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July 12, 2024: Driven Dreams

Our friends over at Diecast Media Network are working on a cool project, and they need your help to make it a success.
Driven Dreams is an annual event that aims to give diecast cars to kids in need. What sets this project apart from others is that participants donate vehicles to their local charities, rather than one particular group. Here's how the process works, according to the Driven Dreams website:
  1. Start by contacting local organizations to see if they accept toys. Examples include children's hospitals, shelters, community centers, or food banks.
  2. Collect unopened diecast cars to donate.
  3. Tally up your diecast vehicles, then contact Driven Dreams to let them know how many cars you're donating, as well as the organization you're giving them to. You can also send a photo of your donation to be included in a compilation video.
  4. Donate your diecast vehicles during . . .


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July 11, 2024: Discord At The Gaming Table

Wait . . . "discord at the gaming table" doesn't sound great? Well, that's why capital letters and brand names are so important!

It's been a few years since I've had an ongoing tabletop RPG campaign, and even longer since I've had one where there were secrets and lies flying about, but I just realized how much easier computers – especially apps like Discord – can make the whole experience.

No more pulling players aside or handing them private notes. If everyone has a laptop or mobile device at the table, the GM can shuffle around backhanded dealings or secret information that way!

I'm sure this is common knowledge among certain groups, but I just had an epiphany about the different gaming possibilities this opens up.

And as long as you're on Discord, why not check out the official Steve Jackson Games server?

-- Steven Marsh

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July 10, 2024: Project Dastan

I love TTRPG live streams, especially those that feature unique settings. That's why I was excited to learn about Project Dastan, whose goal is, "to show the creative and storytelling prowess of people from around the world, from various backgrounds, cultures, etc." Their first production will use Paizo's Pathfinder 2nd edition system and will be shot in India with local talent. Project Director KP Upadhyayula is no stranger to TTRPG livestreams – in addition to being a performer, he has also worked as a consultant for Critical Role and Riot Games, as well as writing for Eldritch Automata and The Crooked Moon.
It sounds like the first show from Project Dastan will take inspiration from Indian and Southeast Asian cultures, including their history, customs, and traditions. I don't know as much as I'd like about South Asian mythology and folklore, but I'm eager to see how Project Dasta . . .


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July 9, 2024: Car Wars Gets A Shout-Out In Forbes

Forbes writer Rob Weiland wrote about Car Wars Sixth Edition recently. The article covers some of the game's basics – history, lore, and mechanics – and offers a brief, balanced review of the overall gameplay. (Spoiler: he likes it!) You can check out the full article here.
When did you first start playing Car Wars, and what do you like most about the game? I'd love to hear about it on the forums!

-- Katie Duffy

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July 8, 2024: Make Mail Fun Again!

Here's a quick-and-dirty idea: postcards. They're cheap to print or buy, affordable to mail, and fun to receive. Some ideas:

• Invitation to an afternoon of Munchkin, complete with a special rule you put in the postcard.

• A mysterious map for players in a campaign for The Fantasy Trip. Include a cryptic note: "Help me, adventurer!" And see what they do with it. For ideas and inspiration, check out the free download of The Fantasy Trip 2019 Postcard Contest

• An in-game note for a specific player in your GURPS game. Maybe it's a tantalizing tip from a hidden ally, an ominous warning from a mysterious organization, or an idle threat from a mastermind. (Just don't make it too scary, in case the postal carrier gets nervous.)

If anyone uses any of these ideas, is inspired to do something cool and different, or has done something similar in the past, I'd love to hear about it on the . . . [more]

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