Written by Chris W. McCubbin
Foreword by Spider Robinson
Edited by Jeff Koke and Steve Jackson
Cover art by James Warhola
Illustrated by Donna Barr
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
128 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $19.95
Stock number 6047
ISBN 1-55634-221-7
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
Welcome to Callahan's, the Most Amazing Bar in the Universe!
Based on the books by award-winning author Spider Robinson. Callahan's is a place where anything can – and does – happen. From world-threatening aliens to time-traveling rock stars, you never know who will drop in!

- GURPS Infinite Worlds – The good news is, there are other Earths. Maybe an infinite number. The bad news is, somebody out there doesn't like us.
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