell!? It's a really neat
"If the murder of twelve innocent people can help
save one human life,
it will have been worth it."
Deck Listing
- Illuminati
- The Network
- Groups
- Center for Disease Control
- Dinosaur Park
- Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow
- Finland
- Germany
- International Weather Organization
- L-4 Society
- Moonbase
- Orbit One
- Phone Company
- Phone Phreaks
- Robot Sea Monsters
- Silicon Valley
- South American Nazis
- Video Games
- Eliza
- Library at Alexandria
- Perpetual Motion Machine
- Rogue Boomer
- Weather Satellite
- Plots
- The Auditor from Hell
- The Big Sellout
- Blitzkrieg
- Cold Fusion
- Computer Security
- Computer Virus
- Deasil Engine
- Dictatorship
- Early Warning
- Earth Magic
- Gremlins
- Hurricane
- Infobahn
- The Internet Worm
- Market Manipulation
- Mothers' March
- Rain of Frogs
- Tornado
- Volunteer Aid
- Vultures
- The Weak Link
- World Cup Victory
- NWO: World War Three
This is a fairly standard Computer/Science/Space spawning behemoth, with plenty of Places. Lead with Germany; you can use its ability (enhanced when it becomes a Dictatorship, when you invent the Perpetual Motion Machine, and by careful use of NASA) to build up powerful attacks. Many of your groups give bonuses to control Computer, Science, or Space; you should have no difficulty taking three power 3+ Computer groups. A mostly-isolationist strategy comes naturally to you, as you stay in your basement laboratories perfecting your creations.
Variants and Substitutions
Blinded by Science is an appropriate goal, but note the errata - your power boosters (South American Nazis, Video Games) become particularly important. Add Power Satellite and link it to a science place for an extra +2; you can also include Nutrition Nazis to teach a high-power group (such as the German Dictatorship) the Virtues of Science. Supernova helps you get your gadgets off the drawing board; This Was Only a Test, Back to the Salt Mines, and Beach Party aid your places. General Disorder fits with your theme, and can be used to stop dangerous disasters destroying your places. Blivit and X-Ray Specs are useful for investigating and blocking those who would interfere in your research, but beware of making your groups deck too large. Good cards to drop include Robot Sea Monsters, Rogue Boomer, The Big Sellout, Vultures, Deasil Engine, Gremlins, South American Nazis (if you are not using Blinded by Science), World War Three, the disasters, and Weather Satellite.
6. Loyalists: Blend In The Crowd
As committed, security-oriented Loyalists, you are engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious. You need to maintain the status quo, even if you have to take over to do so.
Role Models
Your spiritual home is '50s small-town Middle America. You are the clean-cut, square-jawed, pipe-smoking men and neat, domesticated women who work hard to support your 2.4 children and 1.3 cars. You leave your picket-fenced homes every Sunday to go to the right kind of church, behave properly, and are always on guard against the Evil Influences that constantly threaten your way of life. Should invaders intrude on your idyll, you have guns and know how to use them.
Most Likely To Say:
"So, how was your day, honey?"
"What are you, some kind of commie freak? Get a
"Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom."
"Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition."
Deck Listing
- Illuminati
- Servants of Cthulhu
- Groups
- B.A.T.F
- Bank of England
- C.I.A.
- Congressional Wives
- Dan Quayle
- Dentists
- Deprogrammers
- F.B.I.
- Fast Food Chains
- Fred Birch Society
- Gordo Remora
- Local Police Departments
- The Men in Black
- Moral Minority
- Nancy Reagan
- Professional Sports
- Religious Reich
- Republicans
- Savings and Loans
- Voudonistas
- Hitler's Brain
- Plots
- Annual Convention
- Atomic Monster
- Citizenship Award
- Combined Disasters
- Dollars for Decency
- Earthquake
- Fundie Money
- Grassroots Support
- Just Say No
- Meteor Strike
- The Oregon Crud
- Poison
- Slush Fund
- Sniper
- Spasm of Violence
- Straighten Up
- Tidal Wave
- Volcano
- Withering Curse
- Goal: Let Them Eat Cake!
- NWO: Law and Order
- NWO: World Hunger
This is a no-nonsense Straight/Conservative deck, with plenty of cards to help you eliminate subversives, particularly the bleeding-heart Reformers and suspiciously-strange Enthusiasts. Discordia makes the Individualists almost entirely immune to you, but beatniks and artists are rarely more than a minor nuisance - if you ignore them while you steamroller your way to victory normalcy should prevail, and if not, you have the Deprogrammers on your side . . .
Lead with a strong group that helps you against your foes, such as the F.B.I. (if facing the Enthusiasts), Republicans (Reformers), or C.I.A. (Challengers). Build up your power structure from your hand, and as soon as you have enough groups to feel secure and have built up decent bonuses to destroy (probably on turn 3) hit hard and fast. You cannot afford to be too subtle - your foes will see you as a threat, and there can be no compromises or pussyfooting with the enemies of freedom.
Variants and Substitutions
Citizens for Normalcy is the archetypal Loyalist organization; they belong in your deck, as does Decency Is OK!. Most of your rivals have a Huge Place or two, so Population Reduction can be useful. Supreme Court Nomination, Truck Bomb, and You Are What You Eat help you with what you do best. Good cards to drop include Savings and Loans, Voudonistas, Gordo Remora, Hitler's Brain, and Bank of England.
7. Enthusiasts: Set The Paces
As busy, fun-loving Enthusiasts, you are spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, and scattered. There's always been too much going on to take control of the world, but now the time seems right - and what the hey, it could be a laugh.
Role Models
You are the gamers, the collectors, the convention-goers - in fact, everyone who spends a large proportion of their money, time, and energy on pursuits the rest of the world considers trivial. Such as INWO. Some of you try your hand at games with bigger stakes - collecting all the crime syndicates on the East Side, planning survival after the bomb - but you all share the same characteristics. You are smart, determined, and oblivious to the fact that everyone else finds your obsessions mind-numbingly boring. Igor (from Dork Tower) is an Enthusiast par excellence.
Most Likely To Say:
"It Must Be Mine!"
"Actually, the history of the granola bar contains
some fascinating
insights into the development of Western
civilization - let me tell you
about it . . ."
"And then I rolled another six . . ."
"Live long and prosper."
Deck Listing
- Illuminati
- UFOs
- Groups
- American Autoduel Association
- Cattle Mutilators
- Flat Earthers
- Goldfish Fanciers
- Gun Lobby
- International Cocaine Smugglers
- Jimmy Hoffa
- Loan Sharks
- The Mafia
- New York
- Ninjas
- Ollie North
- Paranoids
- S.M.O.F.
- Science Fiction Fans
- Survivalists
- Texas
- Trading Card Games
- Trekkies
- Wargamers
- Crystal Skull
- Cyborg Soldiers
- Midas Mill
- Plots
- The Big Score
- The First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All The Lawyers
- Gang War
- Hex
- Hidden Influence
- I Lied
- Let's You and Him Fight
- Mob Influence
- Opportunity Knocks
- Power Corrupts
- Reach Out . . .
- Red Scare
- Reorganization
- Swiss Bank Account
- Voodoo Economics
- Goal: Criminal Overlords
- Goal: Fratricide
- Goal: Hail Eris!
- Goal: The Hand of Madness
- NWO: Energy Crisis
- NWO: Gun Control
This is a Criminal/Violent deck with a sideline in Weirdness. One weakness is that you have no global power (except for that of the UFOs themselves and what you can add with your Hidden Influence), because you have been too busy concentrating on your own pursuits. On the other hand, several cards help you to take advantage of your extra action token. Lead with New York, where the strangest hobbies seem normal.
Chicken In Every Pot and Peace in Our Time are very bad for you - it may be worth keeping your NWOs in reserve to cancel them if the Achievers and Shangri-La are playing. If you have both Gun Lobby and Ninjas, you can effectively move tokens to the Ninjas and gain plots by launching attacks against them which are doomed to fail. Mob Influence, Power Corrupts, and Cyborg Soldiers can make those tokens powerful, but even if not they can still be used to draw more plots . . .
Variants and Substitutions
Head Launching helps with your global power shortage, as will the Xists, while Sultan of Slack can often prevent someone else's victory. . . . Or Kill Me is a good way to get an Illuminati token back when you've used too many, JHVH-1 and Sorry, Wrong Number are fun (if nasty) ways to use one. If you are using the Ninjas trick, Apathy can prevent interference by your rivals turning the attack into a "success". Good cards to drop include Flat Earthers, Ollie North, The First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All The Lawyers, International Cocaine Smugglers, Fratricide, Red Scare, and Cattle Mutilators.
8. Challengers: Meet The New Boss (Same As The Old Boss)
As powerful, dominating Challengers, you are self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational. You are the natural lords of the Earth, and you're not going to let anyone forget it.
Role Models
It takes guts and determination to be a leader, qualities you have in spades. With you at the helm, your people will do well - you just need an opportunity to show your mettle, like the generals and statesmen of the 1940s. Sure, some may suffer - and not every leader can be a winner, so some of the casualties will come from your own ranks - but that's what the great game is all about, right? After all, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs . . .
Most Likely To Say:
"Who is the boss of you? I am the boss of
"If you can't beat 'em, you're not one of us."
"Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am
willing to make."
Deck Listing
- Illuminati
- The Bavarian Illuminati
- Groups
- Bill Clinton
- Clone Arrangers
- Count Dracula
- George Bush
- I.R.S.
- Manuel Noriega
- Margaret Thatcher
- MI-5
- N.S.A.
- Post Office
- Ronald Reagan
- Russia
- Saddam Hussein
- Secret Service
- Vampires
- Clipper Chip
- Flying Saucer
- Hammer of Thor
- Immortality Serum
- Mercenaries
- Plots
- Assertiveness Training
- Bodyguard
- Celebrity Spokesman
- Censorship
- Emergency Powers
- Epidemic
- Head in a Jar
- Ketchup is a Vegetable
- Martial Law
- Messiah
- Mistaken Identity
- Mutual Betrayal
- Nationalization
- New Federal Budget
- Read My Lips
- Revolution!
- Senate Investigating Committee
- Sweepstakes Prize
- Talisman of Ahrimanes
- Goal: Up Against the Wall
- NWO: Military-Industrial Complex
- NWO: Tax Reform
This is a Violent Government deck, but uncommonly for Bavaria you have plenty of Personalities. You also have the resources and plots to help them get you what you need, such as Celebrity Spokesman and Messiah. You are powerful enough to go for Bavaria's goal so long as you can get the Clipper Chip legislation past Congress, and you also have the option of destroying Government groups (possibly including your own) when Up Against The Wall. Lead with Bill Clinton, and don't look back.
Variants and Substitutions
Alien Abduction gets your people out there, OverMan, Dittoheads, Martyr Meter, and The 13th Apostle make them more effective, while Sudden European Vacation and Official, Divine, All-Inclusive Excuse help protect them. Rant and S.C.A.M. are also useful. Good cards to drop include Count Dracula, Vampires, Mercenaries, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, OPEC, MI-5, Ketchup is a Vegetable, and Censorship.
9. Peacemakers: Love Ain't For Keeping
As easygoing, self-effacing Peacemakers, you are receptive, reassuring, agreeable, and complacent. You don't particularly want to rule the world, you just need the power to stop everyone fighting.
Role Models
You are the 1960s throwbacks preaching peace and love in a cynical world. Some of you live in communes, smoking illegal substances while practicing Eastern philosophy and religion; others work quietly with your local church or school for the good of the community. You are all dedicated to your cause, and will get involved (peacefully) in any protest against aggressive practices. You love to sing (preferably something simple, so anyone can join in), and you keep smiling even through dark times.
Most Likely To Say:
"'All we are saying is give peace a chance.' Come
on, join in with the
"Make love, not war."
"Don't think of it as interference; we simply act as
facilitators to help end your pointless conflict."
"Violence solves nothing. Only passive resistance
can bring about lasting change."
Deck Listing
- Illuminati
- Shangri-La
- Groups
- A.M.A.
- Druids
- Elders of Zion
- Fnord Motor Company
- Israel
- Japan
- Moonies
- Mossad
- Nephews of God
- Princess Di
- Pyramid Marketing Schemes
- Reformed Church/Satan
- Supreme Court
- Telephone Psychics
- United Nations
- Vatican City
- Angel's Feather
- The Frog God
- Hallucinations
- Hidden City
- The Holy Grail
- Warehouse 23
- Plots
- Agent in Place
- An Offer You Can't Refuse
- Are We Having Fun Yet?
- Botched Contact
- Charismatic Leader
- Deep Agent
- Flower Power
- Full Moon
- Hat Trick
- Hit and Run
- Interference
- Jihad
- Kinder and Gentler
- Martyrs
- Murphy's Law
- Never Surrender
- Nobel Peace Prize
- Savings & Loan Scam
- Time Warp
- Upheaval
- Goal: Kill for Peace
- NWO: Peace in Our Time
This is primarily a Peaceful deck, although several of those who support your cause are Fanatics. The other Illuminati do not understand that you merely seek an end to conflict, so your cards are divided between those that protect you from them and those that allow you to interfere in their battles. Some Violent groups are a lost cause; you may need to Kill For Peace.
Lead with Japan. If the Investigators are involved this can help you to win over a group or two, but Japan is also vulnerable to their blandishments, so take care. All is not lost if they do go, however - you have no need to dominate so long as peace can spread.
Variants and Substitutions
End of the World and Visualize Whirled Peas both improve your position; False Slack and Sacred Jests are also appropriate. Luck Plane and Tape Runs Out are useful, but expensive to play. Good cards to drop include Upheaval, Hallucinations, Pyramid Marketing Schemes, United Nations, A.M.A., and Druids. You may also decide that for purity's sake Israel and Mossad must go, but instead consider dropping Fnord Motor Company and adding the Big Prawn to make Israel a 6/3 Peaceful place (or 12/3 with the Nobel Peace Prize) . . .