Development by Alain H. Dawson
Illustrated by John Kovalic
Based on Chez Geek by Jon Darbro
112 cards.
Suggested Retail Price $16.95
Stock number 1353
ISBN 1-55634-691-3
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
Chez Geek joins the army! Chez Grunt marches in on the heels of the wildly successful Chez Geek and Chez Greek, proving that the search for slack is universal, no matter where you might be.
More fun than a 40-mile hike with full pack, Chez Grunt lets you hunt for slack, better food, choice assignments . . . and even Nookie . . . in the barracks! Chez Grunt is completely compatible, of course, with its famous predecessor, Chez Geek.
You're In The Army Now – might as well get all the slack you can!

- Looking to design your own Slack? Need to replace that worn-out Nookie card? Try Chez Geek Blank Cards!
The Munchkin Level Counter includes a Chez Geek counter!

- The Chez Geek FAQ. NOTE! If you are using the new rules with the old cards, you'll need to read the FAQ file as well, or you'll never be able to get a new job when you lose your old one . . .
- What They're Saying About Chez Geek
- Chez Geek Glossary
- A list of Chez Geek promo cards
- Chez Geek wallpaper, in 800x600, 1024x768, and 1600x1200 resolutions!