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Convention and Trade Show Schedule

This is a schedule of the game conventions that we know about, some of which we plan to attend. We are more than happy to help you promote your convention. If you'd like to add your con to our list, use our handy convention registry form.

We can also provide support to GMs who run SJ Games events at conventions and other types of convention support, such as GMs to run SJ Games events! Send mail to and let us know how we can help.

You can download these posters to publicize your games and help you find new players at conventions (or stores, or schools)!

We also need volunteers to help us at conventions.

[SJG Attended] Conventions listed with this pyramid symbol will have an SJ Games staffer in attendance. (For a list of JUST those conventions we'll be attending, click here.) If you would like a Steve Jackson Games staffer at your event, please read our guidelines for requesting a guest for your convention.

Caution and Disclaimer: SJ Games provides this page as a public service. The information has been provided by the conventions themselves. We cannot be responsible for errors, changes of plans, hoaxes, or Acts of God. Or the other side, for that matter. If you plan to attend, please contact the convention and verify things for yourself ahead of time!

May 2025 • June 2025 • August 2025 • September 2025

May 2025

May 31-June 1: Tabletop Oahu: Spring 2025 – Honolulu, HI
Location: Hawaii Convention Center, 1801 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815
Tabletop Oahu: Spring 2025 is a 2-day convention in Honolulu, Hawai'i that strives to create a safe space in Hawai'i to celebrate all facets and uses of Tabletop Gaming to grow the community, embrace neurodiversity and mental health uses of gaming, and create opportunities and connections to the global tabletop gaming industry!
Contact Person: Van H Fujishige
For more info, contact: 909 MAKAHIKI WAY #4, Honolulu, HI 96826

June 2025

June 6-8: DieCon 25 – Collinsville, IL
Location: Gateway Center, #1 Gateway Drive, Collinsville, IL 62234
DieCon is dedicated to promoting the Adventure Game Hobby. All facets of adventure gaming are represented at DieCon. Role-playing games, RPGA sanctioned games, CCG/TCG games and demos, board games, miniature (Historical, Sci Fi, and Fantasy) games, and tournament games will be presented.
Contact Person: Jon Bancroft
For more info, contact: DieCon 25, c/o: Jon Bancroft, 9 Orchard Lane, Collinsville, IL 62234

August 2025

Aug. 29-31: Dice Con – Lviv, Ukraine, Ukraine
Location: Lviv Palace of Arts, Kopernyka st 17, 79000
We're not just a convention but we're also an NGO with a mission. We want to unite people using tabletop games as a medium, to expand and highlight the Ukrainian creative community of TTRPG fans through the Dice Con festival and other topical activities. We help businesses to meet their customers, we help fans to find like-minded people, we want the hobby to spread and thrive in Ukraine.
Contact Person: Anton Smilevsky
For more info, contact: Zdorovya st., 16, app 41, 79013, Lviv, Ukraine

September 2025

Sept. 19-21: P-Con – Ft. Worth, Texas
Location: To be determined. It may be at same location as last year at the Holiday Inn DFW South.
A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention with a Literary twist. Nerds & Geeks meet up in a family reunion vibe from artists, writers, publishers, editors, voice actors, vendors, gamers, cosplayers, etc.
Contact Person: Crystal Gayle
For more info, contact: 504 FIELD ST, Colleyville, TX 76034

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