Written by Hunter Johnson
Edited by Andrew Hackard
Cover art by Christopher Shy
Illustrated by Christopher Shy
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
131 pages. PDF.
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Stock number 30-6418
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130 pages. Softcover.
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Stock number 01-6067
ISBN 978-1-55634-902-7
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128 black-and-white pages, softcover.
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Stock number 6418
ISBN 1-55634-518-6
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All Things Vile and Murderous . . .
They chase you, baying, through woods far from home. They lurk in the shadows to grab the unwary. They possess your friends and change them subtly. They smash through your bedroom wall and are on you before you can even scream. But you scream anyway.
Some creatures are tragically misunderstood – fearsome in appearance, but basically harmless, or even good.
But the ones in this book are just . . . monsters.
GURPS Monsters contains 48 of the meanest, vilest people, animals, and things to infest this (or any other) universe. With detailed biographies, motivations, and suggestions for encounters, each creature will make an impressive character or adversary. Meet:
- Literary and mythic monsters such as Asterius the Minotaur, Dracula, and Medusa.
- More recent legends such as El Chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, and the Queen of Air and Darkness.
- Wholly original foes! Pit your parties against Elrond Carver, the Atomic Lich; Pusan Chen, an undead dragon; and Sylvia Sternenkind, a bioengineered freedom-fighter turned contract killer!
Plus an entire chapter on playing monsters . . . and the people who hunt them!
Some threats you can fight; others you may flee. With the rest, all you can do is scream, and scream, and scream.

- GURPS Blood Types – A look at the vampire in legend . . . and, yes, in history . . . through the centuries and around the world.
- GURPS Undead – Everything from subtle hauntings to undead necromancers, from Gothic vampires to the brain-eating zombies of the B-movies.
- GURPS Villains – A compilation of dastardly foes from all ages, genres, and backgrounds. Crackpot spy-movie masterminds, backstabbing patricians, grim undead overlords, hard-bitten crime bosses . . . they're all here!
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

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