Copyright © by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Subsequent updates as noted on the individual questions.
Check out these other pages for Errata at or General Information at
Rigidly Defined Areas of Doubt and Uncertainty at
In Nomine is a game about the ultimate struggle: between the selfless and the selfish, between good and evil, between God and Lucifer. Ultimately, though, it comes down to angels
and demons both trying their damnedest to sway humanity to
their side. Annoyingly though, humanity and its
precious free will keep spoiling plans of both the diabolical
and the divine. In the game, you can play anything from a
human just awakened to the Struggle, a Soldier who is a
little more powerful and a lot more in the line of
fire, a saint who has returned from heaven to help his fellow
man, an undead creature or, as most do, an angel or demon.
Last checked 5/25/05
At fine game stores everywhere. If your local gameshop doesn't
stock it, you can always order it from Warehouse 23. Someday, you may even be able to pick up a copy at e23.
Last checked 5/25/05
What is this In Nomine hardback I keep hearing about?
The limited hardback version of IN NOMINE was shipped to distributors in mid to late March (1997). Suggested retail is $29.95. There are two versions: white pseudo-leather cover with angel cross, and black cover with demonic (inverted) cross -- both with red foil. Contents of both versions are identical to those of the softback. This is currently out of print and there are no plans for a reprint at this time.
The second printing of the In Nomine core rules is also a hardback, with grayscale interior. It's sometimes known as the "blue book." It is currently out of print as well.
Last checked 5/25/05
Isn't In Nomine just a translation of the French game by Croc, In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas?
More correctly, In Nomine (the SJG version) is
an adaptation of Croc's game. The basic concept
is very similar, but if there were a true "translation"
of INS/MV into English, the differences would be obvious. There was
a direct translation into German for those who are
Last checked 5/25/05
Why not produce a direct translation of the French game?
Because SJ doesn't think it would sell. If he thought it
would sell, he'd have done that in the first place.
Last checked 5/25/05
There are a lot of supplements. For the latest information, check out the main In Nomine webpage and the e23 In Nomine page.
As of this writing, all future supplements are slated for e23.
Last checked 5/25/05
What is the name of that cool headline typeface? Is it public domain? Where did you get it?
The name of the typeface is "Skreech Caps". It is not public
domain and was created by the [T.26]
type foundry in Chicago. SJG bought it through Precision Type Inc., of
Commack, NY. As far as we know Precision Type doesn't have
a webpage, but their phone number is 1-800-248-3668 if you
want to order something from them.
T.26 currently offers Skreech Caps
for both PC and Mac, at $29 for either version or $43.50 for both.
Some similar typefaces that resemble Skreech Caps can be found at
Fonts for Freaks
Yup. Look here. There is also an unofficial conversion for free.
Last checked 5/25/05
Indeed there is, and it's quite
active! Send a message to
with subscribe
in the body of the message. Note that
the character between the dashes is the letter ell 'l', NOT the
numeral one! Keep this in mind if you need to unsubscribe also.
We've taken bits and pieces from a lot of different myths, traditions,
and literary sources in putting together the In Nomine lineup of Archangels
and Demon Princes. In many cases, these sources disagree. So, ultimately,
we've gone with what feels right to us and helps us tell better stories and
make a better game. We don't claim to be consistent with any specific
source, though we hope the general feel of what we've done is consistent
with the tone of the overall culture of celestial beings, as we imperfect
humans perceive them.
Last checked 5/25/05
I see a lot of weird acronyms on the mailing list. What do they mean?
Here's some common ones:
Book Abbreviations
Who's who in In Nomine right now?
My question isn't answered here! Where can I go for more information?
Can the Use Limitations for artifacts be fooled?
Maybe, though it's a GM's call as to the precise situation.
The Humanity attunement is an excellent way to use human-only artifacts.
Of course, very powerful artifacts (including those made by God, Lucifer,
or many Superiors) are much harder to fool. In general, the default answer
for those is "no," but if the character is very, very, very tricky, and jumps through the right hoops, and has a good day, it might work... otherwise, no way.
Last checked 5/25/05
Can the artifacts of a dead character be reattuned?
Yes, though it can be with great difficulty (or disturbing
ease) depending on the plots of the GM). The more powerful the artifact,
the harder the attunement. Any currently-owned
artifacts are at least a magnitude harder to reattune, if not completely
impossible. A Superior can usually manage it, but even they
have limits. The de-attunement or re-attunement of a powerful
artifact can make a nice adventure!
This answer needs to be cross-checked with the material from the Liber Reliquarum as of 5/31/05
How much does a corporeal artifact cost? Why should I buy it at higher then Level/1?
The cost is 1 point per level and the only reason
to get it at a higher level is to make it easier to
find. If using the new rules in the Liber Reliquarum,
corporeal artifacts may also muffle disturbance, with the effects based on their level.
Last checked 5/31/05
Is the level of the artifact the chance it will 'turn up' at the right time?
No. It means that your chance to find your
Porsche in a crowded parking lot is easier, not
that your Porsche will happen to be in any random
parking lot you are in. (Though that would certainly be an interesting house rule, it should probably cost more character points per level.)
Last checked 5/31/05
Last checked 5/31/05
Why does a talisman cost 2 points when the matching skill would only cost 1?
One point per level is for the skill, and the
other is for the attunement to the object. Keep
in mind that talismans can boost skill above 6 and
provide an object with which to use certain skills!
(Try to use your Large Weapons skill without a
large weapon handy...)
Last checked 5/31/05
How much is the cost of a relic/reliquary?
The rules were a bit scattered (between p. 42 and p. 71), but here they are.
Can soldiers use relics/reliquaries?
Soldiers can use Corporeal Songs in a relic, any
normal reliquaries, and reliquaries that power a relic
for the use of Corporeal Songs. If a Soldier has the capability
of using Ethereal Songs (such as Dream Soldiers) he can also
use the Ethereal Songs in a relic.
Last checked 5/31/05, though not with the Liber Reliquarum in hand
What's the difference between Holy/Unholy Bullets?
The only difference is the type of Pistol that is required to shoot them.
So a Holy Bullet will do as much damage to an angel as a demon!
Last checked 5/31/05
Can a Un/Holy Pistol be a .44 or other weapon?
Yes. One thing to keep in mind, though, is the damage from the
bullet comes from the mystical nature of the weapon, not from the increased
size/weight of the bullet or from better gunpowder -- so it would do exactly
the same amount of damage as the ones listed in the book. The reason a .44
bullet does more damage is for purely mundane reasons (more gunpowder, more
damaging material). An Un/holy bullet is
constructed from materials for mystic potency -- not improved impact ratios!
You would only get the larger Power when using regular bullets.
An M-16 Holy "Pistol" would still only be able to fire one Holy bullet
during a round! No autofire here!
On the other hand, the Accuracy is determined by the shape/fineness of
the weapon.
Last checked 5/31/05
On another note, the damage listed for Un/Holy Bullets is wrong. The correct
value is given under Un/Holy Pistol (Power=check digit times level).
This erratum has not been cross-checked with the errata pages yet to determine which printing it applies to.
What are the effects of Holy/Unholy water?
Water used at your local church (or black coven) has no
effect on celestials of either stripe. On the other
hand, certain relics might have the ability to
make more potent brews. For example, a particularly
nice combination might make Holy water
that has the same properties as the Holy Bullets on
p. 71. See the Liber Reliquarum for details on constructing new relics.
Last checked 5/31/05
The Essence is only usable for powering the Song. Any excess is lost.
Last checked 5/31/05, but not with the Liber Reliquarum in hand.
Can you buy an attunement from a Superior other than your own?
Yes. However, there are certain requirements -- first and foremost of which is that the GM is free to say No whether or not the character has the points! Superiors have their own personalities and ajendas, and may not want to grant an attunement to someone else's Servitor.
What about Sabrina, from p. 197?
Sabrina is not a starting character in that regard. Talk to her GM about it.
Last checked 5/31/05
What happens to your attunements and Distinctions if your Superior dies or Falls/redeems?
You keep your attunements and Distinctions unless 'higher powers'
(either your Superior, the Seraphim Council, Lucifer, etc) decide to
take them away. In the case of Falling/redemption, it's very likely
that they will be stripped because of possible tainting by the 'other side'.
The gifts of missing Superiors (like the Archangel of Purity) also are kept. See the Game Master's Guide for more about the powers of a Word and how they are affected when the Word's holder changes drastically.
Last checked 5/31/05
Does time pass for a "swiped" object (servitor Attunement of Valefor and Janus)?
Nope. The clock is stopped until the object returns. Yes, this counts for detonation timers and there are many tricky things you can do with this information.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can you Swipe something that someone is holding?
Yes, but the current possessor can resist with a Strength roll.
Also, the item to be swiped must be visible (being touched is good enough).
Last checked 5/31/05
What is the range for Swipe and Passage?
It must be touched and something that can normally be taken. Yes,
you can take someone's wallet or watch, but you can't get their
pacemaker or even a piece of gum in their mouth (unless you, ick,
happen to be touching these things).
Last checked 5/31/05; should be double-checked with Superiors 4, and what am I doing going over these without my books to hand? Don't ask.
In general, no. There are interesting Songs in the Liber Canticorum, though . . .
However, it is generally assumed that those celestials with vessels can assume a "seeming" of that vessel. However, due to the "physics" of the celestial realm, their true natures are not actually hidden to anyone who pays at least a little attention. An Ofanite "looking" like a human is also a spinning Wheel of flame; a Balseraph seeming to be a "naga" half-snake/half-human is only mistakable for a Djinn by very confused damned.
Last checked 5/31/05
Exactly how do the rules for perceiving celestials in celestial form (p. 54) work?
A celestial in celestial form can speak to anyone who sees/perceives
it. The Song of Tongues (Ethereal and Celestial versions only)
allows someone who hasn't seen/perceived the celestial to hear the message via the Song. This, in turn, gives the person a new chance to see/perceive the celestial.
Last checked 5/31/05
Officially, the purchase of characteristics and Forces is not
a part of character creation. As
always, GMs can make their own ruling on that; 3 points per characteristic (up to 3 per realm) and 10 points per Force. And, no,
you don't get more points when you raise your Forces!
Last checked 5/31/05
Do the three levels of Discord that Outcasts and Renegades start with give extra character points? ?
They do get the points. This is a change from a
previous FAQ!
Last checked 5/31/05
Some of the characters in the supplements have characteristics above 12. Is this legal?
Rarely. (Note that this IS a change from before).
Twelve is that max for celestials and 10 for humans. Servitors of Khalid can go to 13, because they have Choir Attunements that grant an extra characteristic point.
All known examples have been errata-ed. If you find one that isn't, please report it using the handy web-form linked off the errata page.
Last checked 5/31/05
You can have up to 3 total levels of basic and limited Charisma, of any kind. One level of Sex Appeal
and two levels of basic Charisma; one level each of Sex Appeal, Academic Renown, and basic Charisma; or
three levels of Fan Favorite are all acceptable... as long as you don't have more than three total levels.
Last checked 5/31/05
Hey! Strength gives almost no bonus to damage, but directly increases the chance to hit! What gives?
Strength is used for dukin' it out and for large weapons. In the latter case, it's pretty
obvious why this statistic was chosen. As for the former, in the long run we are talking
about a game that is much more superheroic than realistic. In a world like that, it matters
little if the strong guy hits a few times with a lot of damage and the quick weak guy hits lots
of times with almost no damage, the end result is the same: The strong guy does more damage.
It's possible to invent a new skill (Judo perhaps) based on agility, for those martial artist types, but for the moment, the GM will have to make that house rule.
Last checked 5/31/05
They certainly are. While
celestials have access to powerful
Songs, when they are fighting on the Corporeal
plane (i.e., Earth), it makes less disturbance and is
frequently more effective to eliminate their opponent's
vessel using Corporeal means. They'd probably
use hand-grenades and rocket-launchers more often
if it didn't generate so much noise (in several
senses of the word).
Last checked 5/31/05
It seems that even an "average" human can take a lot of hits.
The rules for calculating a mortal's hits has been
changed. The new formula is: (Corporeal Forces + Toughness) times
Strength. Toughness is a new attribute (only purchaseable by
mortals) that costs four points per level, up to two levels; see the Corporeal Player's Guide. The second printing of the core rules also mentions Toughness, but not its cost; now you know.
Because a human no longer has a 'level' for determining when
they die (In Nomine, p. 62), treat their level as one for
that formula (i.e., a human dies when they take enough Body
Hits to bring them to negative Strength). Toughness adds
to this 'death point' so a human with 5 Strength and 2
Toughness needs to lose all their Body Hits, plus 7 more
in order to die.
Last checked 5/31/05; could use some quality time double-checking the relevant pages of the Corporeal Player's Guide
What if someone switches vessels in the same combat round that they get hit?
All things are simultaneous in a round in
basic combat. So,
both happen, the celestial gets hit and
switches vessel (in other words, the original
vessel is the one damaged). Whenever that celestial switches
back, that celestial will find their vessel in the
condition as if the hit took place. This might mean
that the vessel is unconscious or even mortally wounded.
In advanced combat, follow the order given on p. 68 or
on the GM's screen. In this case, switching vessels is
a supernatural power which happens before getting hit.
Remember that each vessel has its own supply
of Body hits, making an alternate vessel much more
attractive a choice!
Last checked 5/31/05
Does physical damage cause pain/shock effects?
Yes. Stunning (p. 62) occurs when you take hits equal to more than 25% of your
Body in one round.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can you use Essence to assist with Will rolls while stunned?
Yes. Resisting something with Will is not an "action," per se, and the
use of Essence is nearly instinctive.
Last checked 5/31/05
If an attack has a modified Power of less than zero, what is the final damage?
Zero (see p. 38).
Last checked 5/31/05
Is there any way for a human (or someone in a vessel) to take celestial damage?
In general, any being with a corporeal form (including humans) is immune
to celestial damage. There are specific cases where this is possible, though, and
they are noted when it happens. Calabim of Lust, for example, have a nasty little Band Attunement.
Last checked 5/31/05
What's the difference between the Fighting skill and the Corporeal Combat rules on p. 62?
From the errata: Hand-to-hand combat is either [Strength + Corporeal
Forces + Fighting] or [Strength + Corporeal Forces + Weapon skill].
Last checked 5/31/05, but if I had ambition, I'd double-check both the errata and the second printing.
What's the Power of hand-to-hand attacks in celestial combat?
Last checked 5/31/05
Where does a person go if "ejected from the Marches" as a result of taking too much Ethereal damage?
If the person has a corporeal body (such as a human or
a sleeping celestial), then they return to that body, unconscious.
If a person has no usable corporeal body (such as someone who has been evicted due
to a Possession, or who started out in the Marches), they either coalesce around their Heart (if they have
one) or other problems occur. See the Ethereal Player's Guide for more details. At the GM's whim, celestials might develop
the Bound Discord (instead of a random Ethereal Discord) to something
on the corporeal plane. Humans could temporarily become spirits on Earth
until their body is freed up.
Last checked 5/31/05
Actually, they don't. The person with a 10 is
much more likely to succeed, then get the six on
the check digit, while the person with the 4 skill
has a hard time succeeding at all! So in this
example the first person has a 11 chances out of 72 to
get the spectacular successful result while his unskilled
counterpart only has a 2 in 72 chance for the
same result.
Last checked 5/31/05
Do I have to use the check digit? What about situations where the check digit wouldn't apply?
Except where the rules specifically mention it (and
not even then for you gung-ho GMs), the check digit
need never be consulted. In most other cases it can
just be used for color at the whim of the GM.
Also remember that a "6" success for an olympic
athlete might be different than that of a couch
potato! (Until we get to the channel surfing event...)
"Color" judgments should take the performer's skill
into account.
Last checked 5/31/05
Ummmm... isn't "666" supposed to be a satanic number of some sort?
Yes and no. It was mentioned in the revelation
according to Saint John the Divine as the Number of the Beast.
If anything, it was a warning as a way to recognize
"the Beast," whomever or whatever it might be.
But for this game, it's just a fun way of representing
a different dice convention. We couldn't just
call it 3d6, and 2d6/d6 doesn't quite the same ring
to it.
Recently, it's come to light that some scholars believe the Number of the Beast is actually 616. Despite this late breaking news, In Nomine will not be using the "Forwarding Address of the Beast" as the Infernal Intervention number.
Last checked 5/31/05
Do I roll if I have an automatic success?
Yes. This determines the check digit and the possibility
of Intervention. GMs like possibilities for Interventions. GMs who don't will tell you not to roll.
Last checked 5/31/05
No. It is a purely celestial problem. Mortals can certainly
suffer some of the ills which, in a celestial, are outward symptoms of
Discord, and the character point effect is the same (see the Corporeal Player's Guide) for these disadvantages.
But it is not really Discord. For instance: in a celestial, being
Crippled is a sign of a stained soul, but in a mortal, it is a sign of an amputated. Likewise, a human who has a mental problem is not touched by
the Pit. (In Nomine, p. 63, states that Ethereal Discord can be gained in
ethereal combat. If this happens to a human, he does indeed take the
indicated form of mental trauma, but it is not really Discord.)
What do angels detect if a Bright Lilim has the Aura Discord?
Since the Lilim no longer belong to a "Band," all
the angel can detect is that she is an angel. (This is a change from
a previous ruling, and a GM may certainly decide that Lilim is Lilim and the Aura does not distinguish between Bright and dark Daughters.)
Last checked 5/31/05
If a celestial has the Bound Discord, what happens if the vessel or object is destroyed/slain?
(The following is a change to a prior FAQ.)
If the celestial is Bound into a vessel, it proceeds to Trauma (and its Heart or Limbo) normally -- though the GM may decide that it takes longer than usual for the sundered spirit to "coalesce" properly and start trying to recover from Trauma! For Malakim, who don't suffer Trauma and awaken nearly instantly when corporeally killed, it may take them the longer time that other Choirs must endure, in a sort of mini-Trauma. Afterwards, the celestial is still Bound! Until the Discord is removed, any vessel it manifests in will be the one it's stuck in.
If the celestial is Bound to an artifact, total destruction will either shift the Discord to the current vessel, or result in Trauma (for Kyriotates and Shedim). Otherwise, it's merely very painful and leaves the celestial stuck in the largest portion.
At the GM's option, the celestial could Bind itself to another vessel/item. The old one
can be trashed at this point. Increase the level of the
Discord by at least one. If the
being does not have another vessel to do this with, then
binding into an object is the only possibility. If
the Discord was already at 6, then a new level of some
other Discord (GM's option) is added on -- probably something
suitable to the means used to destroy the old vessel/item.
Last checked 5/31/05, but again, I'm lacking my books; if this FAQ ruling is contradicted by something in a dead-trees book, I'd like to know and can be contacted via the In Nomine Mailing List, or an address elsewhere in this FAQ.
Would a celestial gain dissonance from their vessel's actions while possessed?
No. The celestial is nor present.
How do celestials who have to travel work off dissonance at Tethers?
The best methods are moving Tethers and swapping back and
forth between Tethers (for example going up to a celestial
realm along the Tether and back down another Tether). Although the
travel time between Tethers doesn't count as service, as long as
it isn't TOO long the celestial can break up their service in
order to get their full week in.
Last checked 5/31/05, but I have a feeling the Liber Castellorum also allows celestials to stay strictly within the Tether's confines without dissonance, even if the timing would be overlong otherwise.
Yes, but keep in mind that a being has to earn the lower-level
Distinctions to get the higher ones, so the point is moot. The only use
in not listing the lower-level ones is to save room on the character sheet.
A Superior could grant the powers of Distinctions "out of order," but that would confuse everyone, so they don't.
Last checked 5/31/05
When do Distinctions take effect? Do they require a roll?
Distinctions work on a case-by-case
basis. Unless specified, none require a roll. Any active
Distinction (e.g., Vassals of Fire's ability to raise or lower
the temperature of a fire) require a round to take effect.
Passive ones (e.g., Vassals of Stone's ability to not be
hurt by earth or stone) are automatic and continuous.
Some that seem active are really passive (e.g., Masters of the
Granite Hand get to multiply their check digit by the
angel's Corporeal Forces. The active part is making
the attack. The Distinction is passive and merely
multiplies the amount of damage.)
Last checked 5/31/05
Yes, but see the next question. Remember, that the Essence is paid
(and the disturbance created), only when a successful
Will roll is made to change to a celestial Form. (p. 55).
Last checked 5/31/05
Does the 2 Essence required to change into celestial form add to the disturbance?
Yes. (pp. 54-55)
Last checked 5/31/05
So how much noise does swapping between corporeal vessels make?
Going from one Corporeal vessel to another costs
one Essence, requires no roll, and makes the same amount of
disturbance as going celestial.
Last checked 5/31/05
Yes, although entering doesn't necessarily cause double since one
can the corporeal realm directly into a vessel.
As a general guideline, GMs should always make the disturbance
rules side with celestial powers being as noisy as possible.
Celestial powers make celestials hot stuff on earth, but there is
always risk involved -- being noticed.
Last checked 5/31/05
Does killing a Soldier create disturbance for a celestial?
Does damaging, but not killing, a human cause disturbance?
Damage to any native thing on Earth does disturbance. One note of disturbance for every four points of damage.
Last checked 5/31/05
Does hurting a possessed human cause disturbance?
Yes. They may be under control, but that's still a part of the
Symphony being damaged. A Kyriotate fighting a Shedite can be a very noisy battle!
Last checked 5/31/05
Does an attack by a celestial on an undead creature cause disturbance?
Yes. Just like attacking any human, no matter how
twisted they are.
Last checked 5/31/05
Generally at the site of the crash, but see In Nomine, p. 55:
"At the GM's discretion, the tracker may be led to the physical site of the
disturbance, or the celestial who caused it, or to both in succession."
Last checked 5/31/05
How much noise is made when a celestial is killed and forced to return to its Heart?
None. Their Forces are blasted and don't leave the corporeal
plane in any organized fashion (the fact that the vessel is left behind may
be a factor in masking any disturbance). This is one reason that being
killed is so Traumatic!
Last checked 5/31/05
Is there a disturbance when you damage the host of a celestial?
Yes. You are still damaging the body of something that belongs
in the Symphony. If the body is a vessel, on the other hand,
there would be no noise. (Punching someone hard enough to do damage is one way of playing the "human or celestial?" guessing game. Don't try it if you're a Mercurian.)
Last checked 5/31/05
The same as usual (i.e., their total Forces).
Last checked 5/31/05
Is there a disturbance from a normal human's instinctive use of Essence?
No. The disturbance is only cause from conscious, deliberate use
of Essence (e.g., powering a Song, improving a roll with conscious Essence
control, etc.).
Last checked 5/31/05
In Nomine, p.55, "Everything that
celestials do on Earth creates foreign notes in the
Symphony. Most are small and easily overlooked. But certain
actions, if taken by a celestial, will create dramatic
reverberations which can draw attention."
So, basically, minor things are lost in the background noise
of the Symphony. Things that are designed to be broken
up (like a grenade) do not cause a disturbance when they
blow as long as nothing else is damaged; the GM should err on the side of things being disturbing, though.
On the other hand, some beings might be able to detect even "microscopic" disturbances . . .
Last checked 5/31/05
Does a host cause disturbance if they are possessed by a celestial and cause damage?
Yes, because the possessor is celestial. Note, this
even applies to Shedim who are "convincing" their still-present hosts. While a case could be made for a Shedite "sitting back" and letting the host get along with his job as a car-compactor operator, the Shedite is still the one fundamentally in control. Disturbance will be generated.
Last checked 5/31/05
Not if they are going to their own realms. Angels in Hell and demons in
Heaven will cause disturbance in those realms. See Heaven & Hell -- or possibly its errata.
Last checked 5/31/05
What happens to ethereals with no Celestial Forces?
They wander around the Marches, where they are probably
quickly dispatched or make it to the Far Marches and are absorbed by
some other being. Ethereal
Remnants can also exist on Earth like celestial Remnants. It's up to
the GM, really.
Last checked 5/31/05
An angel can become a demon just by rolling badly?!
Not at all. If you never generate dissonance, you cannot Fall. There are other points to consider, too.
Metaphysics. Angels are creatures whose nature is attuned
to some part of the Symphony - their Choir, their Superior, their own
Word. By rejecting that nature, their resonances change... they strike
a new chord. Their outward appearance reflects the resonance of a Fallen angel.
Last checked 5/31/05
It says here that Malakim can't fall at all! Can this be right?
Yup. Malakim don't Fall. However, they do gain dissonance everytime they
act dishonorably, especially by breaking one of their oaths. If they succeed
on their dissonance roll, they just get one more note of dissonance.
If they fail a dissonance roll the first time, they become Outcast (and
gain another note of dissonance). Yes, they can be Outcast.
For each time an Outcast Malakite fails a dissonance
roll, they gain another note of dissonance and a level of
Discord. (Just like demons, who mutter things about "You can't Fall off the floor.")
Of course, Outcast Malakim risk being hunted down by their fellows before they dishonor Heaven itself.
Last checked 5/31/05
If a character has no Forces, how are the characteristics determined?
He has 4 times his Forces in the area, which is zero.
So his total characteristics are zero in both stats. Rough life,
isn't it? In the case of Remnants, the only reason a stiff
celestial breeze won't just blow them away is that
they are protected by their vessels.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can non-humans have more than 6 forces in an area?
Nope. Powerful beings (Demon Princes, Archangels, old-time
ethereal gods and the like) can apparently do an end-run around this
limit by having powerful Words, etc. The Game Master's Guide discusses ways to quantify -- or not -- Superiors. The limit for PCs is 6 per area and
18 total. Period. (This is a change from the previous FAQ entry.)
Last checked 5/31/05
The Game Master's Guide has more detail on the issue, but basically it
boils down to who has control over the process. The first option is
that (most of the time) only Superiors can add Forces and once the
character is one characteristic point away from getting the Force,
they petition their Superior. Under this model, the cost of the fourth
characteristic is only 1 point (thus making the cost 10 character points, the same as
raising a Force directly). The second option is that characters can
"sneak" a Force in without the permission or help of their Superior.
This is especially crucial for demons who want to keep everyone in
the dark about their capabilities. If you are "sneaking" a Force,
you have to pay the full 12 cps (4 characteristic levels times 3 character ppoints each).
Ask your GM which method is being used in the campaign.
Last checked 5/31/05
Hearts are something your Superior creates so that you have a celestial
home. When you Fall/redeem, your Heart self-destructs since you have broken
a metaphysical contact with your Superior.
You can swipe (or be given) your Heart from your Superior and put it
anywhere you want -- in the realm where it was created. Blandine and Beleth could presumably create Hearts in the ethereal realm, but that would leave them more vulnerable to attacks by ethereals or each others' forces, so they don't.
This is a simplification of a prior, rather complex, FAQ.
Last checked 5/31/05
No. This is a revision to a particularly egregious prior answer. If you want to get rid of an old, inconvenient Heart by binding to a new Superior, the act of creating a new Heart shatters the old one. Falling or redeeming also shatter one's former Heart, even before a new Heart is crafted.
The latter. Only Superiors make Hearts. (Or McGuffins. GMs may always introduce McGuffins.)
Last checked 5/31/05
See above. While they could create Hearts in the Marches, it would be a stupid risk to take. Blandine, a Cherub, would not put her Servitors in such needless danger, and Beleth, a Djinn, would not allow the chance that her minions might steal their Hearts and set off for the Far Marches.
A "bound" Lilim -- not Discordant, but merely serving a Prince -- would have a Superior-forged heart in some
Principality of Hell, same as any other Servitor.
Lilim who are "free" don't have Hearts. While it might be possible to have a Prince create a Heart for her, it would not come cheap -- the number of Geases would make most Free Lilim quail. And afterwards, allowing her to move the Heart where she would? Even more expensive. (Why should Princes waste the energy making a Heart for someone who's not a Servitor? If you want a Heart, bind to a Prince.)
Last checked 5/31/05
Where do Heartless celestials go when their corporeal vessels are killed?
They go into a realm known as Limbo. Limbo is a nerve-rackingly boring
place that a celestial being is trapped in until it can form a new vessel. See Heaven and Hell or GURPS In Nomine.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can Heartless demons go to Earth?
A Heartless demon, having never been to Earth before,
can only go there via a Tether (or if summoned by a sorcerer). If he doesn't have a vessel or other "anchor" to hold him there, he will soon take damage or get sucked back to a Hellish Heart, if he has one. Shedim might be able to last longer, but demonic Seneschals and Princes frown
severely on such unauthorized jaunts.
For that matter, this applies to most angels, too.
Last checked 5/31/05
Are Barons of Belial immune to the heat generated by picking up the Hearts of other demons?
It's not a real fire-like heat, but simply something that's feels like
heat. It probably has something to do with the clashing symphonies
of the demons involved. So they are most definitely not immune!
Last checked 5/31/05
Can a human become a celestial?
Humans and other corporeal beings are essentially different
from celestial beings. A human can never become an angel or demon (or
vice-versa). There are several mentions of humans "becoming" demons in
some rulebooks. These references are to the process where a human soul
is stripped of Forces and then are grafted onto a demon (including some
memories). To outward appearances, they may look the same, but
the human is dead.
Last checked 5/31/05
How many Forces can a human have?
Most typical humans have five Forces. Less than this indicates
someone who is very young, very old or deficient in some way. Very special
people (including Soldiers by definition) can have more than this. The
maximum is 15 forces (five in each area). Any more than this
would put a human over the maximum characteristic limit (10).
Last checked 5/31/05
Can a human have over five Forces without being a Soldier?
Yes, but it requires a very dedicated and motivated person
who is actively striving for something more than the average, or for
something outside of themselves. (For other ways, see the Corporeal Player's Guide)
Just having six Forces does not give the advantages of being a Soldier (such as Symphonic Awareness and the ability to control one's Essence deliberately), but it does make one prime recruitment material by either side!
Last checked 5/31/05
Does a human with zero celestial Forces have a soul?
Yes, but this is a very rare situation. Normally, a human has
at least one Force in each area. Due to advanced age or other damage, a human might
lose his last Celestial Force -- or, as a GM may rule, lose access to it on this side of death. Such misfortunates are usually very close to
dying, but they still have their souls and will go to the appropriate place
when they die. Note that some souls will disband upon the death
of the entity or through celestial combat. A living human with zero Celestial Forces will resemble a remnant.
Last checked 5/31/05
Not exactly. Under most circumstances, for normal actions, the
GM shouldn't require a die roll at all from a human. If you are just driving down the
street, you don't need a driving roll! It's when a character tries something
different, unusually difficult, or in a stressful situation that the die rolls
become necessary. See the Corporeal Player's Guide for more info on this.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can humans have Words? Distinctions? Choir/Band Attunements?
In general, no to the first and last. Distinctions are special kinds of Servitor Attunements, with rank associated with them -- so they're only granted to humans if the human holds that rank!
Humans don't get Words (no one knows how Lilith has hers) and Choir/Band Attunements have other requirements. See the Corporeal Player's Guide.
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Not normally, no. Superiors and certain supernatural powers could bend this, though.
Last checked 5/31/05
What does the check digit do when a character fails to invoke a Superior?
If you are at a Tether, that is the number of days it takes before the Superior responds to the message. Outside of a Tether, it's the number of days before you can try again.
Do all humans end up in Blandine's or Beleth's realms when they sleep?
Blandine and Beleth have the power to draw dreamers
into their specific areas of the Marches. Some
human dreamers do get to the Far Marches, either
through power or talent, or just by accident.
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Yes. Celestials who are "dreaming" don't have a dreamscape,
and do not dream in the way mortals do. They just are using
an alternate method of getting their consciousness to the Marches.
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What do celestials look like in the Marches?
They usually look like whatever their last form was (celestial
form, last vessel, etc.). With a successful Dreaming roll, the
celestial can make themselves look like anything. Talismans and
relics keep their natural shape. You can't just be "invisible" without being a Malakite of Dreams; the Marches reacts to the presence of everything on the realm. See the Ethereal Player's ZGuide
Last checked 5/31/05
Why can't Outcasts go celestial while Renegades can?
This is errata'ed. Outcasts can, in fact, take their celestial forms.
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What is the range for a Shedite/Kyriotate's possession resonance? How about for Song of Possession?
Use the Resonance modifiers on p. 57 with the
limitation that is common to most demonic resonances -- i.e., you
can't use a recording of any sort, but live transmissions are
all right. (GMs may wish to deprive Shedim of the ability to use even live transmissions for their resonance.) Note that Shedim cause disturbance when they
go between hosts unless they are "oozing" -- touching the new host with
the old one (since they would otherwise have to go celestial). See the Infernal Player's Guide for exact oozing mechanics.
Last checked 5/31/05; should have the IPG to hand when I next look at these.
Does the "rider" get the movement abilities of the host? What about special senses?
Standard movement and abilities are included in the
"owner's manual" that comes with the host. The possessors'
tie with the Symphony provides such instincts for free. Learned
skills, such as a pigeon who's been taught to do
loop-de-loops when it wants birdseed, are unavailable.
Senses are included with the vessel unless, for some
reason, they depend on a learned skill. So, in a cat body,
for example, the possessor would get a bonus to sneak (due to the
small size and padded paws) and a bonus to climb trees
(claws), but a GM might rule that when walking across
a narrow ledge, no roll was necessary since that was included
as part of a cat's "natural movement" abilities.
Last checked 5/31/05
What is the Will of an "empty" vessel? (For example, a body in a Body Bag.)
The body has no Will and therefore doesn't get a roll to resist Possession.
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Does a possessing being get the skills of an animal they possess?
See above. The "skills" of an animal are mostly hardwired reflexes and the
advantages of having a body well-suited to practicing them (claws on cats
for climbing). Use normal skill rolls, but give a bonus based on body
shape and size.... or a penalty! Elephants aren't very stealthy, for example,
while mice are.
Last checked 5/31/05
What happens to a celestial when its vessel is possessed?
The celestial's mind is tossed into the Marches. If
it has another vessel it can use, it can get
back to earth with that one. A Kyriotate who has
no other vessel assumes its Celestial form (p. 102).
Shedim are evicted and must find a new host
quickly (p. 152). When the duration of Possession
is over, the mind of the celestial is drawn back to
its vessel as long as it is still in the Marches
(or it can choose to let the vessel vanish).
If it is elsewhere, the vessel vanishes.
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Is there any disturbance when a Kyriotate/Shedite possesses a host?
No. Shedim cause disturbance when leaving a host via assuming celestial form, but not for taking a host, or when oozing.
Does a Kyriotate or Shedite have to abandon a host to possess a new one?
The old host is relinquished when the new one is successfully
taken over, for Kyriotates who don't have enough Forces to keep both hosts. Shedim normally have to assume celestial form, leaving one host before taking another,
but can also "ooze" between hosts (see the Infernal Player's Guide, p. 57).
What happens to the Discord of the possessor when it is in a host?
Most Discords show up immediately, but the ones that have large
physical changes (like most Corporeal Discord) can take a certain amount
of time. For example, with Damaged Sense or Crippled, the possessor would
lose use of the sense or extremity immediately (though it wouldn't actually
cease to work permanently for the host). On the other hand, it might take anywhere from a few hours to a day or two to "bulk up" to the level Obese requires. (This is why some
Kyriotates or Shedim might prefer a host that has the same limitations
as they do... it's much less obvious when they are possessed.)
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Does a Kyriotate or Shedite know why they get bounced when they fail to possess someone?
In general, yes. A failed possession roll is obvious to
the possessor. If the subject forces them out, they can tell that has
occured. If the subject is too "big," Forces-wise, they feel that, but
not exactly how many Forces the victim has. Shedim can also tell that
they were bounced because the subject wasn't human, but they can't tell
exactly what the subject is.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can a victim tell that a possession attempt has occured if it fails?
Anyone who can consciously control his Essence
(which includes celestials, Soldiers, Saints, undead, and ethereals)
knows that an attempt has occured, but not from where it happened.
Normal humans, Remnants, and the like might notice that something
happened, but have no idea what (or they might ignore it as a passing
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Why doesn't someone fix all those Remnants?
This is a very complex question with a variety of reasons. Depending on who you ask in Heaven or Hell, you will get a different answer -- or several, if you ask the right beings.
Do Remnants keep their Rites, attunements, and resonances?
Yes to Rites and attunements (including anything
they got for being Word-bound!) and no to resonances.
Resonances are part of a celestials' innate nature... something
that is blasted out of Remnants. Rites and attunements, on
the other hand, can be granted to anyone and so are retained.
Few remnants have the coherent force of Will to make use of
what they still have left, however.
Last checked 5/31/05
If a Demon Prince grafts a Celestial Force onto a angel remnant, is the resulting celestial a demon?
If the repairs can be done relatively easily (GM's decision),
then the Remnant regains his former Choir, but may be dissonant or Discordant. Princes work with twisted Forces. More difficult cases, where few angelic Forces are left, will only produce a demon -- and possibly a dissonance or Discordant one. Really difficult cases are essentially using the Remnant's remaining Forces to build a demon with, and hoping there will be some memory ovelap.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can Remnants raise their Will, Perception or Celestial Forces by themselves?
Celestial Forces, never. A GM may (but doesn't have to)
allow a Remnant to get up to three points of Will and Perception
total. If the character had some partial raises to Perception and
Will before losing all its Celestial Forces, it usually gets to
keep those, as well.
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Old Geases still have force, and a Remnant could voluntarily
agree to a new Geas, but they are otherwise immune to the Perception-based Need-reading that a Lilim must use before setting her Ges-hook.
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Can I spend Essence when resisting with Will?
Unless the GM specifically overrules it, any roll for resistance can
be improved with Essence.
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Can a resource that is "lost" during roleplaying (e.g., a vessel dies) be gotten back for free?
By default, anything lost or destroyed (Artifacts, vessels, Roles,
Forces, etc.) is generally just lost. This grim fate can be modified via
good role-playing. If you are doing well, in your Superior's eyes, he may
give you an immediate gift and send you back (such as a new vessel to get
you back into the game). If you are doing an average job, a replacement may
be more grudging, or of lesser quality, or delayed several game sessions. If
you are doing poorly, a free replacement is very unlikely. Most time, the
replacement will be given as a reward (In Nomine, p. 202) at the end
of the adventure, unless the character is truly doing a great job by their
Superior's standards.
Mind you, it's not in most Superiors' best interests to have a vessel-less
minion wandering around their demenses. They should be down
on Earth, doing bad/good! In this case, if a character doesn't
have the points to buy a new vessel, one might be "loaned" with the
expectation that it would be paid off in experience points at the end of
the adventure.
Last checked 5/31/05
The performance of the Rite itself grants immunity during
the duration of the Rite unless the Rite
specifies otherwise.
Last checked 5/31/05
How do humans buy Roles? The rules on p. 72 seem to be wrong.
They are indeed inconsistent; please
use the following (some repeated from p. 43):
Humans don't buy a Role. They can buy levels
of Status/x at the cost of [(Status - 1) * 2] with
the first level of Status being automatically
added for free. In other words, each level of
Status beyond the free one costs two points.
The cost of a Role for Celestials is the
[(Role's Status * Role's Level) / 2], rounded
up if necessary.
Last checked 5/31/05, but not yet double-checked against errata or the second printing. Why don't I have my books right where I need them when the child naps?
Can a celestial in an animal vessel have a Role?
Officially, no (p.43). But if you want to do something weird in your
campaign, go for it. The cost is the same for human Roles. It is very
hard to justify a Role above Status/1 however! Remember that Roles are
based on how much reality and influence you have in human society -- it would take a high-profile animal to count for a Role. See also the Liber Servitorum
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The same way humans do (p. 43). The problem
is that people who are known or believed to be dead lose their Status.
("You ain't Elvis -- Elvis is dead!") Undead creatures should keep
their deceased nature from being known as best they can.
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Status can go no higher than the Role level.
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How do Falling and redemption affect Roles?
There is no effect. Some Roles may become unusable or unpalateable
after this change in status, but they will still be available! Of course, Judgment and the Game, at the least, will tend to take action to secure such a "compromised" Role -- such as by capturing the turncoat (if possible) and plonking some other celestial into a lookalike vessel. Or just leaving a dead body somewhere.
If a Role is destroyed by one's former side, the points are not returned -- though a Superior might grant an equivalent one to a PC.
Last checked 5/31/05
The cost for a Role/1, Status/1 celestial is the same as for a Role/2 Status/1. Is this correct?
Yeah. It's just an artifact of the formula and nothing serious
to worry about. If a PC is developing a Role, it should start with 1/1 (at
the cost of one point because of the rounding), and then work up
to a Role/2 (at no cost other than time and effort).
Last checked 5/31/05
When do Saints regenerate Essence? If a Celestial smacks one, is there disturbance?
Except for their special abilities and knowledge, Saints and
Bodhisattvas (as they're more-often called in Heaven) should be treated just like humans or Soldiers. So they
regenerate at noon and Symphonic disturbance will occur if a celestial
injures or kills one.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can a Shedite possess a Saint?
Yup. But Saints are generally more aware of their spiritual
and mental space than most humans and are more likely to recognize that they're being tampered with and get Will
rolls to push the demon out. They're also frequently Blessed, which gives them a very strong will -- see the Corporeal Player's Guide.
What happens to a Saint who succumbs to his fate while on Earth?
Saints cannot Fall, so to speak, but some have become so
corrupted that upon suffering corporeal death, they have simply
vanished. They don't appear in Heaven or Hell, but some theorize
that they are yanked to the Upper Heavens or simply dissolve into
the Symphony. (See the Corporeal Player's Guide, p. 88)
What's the maximum level for skills?
Normally six, but animals can go higher to represent natural
abilities such as a keen sense of smell for Tracking -- or the GM can simply assign a bonus, depending on the GM's sense of aesthetics.
Last checked 5/31/05
Should Large Weapons have specialties like Ranged Weapons and Small Weapons do?
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When can I combine Acrobatics skill with Dodge?
"May sometimes be combined" means that it can be used when appropriate
for the situation... moving your whole body out of the
way of a relatively slow-moving attack.
Avoiding the telephone pole that is swinging
toward your character. Getting out of the way of that
rampaging elephant. Ducking behind cover when the grenade
goes off. Additionally, you must use a Full Dodge (i.e.,
blow your whole action) to do this. If the situation is
appropriate, add your Acrobatics Level to your Dodge target
number. (Some GMs will allow players to use this
Super-Dodge against any attack, even quick ones like bullets.
More power to them.)
Last checked 5/31/05, and I should really dig up my second printing to double-check it.
Soldiers serve a side -- Heaven or Hell. They
are directly supervised by a Superior's Servitor. It
is possible for a Soldier to receive the Servitor
Attunements of the Superior they are serving under
(directly or indirectly). So they could directly
serve Joe the Angel, but get Joe's Superior's
attunements. (The occasional Soldier ends up
serving a Ethereal power, as well.)
Laurence is charged with coordinating the
Soldiers of God on earth. He makes his Servitor
Attunements available to them (regardless of who
else they may serve or whatever religion they may be).
Does this give the Soldiers of God and edge? Well, yes,
but they need it since they are rather outnumbered.
Soldiers do not normally get Distinctions or Choir/Band Attunements.
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Does a Soldier using a Song cause Symphonic disturbance?
All focused Essence expenditures cause disturbance,
though the source is usually unrecognizeable as angelic, demonic,
or human. The default use of Essence by untrained
humans does not cause disturbance.
Last checked 5/31/05
In some circumstance, a human can have six Forces before
they are recruited as a Soldier (see the Corporeal Player's Guide). In this case, the
restriction doesn't apply. If a human with five Forces is recruited as a soldier,
then the sixth Force they gain will be a Corporeal one if they only had one. (This rule is relaxed for Dream Soldiers who will spend a lot
of time on the Ethereal Plane, and other intellectually or spiritually oriented Superiors might make exceptions from time to time as well.)
Last checked 5/31/05
It says that the Singing skill helps with some Ethereal Songs. Which ones?
None... in the main rulebook. There are some in the Liber Canticorum.
Is magic (magick/magik) just another name for Songs?
This depends on who you ask. People who understand the Symphony tend to disparage the term "magic" -- there are Songs, and there is sorcery, and the hocus pocus of stage magic can't be made "real." More relaxed people let "magic" stand in for either or both -- and get griped at by the detail-oriented ones.
Last checked 5/31/05
Nope. It just means that they are very quick with the Song
and don't have to worry about being tied up, gagged, etc. Simple actions
(i.e., ones that don't require skill rolls) such as running or driving down
a road (no dangerous conditions or combat allowed!) are possible when one
knows the Song so that gestures are not necessary. Maintaining a normal
conversation is possible, if you don't have to speak to activate the Song, as well.
The GM may allow Virtuosos some better tricks, though. See the Liber Canticorum.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can a Superior give a Song to a human?
Yes, but that's not very efficient. Usually, the Superior
would grant an Ethereal Attunement (this is what Dream
Soldiers get) or a Celestial Attunement to grant the
ability to use the appropriate songs. See the Corporeal Player's Guide.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can a Song's effects reach across planes?
Unless the description says so, no.
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Is a person "Stunned" as per the game mechanic (p. 62) when under the Song of Charm?
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Is there any way to resist Song of Charm?
No resistance. Awful, ain't it?
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Why are higher levels of this Song less accurate than lower levels?
It has to do with the length. The longer claws do much
more damage, but are unwieldy, hence the lower accuracy. You
can always use the smaller claws if you want a better chance
to hit and are willing to have reduced damage.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can the Corporeal Song of Healing be used for any corporeal object?
Yes, it can be used to heal any sort of corporeal
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What is the range of the Celestial Song of Motion?
The range given in the description applies to both the
final destination of the object and its initial distance
from the performer.
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Numious Corpus: Is this one Song or many? Do I have to buy them all?
Each item under Numious Corpus is a seperate Song
and must be paid for individually.
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Does knowing more than one of these Songs give you a check digit bonus on the other Songs?
Numious Corpus: What is the Degree of Disturbance for this Song?
Beyond the Essence required, none.
Last checked 5/31/05
Last checked 5/31/05
What is your speed when you use Numious Corpus: Wings? The speed on p. 82 seems very slow.
This needs to be put into errata, if it isn't. As per the Liber Canticorum, use the rules on p. 65, so the speed for Winged movement is
[Agility X 10] yards per round. This makes top speed around 50 mph and average
speed 25 mph.
Last checked 5/31/05
It only applies
to one, but you can switch which one it applies to by making it
vanish from one host and then add it to another.
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Nope. The target must be in celestial form as well.
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What happens when a Kyriotate or Shedite uses Song of Possession on someone?
They get the benefits of both their resonance and the Song for
the duration of the Song. After that, treat it as a normal resonance-based
possession. This means that a Kyriotate/Shedite could have two chances
to possess the same host. (Note that it allows Shedim to possess non-human
hosts, but they'll still be booted when the Song duration ends.)
Last checked 5/31/05
What happens if the body dies while a possessor is in residence?
This is rather tricky and has several permutations. If the possessor
has a body to return to (the usual case), they simply bounce back to it, but
take Mind Hits equal to the "excess" damage it took to kill the body being
possessed. If the singer has no body to go back to, they are treated as if
they had just experienced death (Trauma for celestials, and death for humans).
Of course, Malakim, Kyriotates, and Shedim have their own special rules involving
vessel death.
The POSSESSEE, on the other hand, is in a bizarre state. Unless the GM wants
to do something fun, humans die and go their final reward (whatever it would
normally be). Celestials, due to their abscence, is spared Trauma because
they weren't in residence at the time. They feel a distant loss, but that's
the extent of it.
What happens if a celestial's vessel dies within the confines of a Celestial Song of Seals?
The celestial's being isn't coherent enough to be trapped
by the Seal. It goes to whatever the normal destination is for a
celestial of its nature (i.e., to the Heart, or to Limbo).
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Does the Song of Shields work both ways? For example, can the protected person attack through it?
All three shields work both ways . . . a good defense, but
hampering at times.
Last checked 5/31/05
What is blocked by the Corporeal Song of Shields?
Any harmful corporeal effect. Yes, this includes having a mountain
dropped on you, poison gas, nuclear explosions, lasers, etc. This is a miracle
and is not subject to mundane limitations. As a miracle, it still allows fresh
air in, does not block harmless sound going in either direction, or reasonable
amounts of light.
Last checked 5/31/05
Any vessel involved will be one that the spirit/whatever
has, not created by the summoner. (House rules and/or future canon may have
rules for sorcerers creating flawed pseudo-vessels.)
"Random" summonings are assumed to call a being that already has
a vessel (and some creature, such as demonlings, don't need vessels on Earth). If a named being without a vessel is called on Earth, the
summoning will fail. As always, the GM can allow these to work
if special preparations are made!
Last checked 5/31/05
What happens to a demon in celestial form in a divine Tether?
It starts frying, exposed to the concentrated, focused light of Heaven -- much like a bug under a magnifying glass.
Last checked 5/31/05
How are Body Hits for undead calculated?
They are calculated the same as for celestials, with their "vessel leve" equal to their Corporeal Forces. They keep Toughness, if any. (Corporeal Player's Guide, p. 91.)
Last checked 5/31/05
Do Geases (old or new) work on the undead?
Yes. They have twisted souls that are bound into their
corporeal bodies, but the soul is still there. The exception is for
Zombis created by the Samingan Zombi attunement -- the soul upon which the Geases were placed is fled, and the body is nothing but walking meat. Failed Mummies have the original soul bound into them, and so Geases should remain.
Last checked 5/31/05
What happens to a vessel when it's killed?
The vessel remains. While no longer usable as a vessel,
it can still be used to track down the original owner (using the proper Songs or
other abilities). If it is recovered or destroyed in time, any Role associated
with that vessel can be salvaged by making a new vessel identical to the first.
Otherwise the Role is lost because the person is "dead." The vessel is identical
to human to all but the most painstaking analysis. It's up to the GM to decide
whether genetic investigators or other 21st century sleuths can tell the
difference between a dead vessel and a dead human. (Aside from the possible lack of stomach contents...)
Last checked 5/31/05
Can you get a new vessel for free when an old one is killed?
This depends entirely on the GM. In some campaigns replacement is
free and others it will cost full character points to get another vessel.
The Game Master's Guide goes into this in more detail.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can you give a Limbo-formed vessel Charisma?
Remaking an old vessel (that had Charisma) is allowed. If it
didn't have it, GMs can impose whatever conditions they think
reasonable or disallow it altogether.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can you improve the level of a vessel?
It requires the intervention of a Superior (or, possibly, an
ethereal god).
Last checked 5/31/05
Can you selectively leave things behind when going from corporeal to celestial form?
Things that are too heavy are automatically left behind (p. 54). The rest is up to the GM. Here's a suggestion: for each discrete object that you wish to leave behind (i.e., it will fall to the
ground when the body vanishes) requires one extra round of concentration.
For those who don't have time for that, ALL corporeal items can be dropped
as a unit, taking only the vessel itself. Discrete items are anything that
is easily quantifiable as a unit (a gun, a backpack, my wristwatch), not something
more nebulous or encapsulated (the bullet in my leg, all the dirt in my
clothing, the bugs in the bag of flour). Only a Superior can "sift" through
a vessel that is not in use and remove (or add) items. Even the vessel's owner
has to manifest it to make any changes!
Last checked 5/31/05
How close to human are vessels?
This is partially a GM's call (i.e., some GM's like to use
vessels, especially older ones, that give humans some clue about the
weirdness they are facing). Canonically, they have fingerprints,
they sweat, they have DNA with the proper number of chromosomes, they're
chemically identical to a normal human, etc. Now, since vessels don't
require food and are immune to disease, a researcher might notice some
slight anomolies (this person seems to be in perfect health, but their
system is entirely free of any trace of food), but nothing outrageous.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can a mechanic give Body hits back to an injured machine vessel?
If the GM allows machine vessels, then a mechanic
can fix them just as a doctor can help fix a normal vessel.
Machine vessels can likewise be repaired by the Corporeal
Song of Healing and the Song of Machines. Plus machine vessels might
heal like other vessels.
Last checked 5/31/05
Can a Worded celestial grant Rites, attunements, and Distinctions?
Yes to Rites and Servitor Attunments unique to the Word.
No to Distinctions and Choir/Band Attunements which depend on an Archangel's
or Demon Prince's Word. If a Word-bound celestial becomes a Superior, then
it can develop distinctions and Choir/Band Attunements of its own. See the Game Master's Guide for more details.
Last checked 5/31/05
What happens to a Word-bound whose Word is in decline?
The decline of a Word almost certainly leads to the decline
of the Word-bound (as seen in Night Music, with the Old Guy). What once supported the
celestial now becomes a drain as the being's essential energies go
to support the Word rather than the other way around. This even applies
to Archangels and Demon Princes! Normally the "cost" of such status is
supplied automatically by the Word, but when the Word fails...
The exact details of what happens to a weakened Superior are
up to the GM. The Game Master's Guide discusses Words waxing and waning.
Last checked 5/31/05
What kinds of Words are there?
Vices, virtues, ideas, ideologies, causes, things of the world. There
might be, in an upcoming supplement, an outline of Words that have been compiled based
on Scholastic/Aristotelian theo/philosophy. There might not be.
Last checked 5/31/05
Archangels and Princes seem to have much shorter Words, is this because they are more powerful?
No, cooler. They got the world to call their abstract causes by one
Word. Sort of like Cher.
Last checked 5/31/05
Do Words get shorter (and more abstract) as the celestials influence increases?
Possibly, but not necessarily. Celestials don't lightly change Words.
They're more likely to be stripped of a Word than to change it. The Word you
first get is you. You are uniquely tuned to it. To try to change it on your
own goes against nature. You must promote the Word which is yours, not shop
around for cooler one.
Though you can aim for bigger Words which subsume the current one. Again, check out the Game Master's Guide.
Last checked 5/31/05
Are there more angels or demons?
Lucifer's Forces were originally outnumberd 2 to 1 in the
War and, one must presume, he lost more of his host than God
did. Afterwards, though, he started creating new demons as fast
as he could, as described on p. 155. The current situation seems
to be that there are more demons than angels, but demons are
generally weaker. Notice how scared the demon was in A
Dark Dream when he heard an angel was in town? This is
how a vast number of the infernal hordes feel about the
average angel.
Also, angels tend to work in teams.
Last checked 5/31/05
Good question. And one that is asked at the
highest levels of the angelic hierarchy
(and the middle levels and probably all the
way down to the bottom)!
One answer is that fighting someone on their
home territory, especially masters of deception
and lies, is probably a bad idea tactically.
Another answer is that they might lose the
very thing they were fighting over: the souls
of all those humans. Some celestials (on
either side) don't give a hoot about humanity,
but a whole lot do. And The Boss
seems to care a great deal. Undoubtably,
such a fight would have major consequences for
those who inhabit the Earth.
Last checked 5/31/05
Angels are trying to follow God's plan to the
best of their flawed perceptions. Demons are
trying to chart their own course of selfishness
which means, nearly by default, they have to
work for Hell (the rebels' rebels are quickly
hunted down and, at best, killed).
Last checked 5/31/05
Do angels have free will? Do humans?
This is purposely left as a question mark. Let the players figure it out.
Last checked 5/31/05
What is the true status of religions in the world?
You'll have to ask God, and God isn't talking. No one, neither human
nor celestial, knows the exact Truth of whether God spoke directly to Moses,
whether an Aspect of God became enfleshed in the person of Jesus, and whether
God was influencing Gabriel to recite the Koran to Mohammed. OK, Yves
might know the last one, but he isn't talking, either.
This means that celestials, who almost all believe in the existence of --
or have even met -- the One God, are free to choose what they believe in with
regard to God's inteventions in human history. In this regard, they're in
the same boat with all of humanity... they have to trust in the reports of
those humans who've claimed that they've had an encounter with God. And some
of those celestials do espouse a belief in one of the monotheistic
religions. And religious differences among celestials can be just as touchy
as among humans.
As far as the Pagan gods go, in the mind of most celestials, they are
egomaniacal ethereal spirits who've abused humanity so that they can leech
Essence from gullible worshippers. The "gods" have a different opinion,
of course.
Last checked 5/31/05
What is In Nomine's stance on Original Sin? How about indulgences?
Original sin is a theological construct of certain
Christian denominations to explain the broken state of the world.
In In Nomine, we know this is because of demons and human
cussedness. Sorry, no indulgences, either. Let's just say that
the Heavenly network knows if you deserve to go there.
Last checked 5/31/05
What are the Diabolicals' ultimate goals?
That would be telling! But, seriously, each demon
has its own unique -- selfish -- agenda. They work
for Demon Princes because the alternative is to be
hunted down and destroyed (a risk some demons choose
to take). Demon Princes have their own set of
goals and serve Lucifer for the same reason their
underlings serve them (fear and the opportunities
available if you suck up to the right people).
No one is quite sure what Lucifer wants . . . and that's
the way he likes it.
But Ultimate Power is usually a safe guess...
Last checked 5/31/05
Are there only Seraphim on the Seraphim council?
The Council is MOSTLY Seraphim. It also includes the Archangels, of course,
But in addition, there are other, very ancient, angels of other Choirs.
Number not specified, but there is always at least one non-Archangel
representative present from each of the other six major Choirs, that the
Council should never make a decision without the wisdom contained in the
other facets of divinity.
Last checked 5/31/05
Hardly! The celestials (on either side), are doing
their best to influence humanity toward their
way of thinking, but most of their efforts are spent combating each
other. Humanity with its wonderful free will can
choose its own destiny... or fate.
Last checked 5/31/05