Written by Genevieve Cogman
Illustrated by Dan Smith
GURPS Character Conversions by Elizabeth McCoy and Kimara Bernard
30 pages. PDF.
Price $8.00
Stock number 37-3341
Always Available – Click here to buy!
When a Cherub of War discovers a relic of great importance has gone missing, he declares war on the Infernal Tethers in town, turning the delicate balance of power into a City On Fire . . .
City On Fire is an In Nomine adventure that can be played by either angelic or demonic characters. The Cherub's actions are upsetting the status quo, and his targets just might be innocent victims (as innocent as Infernals get these days, anyway . . .)! And it includes GURPS In Nomine statistics for all characters.

- Warehouse 23 offers scenarios and Superior writeups, in digital form, for In Nomine – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and buy them now with a credit card or PayPal.

- FAQs, articles, mailing lists, reviews, unofficial In Nomine sites, and much more.
- MUSHes and other online environments for In Nomine.
- Character sheets for In Nomine, provided by Tafka J.
- Discuss In Nomine in the Steve Jackson Games Forums.

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