GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System

GURPS Creatures of the Night, Vol. 3 – Cover

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GURPS Creatures of the Night, Vol. 3

Available as a digital file!

Written by Jason "PK" Levine and Scott Paul Maykrantz
Edited by Philip Reed and Steve Jackson * Illustrated by Scott Paul Maykrantz

GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch

11 pages. PDF. * Price $4.00 * Stock number 37-1562
Always AvailableClick here to buy!

In the sea, the pets of mermaids surround a boat and pull it to pieces. In the forest, a green guru slips from place to place. On the plains, super-intelligent cows stand placidly, chewing their cud, and then vanish, to reappear a continent away. In the shadows, giant spiders spin webs that drag their victims through time.

In this installment of Creatures of the Night, Scott Maykrantz' eerie creations share the common thread of movement. They are suitable for any campaign, from time travel to fantasy, science fiction to modern horror. Each creature is fully described with stats and traits, combat options, and adventure ideas.

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