It's More Powerful Than France!
by Aaron Curtis
62 Groups, two of each of the following:
- Big Media
- Bill Clinton
- C.I.A.
- California
- China
- Clone Arrangers
- Democrats
- F.B.I.
- Federal Reserve
- Germany
- Green Party
- I.R.S.
- Japan
- Lawyers
- Mafia
- Multinational Oil Corporations
- N.S.A.
- New York
- Nuclear Power Companies
- Pentagon
- Phone Company
- Post Office
- Republicans
- South American Nazis
- Teddy Kennedy
- Texas
- Tobacco Companies
- Triliberal Commission
- Vatican City
- Wall Street
48 Plots, one of each:
- Albino Alligators
- Back to the Salt Mines
- Benefit Concert
- The Big Score
- Cold Fusion
- Crusade
- Harmonica Virgins
- Infobahn
- Jihad
- Just Say No
- Martial Law
- Martyrs
- Pulitzer Prize
- Save the Whales
- Slush Fund
- Stock Split
- Swiss Bank Account
- Terrorist Nuke
- World Cup Victory
- Cat Juggling
- Chain Letter
- Contract on America
- Crackdown on Crime
- Death To All Fanatics
- Every Year Is Worse
- Metric System
- Vile Secretions
- Waiting Period
- Whistle Blowers
- Charismatic Leader
- Citizenship Award
- Emergency Powers
- Grassroots Support
- Messiah
- Mob Influence
- Monopoly
- New Blood
- Nobel Peace Prize
- Self-Esteem
- Assertiveness Training
- Fundie Money
- Jake Day
- Kinder and Gentler
- Liberal Agenda
- Nationalization
- Power Corrupts
- Privatization
- Straighten Up
(Note that the plots consist of all the +10 cards, the Paralyze cards, the power increase cards, and the alignment changers. Also note lack of Goals and NWOs.)
Special Rules: Players may play any Illuminati except Bavaria. Secret has no special status. Choose your Illuminati *after* seeing your initial plots and groups.
Recommended Illuminati: Cthulhu, Zurich, Network, Bermuda. UFOs, Discordia and Shangri-La are playable but will be at a disadvantage because their goals are more difficult.
Theme: Do you like to play many large groups, then win with 50 power just before the fun starts? In this game, the fun never ends! Only four kinds of plots keeps the game focused on the groups in play while providing support in your attacks on rivals.