Praise "Bob"!
Too much is ALWAYS better than not enough! Or KILL me! You can TELL the true Superior Abnormal. He (without wires or strings) knows he is no less crawling than the Normals yet by "Bob's" grace knows he'll have Habafropzipulops, the Herb of the Gods and watch from the Saucers as the Normal scumbags BURN! Dobbs needs your MONEY! Every DAY, the divine Emaculation holds us back from the brink of doom and (even if it remains your Personal Savior for only HOURS) is part of the genetic heritage of the ancient Yetis! Now say Praise "Bob!" It's all in the Prescriptures! Pity the Normals, the leechlike Normal scumbags who WANT to be told what to do, WANT to be ordered around! They serve, some KNOWINGLY but most as mere dupes, the UFOs, and are the HERD, the FACELESS MASS!
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Is this your first exposure to the Word of "Bob"?
Maybe you need to learn MORE. It depends on how you react to these electronically generated yet DIVINELY AUTHENTIC spews of TRUTH. Did you find them meaningless and annoying, or strangely compelling?