Michael, Archangel of War

Belonging to the House of Prudence



The world is conflict, raging across reality. The Word of War is one of War and Healing, conflict designed to bring about an eventual resolution. Fighters and negotiators, Michael's angels are the best and the brightest from the celestial battlefield. The servants of Michael fight vigorously so that one day the War will end.


Michael's servants may never retreat from a conflict if not ordered to. An agent of Michael must be beaten into unconsciousness and dragged bodily from the field of battle.


The attacks of Michael's Seraphim tend to strike true. A target may Dodge (see p. 00), but at a negative Difficulty equal to the Seraph's Celestial Forces.

If, barring the intervention of Celestial Forces, someone will die in the next 24 hours to whom a Cherub of Michael's is attuned to, that angel will feel it in the pit of his stomach.

The speedy and unpredictable Ofanim who work for the Archangel of War invariably get the drop on everyone else, even when mortally wounded! In combat, Michael's Ofanim always go first.

Cold-hearted and without true feeling, these Elohim can look into a people's eyes and tell just how serious they are, how much they're willing to risk in a situation. If someone is resigned to killing, or dying, these angels will know it.

Malakim of War can hear the sound of danger sweeping through the Symphony, beginning as many minutes ahead of time as they have Celestial Forces, growing louder until the moment of conflict.

Michael's Kyriotates, like other Choirs of angels, can generate their own vessels. They don't need to rely on the hospitality of a host to manifest on the corporeal plane. Like others of their kind, they may inhabit as many Corporeal Forces-worth of host vessels as the total amount of their Forces, and they do acquire dissonant tones when one of their vessels are destroyed. See p. 00 for a chart of vessel costs.

Michael's Mercurians are the ultimate diplomats. They know what it will take to resolve a conflict between two people they've seen before -- they know the price of peace.

Manner and Appearance

Michael is one of the Seraphim. His Word, the angelic glyph meaning "War and Healing" is different subtly different from Demon Prince Baal's Word of "War and Treaties," in which conflict is ended in such a way so as to promote later escalation back into open fighting. World War I was Baal's conflict; World War II was Michael's.

Both Michael and his followers are regarded most highly, the best of the best. Now if they can only live up to Heaven's expectations. As the most powerful angel, both of mind and body, Michael bested Lucifer in combat shortly before the rebels were cast out of the heavens. His followers are proud, powerful and won't back down from a fight. They're also very understanding of the human condition, unlike their master, and try not miss out on an opportunity to relieve a human of his pain, if nothing else than just by listening.

Michael prefers not to manifest in anything resembling a human vessel. He would rather appear inherently divine, or in any case inscrutibly alien, than to have anyone attribute a sense of humanity to him. "If they [meaning humans] think you are human," he says, "they will think they can know you."


Michael, as the long-time maker of the angels' plans for battling the demons, is in a sticky position. He must keep the peace among the Archangels, not threatening anyone's power or position, while at the same time remaining steadfastedly solid and not budging an inch to threats or hints of danger.

His servants never have a spare minute; they always have at least one assignment to keep them going, and while everyone expects to have to drop whatever they're doing to help Michael's servants -- at the same time the angels of War feel like other angels are too quick to beg for help, which they all too frequently feel obliged to give, instead of solving their own problems. But right now, he can't afford to upset anyone by refusing to help -- least of all Khalid, who keeps making noises like he's getting ready to swoop in and take over the reins of the War from Michael.


Serve. Michael orders you to acquire a human servant within the next week. He doesn't care who it is but he'll be sending you, and any other angels you can convince to come with you, to take out a chemical factory making flammable aerosal spray cheese for one of Baal's Central American conflicts. The human servant is supposed to take the fall for the explosion, unless someone else wants the blame . . .

Boom. In the middle of one adventure, Michael comes to you and says you have five minutes to clear a hospital before a bomb goes off. The bomb must destroy the hospital, he says, but there are three people who must survive the explosion -- one is a doctor, currently emmersed in open-heart surgery, one is a child in the leukemia therapy unit, the last is a nurse in the emergency room. Go to it.


Chance of Invocation: 1

Invocation Modifiers

An encyclopedia (+1)
Two strategy games, in different languages (+2)
Resolving conflict between two people (+3)
Get someone to recite an hour's worth of the Torah by heart (+4)
Blood from an angel's corpse (+5)
Defeat a demon in intellectual combat (+6)

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