ERRATA – GURPS Conan Beyond Thunder River (Maps) – Updated July 8, 1996
Copyright © by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.
- The river is not as wide as shown. After crossing the river a character is still in the same hex until he moves again.
- H is high ground.
- P is the Pict Patrol.
- G is Gwawela, the Pict village headed by Zogar Sag. The shaded hexes around Gwawela are heavily patrolled by the Picts.
- T is Fort Tuscelan, the Aquilonian outpost on the Black River.
- V is "To Velitrium" – the easternmost hex on the Velitrium that appears on the area map.
- Dotted lines indicate Pict trails west of the Black River

- Trees are shown by a dark circle, indicating the trunk and a shaded area, showing the climbable branches and area of shade.
- Bushes are about a yard high. They are good concealment for anyone crouching or lying down (-2 to notice someone hiding in the bushes). It costs double to move through a bush hex, and any Stealth roll made while doing so takes a -3 penalty, due to the likelihood of snapping a twig or a branch. Thirty seconds of work with a sharp sword or axe will clear a bush hex.
- Trail hexes are identical to clear terrain except that they are heavily marked by footprints!
- The cabin is aflame during the battle; its hexes are effectively impassable, and block line of sight.
- The wagon is about a yard high; you can climb onto it without any special roll. Fighting from the wagon gives you a height advantage. See pp. B117, B123 for details.
- The shaded hexes are furniture. See text description in each encounter for details.
- Huts and buildings are indicated by dark shading; treat these hexes as impassable.
- The bonfire is a 10-foot-high column of flame. Any character within 2 hexes of the fire takes 1 to 3 points of damage per turn, due to the heat. Anyone actually entering the bonfire hexes takes 1d-1 damage per turn.
- The shaded area is water, at least 10 feet deep. Characters in these hexes must make swimming rolls, as described on p. B91.
- The shaded hexes are occupied by the men of the fort gathered round to watch the contest. Treat these hexes as impassable.